C h a p t e r T e n

Sting's POV

"Hey Y/n! Let's go somewhere today!" I shouted when I saw Y/n come through the doors.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked as she sat down next to me at the table with Rogue and Minerva.

"Why don't all four of us go to the beach? It'd be a nice relaxing day out," Minerva suggested.

"Yeah! Then Y/n can swoon over my muscular body!" I smirked. Y/n blushed and buried her face in my chest.

"Shut up Sting!" She muffled.

"I can't help that I'm so hot," I spoke dramatically, making her giggle. I love it when I make her laugh. It melts my heart.

"Well then it's settled!" Minerva beamed, "Let's get ready and meet back down here in twenty minutes?"

"Twenty?! We don't need that long!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah because all you boys do is throw in some swimming trunks and that's it. Us girls actually consider things like sunscreen," Minerva rolled her eyes, before dragging Y/n with her to get ready. Man, Minerva is feisty.

"I guess we should go get ready too," Rogue chuckled softly and I nodded.

Swimming trunks...what else would I need? Oh! I know! Sunglasses to make me look hotter if that's even possible. That's all, right?

"What else do we actually need?" Rogue popped his head in.

"I'm so glad that I'm not the only one wondering that," I laughed, "What do girls pack? They always seem to manage to bring tons of bags for a few hours."

"Agreed. I don't know what they could possibly bring," Rogue shrugged, "Let's wait downstairs for them first then."

"Okay," I nodded, grabbing my bag and walking down to the bench area. To my surprise, Minerva and Y/n were already there.

"Look who are the ones taking a long time?" Minerva smirked.

"I recall someone saying: Twenty minutes! We don't need that long!" Y/n imitated me.

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes, "If we knew you were down here, we wouldn't have taken our time because we would've been done way earlier!"

"Awh, is Stingy getting upset?" Y/n pouted, poking my nose while she was on her tippy toes.

"Yes. Yes I am," I pouted, "Do I get a kiss for it?"

"So smooth. Hmm, I'll have to think about it," She teased.

"How about now?" I smirked and kissed her softly on her lips.

"Okay let's go," Y/n chuckled when we pulled away, "By the time we get there, it'll be so late!"

"Do we have to go by..." Rogue's face went pale.

"A TRAIN?!" Both me and Rogue almost passed out.

Y/n's POV

I giggled at Sting's motion sickness. He had his head on my lap and he was as pale as paper. Rogue was hiding his face on Minerva's shoulder. My guess is that they're both suffering just as bad as each other.

"Baby..." Sting pouted up at me.

"We'll be there soon, I promise," I gave him a soft smile and ran my fingers through his hair. I was trying so hard not to laugh at him because I knew he'd get me back in some way later.

"I wanna get off..." He mumbled.

"I know," I spoke soothingly, "We're almost there."

"I think Rogue just passed out," Minerva commented, poking her boyfriend's head and not getting a reaction from it.

I looked down and saw Sting's eyes were closed.

"Same here," I chuckled.

"We can hear you, you know," They both murmured and we both burst into laughter.

When we arrived, Sting and Rogue stumbled out of the train.

We were finally here. The boys pulled a Gray and just stripped to swimming trunks, racing to the waters and belly-flopping in.

Minerva and I just laughed and put the towels down for a bit of sunbathing.

"It's so nice to have some peace and quiet from the guild," Minerva spoke.

"I agree," I nodded.

"OI GUYS!" Sting's voice bellowed out. So much for 'peace and quiet.' Both Minerva and I got up to see what was happening. Sting and Rogue had both built large sandcastles, "WHICH ONE IS BETTER?!!"

In fact, large was an understatement. Were they like, champion sandcastle builders or something? Jeez.

"Wow," I raised my eyebrows, "This might even be more stressful than being back at the guild."

"I've never even seen Rogue be so childish," Minerva's eyes widened, "I have very mixed feelings about this."

"Should we just dive into the water and pretend we can't hear them?" I suggested, "I don't really feel like choosing a sandcastle and causing a massive war between the two."

"Same here," Minerva nodded, "Let's go."

We both ran past the boys and dove into the water. We heard the boys shout at us, but we swam deeper into the water.

After a few seconds, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. It wasn't a surprise that they belonged to Sting (well duh, it wasn't gonna be Rogue, was it?).

"My sandcastle was better...right?" He gave me puppy dog eyes.

"I do not have an opinion," I replied, avoiding his eyes.

"B-b-but I worked really hard on it baby...it is good, isn't it?" He continued. He was literally so adorable. I've never seen this side of him before.

"Fine," I said under my breath, giving into his cuteness.

"ROGUE!!! Y/N SAID MINE IS BETTER!!!" Sting immediately jumped up.

"YEAH WELL MINERVA SAID MINE IS!!!" Rogue shouted back.

After playing in the water, we decided to let the sun dry us off. Minerva and Rogue had gone into the town near the beach to look at the souvenir shops, leaving me and Sting alone.

This was the moment. I had to tell him now.

"Sting?" I spoke.

"Yeah, babe?" He responded.

"I'm going to go back to the temple tomorrow," I blurted out.

"Why?" He got up and so did I, our eyes meeting. His were filled with worry.

"I think it can help me find out more about my past. It might help me understand where I came from and why Jiemma kept me a secret for so long-" I clasped a hand over my mouth. I wasn't meant to let that slip out. Damn it Y/n!!!

"W-w-what do you mean?" He asked. Guess the whole truth will have to come out now. This wasn't what I anticipated, but I guess it can't be helped.

"Sting, I haven't been fully honest with you... I've always been a member of Sabertooth. Jiemma took me in when I was really young, but he kept me hidden, so if any attacks were to happen, I was there. He wanted me to be Sabertooth's secret weapon," I explained, "I'm sorry I kept it from you. It's just that when Jiemma was gone, I didn't know what to do."

"Does anyone else know?" He asked, the look of disbelief still plastered over his face.

"Only Minerva. She was the only one that knew about me since she was the only one allowed to see me," I answered.

"So Jiemma kept you a secret because you were insanely powerful?" Sting asked, trying to clear up any confusion he felt.

"Yes," I nodded, "I'm sorry..."

"...It's okay," He gave me a small smile before turning serious, "But I don't want you to visit that temple again. It made you just zone out last time! It could be dangerous!"

"But if I don't go, I'll never know what happened to me!" I argued back.

"Please..." He begged. If I argue anymore, it may break our relationship. He means everything to me, I can't lose him.

"...okay," I nodded reluctantly. Even if he means everything to me, I need to know who I am. I can't continue being someone I'm not.

I'll just go tomorrow without him knowing. It's the only way, otherwise he won't let me.
