C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n

Sting's POV

"She did all this by herself?" Rogue gasped. We had taken Y/n back to her place to rest whilst Minerva looked after her.

Rogue and I were back in the forest, examining the area we found Y/n in. There wasn't a single ounce of life. It really reminded me of Zeref's magic.

"I have a feeling she can do a lot more than this," I mumbled, running my hand down the trunk of a dead tree, then looking towards the hole in the ground that we found her in. Her magic must've been so powerful to cause that big of an indent in the ground.

"And that's why she needs to find out about her past, Sting," Rogue turned, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

"Okay, fine. It was an idiot move. I get it," I groaned.

"Yeah it was," Rogue nodded in agreement, "Do you know how lost she probably felt? Then her boyfriend decides to just leave her because the poor girl just wants to know who she actually is?"

"I GET IT!" I shouted, "I was an idiot."

"Are you sure you get it? I'd be happy to talk you through your wrongs again," Rogue raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine, Rogue. I know what I did," I growled.

"How can you even-?" Rogue began.

"I WAS AN IDIOT! I GET IT!!!" I cut him off. Rogue smirked at me as I glowered at him. Then I spoke in a much calmer tone, "I'll be apologising when Y/n is awake. Okay?"

"Good," He smiled.

"Now cut me some slack, will ya?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm, do you know how much she suffered?" Rogue continued.

"I KNOW!!!" I shouted, "I GET IT!!! OKAY?! I. GET. IT."

"She went through a lo-"

"I GET IT!!!"

I stomped my way back to my house so I could grab the gift I bought Y/n. Rogue followed behind me.

I went into my room, grabbed the box and walked back out.

"What did you get her?" Rogue asked.

"A necklace with a picture of me and her inside."

"Hey, maybe you should've got her a necklace with the message 'I'm sorry I was such an idiot for leaving you when you needed me' engraved!"

"Oh shut up Rogue."

When I got to Y/n's, I saw Minerva in the kitchen, wetting a towel.

"How is she?" I asked.

"A lot better. She was breathing heavily, and her temperature was fluctuating, but now she's much calmer and sleeping peacefully," Minerva spoke, squeezing the water out of the towel.

"Okay good," I nodded.

"Go place this towel on her forehead," Minerva handed me the damp towel.

"She won't want to see me," I frowned. Minerva lightly slapped me with the towel, "HEY!"

"Stop being a baby," She laughed and then threw the towel at me.

I glared at her before making my way up the stairs to her room. I put the necklace box in my pocket as I entered her room.

Quietly sitting next to her, I placed the towel on her forehead.

I wanted to sprint when I saw her eyes fluttering open. Why me?

"Sting," She spoke weakly.

Y/n's POV

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now," Sting scratched his neck nervously, "But I owe you an apology."

He was wrong. He was the only person I wanted to see. I even wished that he'd be the first person I see when I wake up. It seems my wish came true.

"I...I should've seen things from your point of view. You know nothing about yourself. Where you came from. Who you actually are. Me? I know everything about myself. I know where I came from. I know who I am," Sting spoke nervously, "I should've understood how lost you felt. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I responded. Tears of happiness threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Why're you crying?!" Sting panicked, "I said something wrong, didn't I?!"

"No..." I shook my head, laughing a little. I slowly sat upright and wrapped my arms around him, "I just missed you so damn much..."

"I missed you too," He hugged me back immediately, "I promise Y/n...I promise I'll be a better boyfriend. I promise I'll be by your side whatever the situation. I promise I won't leave you again."

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more," He smiled, pressing his lips softly against mine. Then I saw him reach into his pocket, pulling out a box, "I got you something..."

I gently opened the box, finding a intricately carved locket. I opened up the locket, seeing a picture of me and him.

"I love it," I grinned.

He spent the whole day by my bedside as I rested. I don't even know what happened earlier.

> Flashback <

"Why?" I breathed as tears streamed down my face, every droplet falling onto the green blades of grass.

The air around me felt thick and difficult to breathe in. My body felt hot, then it suddenly froze. Everything felt unsteady.

I hated how weak I felt. Why did I give him the power to hurt me like that?

Why can't I hate him?

Why do I still...love him?

My hands clenched the grass. The patches of grass I was holding onto suddenly just perished, turning completely black.

It was like a massive headache came over me. Isn't this what happens to Zeref? Then I felt pain overcome my whole body. Zeref says he only feels it in his head, not his whole body. This definitely isn't what Zeref faces.

It wasn't the pain that bothered me though, it was this feeling inside. I don't know what it was, but it felt like something inside me was locked, like I had to open it. I thought I had the key to opening it, but then I blacked out.

< End of flashback >

I don't know what happened after that. I don't know if I want to know...but I have to. It'll help me find out about my past.

"Sting?" I asked.

"Yes? What's wrong?" He responded.

"What happened back there? What did I do?"

"...Do you want me to show you?"


We put on our shoes and he walked me into a forest. I remember. This is the forest I ran into before the event.

The atmosphere suddenly felt unwelcoming and...dead.

We stopped.

"This is the area where we found you," Sting spoke, not meeting my eyes.

Everything around me was dead. There was no sign of life. There was a large hole in the ground just ahead of us.

"Did you...?" I pointed to it.

"Yeah, we found you there," He nodded.

I looked around. Even the sky seemed darker here. This magic energy...I know it's mine, but it feels so unfamiliar. I've never used this magic before...

I did all this...

Am I a monster?
