Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding

Several Years Later....

As Aspen sat on a metal crate, humming quietly to herself when a very broken and badly burnt ship appeared above , and began to slowly slid down the runway toward her. She watched it emotionlessly as drew closer before coming to a complete stop a few feet in front of her. She shook her head with a sigh before getting up as three people, and a driod exited what was left of the large battle ship. Anakin's hair had grown down to his shoulders in the passed few years, and she smiled at the sight of him as he walked over to greet her, but as soon as he was in arms reach, she hit him as hard as she could in the arm, causing him to flinch. " What-" He started to say but was cut off as the tiny girl began to yell at him. " I told you no more stupid stunts, Anakin Skywalker."

" I didn't really have much of a choice." He explained and her eyes narrowed at him before she turned to walk away. " I thought you would have been happy to see me." He said running over to cut off her exit, but she only glared at him in response.

" Aspen, what's wrong?"

" Nothing."' She said before shoving passed him and he stared at her on confusion as she climbed onto the transport as it arrived. " Is something wrong?" Obi-wan asked walking over and Anakin shrugged. " I just don't get her anymore, she's completely calm one minute, and then she's snapping at me the next for no reason at all."

" Have you tried asking her?" Obi-wan asked and Anakin let out a sigh. " Like I said, she won't talk to me." He told him before they joined her and the Chancellor on the transport, but as Anakin went to stand next to her like he usually would, she moved away and turned her gaze to the window with an annoyed look on her face.

After a few minutes of silence, Anakin spoke. " I'm sorry for making you mad, alright." He told her but she didn't respond, or even look at him.

When they landed, Aspen was one of the first off the transport and disappeared before he could try to make contact with her again.


Two days later, Aspen sat talking with Padme when Anakin entered causing the both to go silent. " Is there something hat I'm not allowed to know?" Anakin asked but Aspen didn't respond as she looked away.

" Nothing you need to worry about." Padme assured but Anakin wasn't ready to let it go just yet, not when it seemed that they were keeping something from him; something that also seemed to be bothering Aspen a great deal. He left a few minutes later, and she let out a sigh before leaning back against the sofa she was seated on with her arm over her eyes. " When are you going to tell him?" Padme asked and Aspen shook her head. " I'm not sure yet."

" Can you tell me again?" Padme asked and Aspen looked at her with a frown before letting out a sigh, and turning so that her head was head was lying on the arm. " I've told you ten times already."

" And I'll hear it as many times as it takes for me to memorize it."

She was quite as she stared at the ceiling before she closed her eyes and began. " My people come from a place beyond imagination; a place where time, and space are irrelevant. A place where land, sea and sky are so endless that you would never be able to tell where one ended and another began; but the greatest sight comes only at night when the stars reveal themselves.  Of 50, I was one of the only ones to make it here; the rest perished. "
