C h a p t e r O n e

Sting's POV

Minerva had come into my office because she said she had something important to talk to me about. I had no clue what it was about.

"So basically," Minerva began, "I've got someone that wants to join the guild."

"Oh, that's great. Are they here now?" I asked. Damn, I thought it was gonna be something bad, but it was just someone joining the guild.

"Yes actually," Minerva replied.

"Call them in," I nodded.

A girl walked in. She had h/c hair and e/c eyes. To be completely honest, she was bloody gorgeous, BUT, I'm professional and I do not hit on new recruits.

"Well hello there beautiful," I smirked. Yeah, no. Being professional ain't my thing. She seemed unbothered by my comment though.

She wore a baggy hoodie and black ripped jeans. Her hands were in her pockets and her hair wasn't tied up or anything, it flowed freely.

"You must be the master," She walked up to me. I was really curious and suspicious because I couldn't sense any magic power coming from her. Was she a fighter rather than a magic user? She held her hand out to me, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you too Y/n, as you already know, I'm Sting," I shook her hand. See, I can be professional at times, "Y/n, may I ask what magic type you use? Or are you a fighter?"

"I don't actually have a set magic type," Y/n answered. What did she mean?

"She knows multiple magic," Minerva chimed in, seeing my confused face, "And she knows how to fight."

"I'm that case, I'd like you to go against...Orga," I led her to the guild hall and pointed to Orga. If she really does know multiple magic and can conceal them, maybe I can test her magic strength through Orga. After all, he's a god slayer.

"Alright kid, come here!" Orga shouted cockily.

I looked towards Y/n as she looked at Orga. I could swear her eyes glowed golden for a split second, but maybe it was my imagination.

A magic circle appeared under her as she disappeared and reappeared in front of him. She really does have magic. What the hell? I thought she was lying as well.

"LIGHTNING GOD BELLOW!" Orga shouted, releasing black lightning at her. Y/n just stood there, not moving. Was she frozen with fear or what?

I looked towards Minerva with a questioning look.

"Just wait and see," Minerva motioned to the fight. When Orga's lightning had cleared, Y/n stood there with not even a hair out of place. She was completely unaffected.

"The hell...?" Orga choked a little before he regained his grip and shot another attack. This time, Y/n soared forward with a fire engulfed fist and hit him square in the face.

Orga stumbled backwards, but managed to shoot another attack. Y/n responded by having her arms go in a circular motion, which I'm guessing gathered all the lightning, and then shot it back at him. He only just about managed to dodge it.

"Woah kid, you're strong," Orga said, slightly out of breath.

"You're not so bad yourself," Y/n complimented back.

"I would like to challenge her," Rufus walked in.

Y/n's POV

A very formally dressed male started to walk towards me. I activated the magic in my eyes. They allowed me to see what magic type a person used. I could feel my eyes glow golden for a split second once again.

Memory make magic. Fair enough. He won't be able to copy my magic if I just fight him physically.

"Rufus Lore," He bowed.

"Y/n L/n," I nodded.

"Let's start. May the best one win!" He said. He waited for me to launch my first attack, but I just didn't. He stood there awkwardly.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you attacking?" I asked innocently.

"Ladies first," Rufus answered. Smooth. Real smooth.

"Well, don't mind me," I smiled. Then I dashed forward, so fast that no one even saw me coming, and landed a punch straight into Rufus' stomach. He was thrown aback, but stumbled to get back on his feet.

He started to cast another spell. My eyes flashed silver this time. Spell: A Night of Falling Stars. This was too easy.

I just stood and waited for it to hit me. When it was about an inch away from me. I just closed my eyes and they shattered. Opening my eyes, Rufus' jaw had literally fallen from shock.

Then I sped towards him again, appearing in different places around him, leaving attacks every time. When he finally fell in pain, you could tell how surprised he was just from the look in his eyes.

"Why couldn't I copy your speed magic?" He gasped.

"Because it's not magic," I laughed. He looked even more surprised to find out that I wasn't using magic when I was running. Then I held my hand out to help him up. What can I say? I'm a nice person.

Afterwards, we went back into Sting's office. Minerva was told to wait outside as he wanted to talk to me privately.

"Your magic is incredible," Sting beamed and then smirked, "Like your beauty."

Wow, this guy is professional. He probably does this to all the girls though, so I'm not bothered by the way he speaks to me.

"Thanks," I bluntly thanked him.

"I would love for you to join Sabertooth," He grinned.

"That's perfect," I smiled.

"Just get your guild mark later, but for now, I did want to ask you," Sting leaned forwards with his head on his hands and his elbows on the table, "Where the hell did you get your magic from?"

I already had my guild mark on the back of my neck. It was in my favourite colour, f/c. That's why I did my best to cover it using my massive hoodie.

"Training pays off," I lied. The truth was, I didn't know where my magic came from. I didn't really know much about myself to be honest.

"I see," Sting nodded. I could tell he wasn't convinced, but he seemed to drop it, "Well, welcome to Sabertooth, princess."

"Thanks," I got up from my seat and walked out to where Minerva was.

"Oh my goodness, he was literally drooling over you," Minerva smirked, "I've never seen Sting compliment a girl like that before."

"Doesn't he do that to everyone?" I asked.

"No," Minerva laughed. Oh. Okay. I feel awkward now. He doesn't even know me, so why would he be interested?

"Hey, it's me again, you know, Orga," Orga approached us, "Your magic is sick! Maybe we could train together some time?"

"Sure," I nodded, "Your magic is really cool as well."

"I couldn't even land a successful attack on you," Orga shook his head, "Really, I didn't expect you to be so strong. No offence."

"No one expects it," I laughed.

"I agree with Orga. I can't sense any magic coming off of you, yet your magic is stronger than anything I've seen," Rufus joined us, "How do you do that?"

"Come on guys, you'll scare her. Stop interrogating her," Minerva said, putting her hands on my shoulders and guiding me away. I'm so glad she got me out of that. I didn't know how I'd answer anyway.

"M'lady," A dark haired guy said as we passed him. I never understood why people referred to Minerva as 'M'lady.' Like seriously, she's gained some insane respect if they address her like that.

"Oh hello Rogue. Please, just call me Minerva," Minerva smiled, a light blush appearing on her cheeks. Woah. I see that blush. She looooovessss him. I ship it. They'd be a cute couple. It's officially Y/n approved, "This is Y/n, the new guild member."

"Hi," I waved awkwardly. Minerva and Rogue were talking, so I decided to leave them alone. Big mistake. I was so 'new' to this guild that I didn't even know anyone.

"Hello!" I heard a small voice. I looked down and saw a red exceed. He jumped onto one of the tables, so I sat at that table, "I'm Lector, Sting's exceed!"

"Oh, nice to meet you Lector," I smiled.

"Your power was sick!" Lector complimented, "Seriously, it was so cool!"

"Aha, thank you," I laughed lightly.

Sting's POV

I saw Y/n talking to Lector. I wonder what they were talking about since they were both laughing. Lector better not be telling her anything embarrassing about me.

Y/n was such a mysterious figure and her scent seemed so familiar, like it had always faintly been in this guild hall. Maybe I'm just exaggerating though.

Anyway, the point is, the girl is gorgeous and I want to find out more about her. She was just so intriguing.

I slid down the railing of the stairs and approached them.

"Oh hey Sting!" Lector waved.

"Hey Lector," I answered, "I see you've met our newest member. She's pretty amazing, isn't she?"

This time, I saw a light blush on her cheeks, but she tried to hide it by subtly pushing her hair in front of her face.

"Don't do that," I said and tucked her hair behind her ears, my face going extremely close to hers, "You're covering the beauty."
