Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Over and over, we begin again

Aspen stood watching the celebration when Yoda and Obi-wan appeared next to her, but a grin appeared on her face when she saw that another had joined them. She looked over at Luke who had seen them too, and he grinned at her before turning to his sisters as she appeared. " It's up to them now." Obi-wan told her before looking over at her. " And to you

" So long as they need me." Aspen swore and Yoda nodded. " And need you, they will."

" If he starts looking for me, tell him I went for a walk." Aspen told the three of them, before she turned and started to walk further into the woods. Her footstep were silent and the only sound that stirred the silence was the fading music behind her. When it was at last quiet, Aspen sat down on a nearby log and looked up at the sky with a smile, before closing her eyes.

At last, Aspen felt at peace, and allowed herself to breath, knowing that the universe was safe once more.

In the coming months, several things would happen; Leia and Han would marry, a treaty would be signed and a new life would be brought into the world. A new chapter in Aspen's life, was about to begin.

27 years later...

Aspen sat with her eyes closed before a group of children, who sat mesmerized as she used the force to levitate an apple between her hands. " The force surrounds, and connects all things." She told them. " Don't think of it as an unstoppable energy, but an extension of one's self."

She opened her eyes before turning to a little girl at the front and moving the apple closer. The little girl reached out with her hands and Aspen smiled as the fruit wobbled between the girl's hands before dropping to the floor. The little girl blushed before ducking her head and Aspen let out a laugh before standing up to move to closer to her. " Do not be discouraged young one, in time your abilities will grow." She told her picking up the apple and placing it in the girl's hand.

The girl smiled at her before her eyes widened in shock, and several of the children ran over to the door. " Ben." They cried in joy and Aspen rolled her eyes before getting up off the floor.

" Lessons over." She announced to the remaining children, before eyes met Ben's and she exited the room. Several hours later, Aspen sat outside when Ben approached her. " I apologize for interrupting your lesson, again."

" I know you do it on purpose." She said with a smirk glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, before looking over as man with greying hair appeared a few feet away causing Ben to immediately glare at him. " Aspen, I thought you would have still been with the children."

" I let them out early." Aspen informed him and he glanced toward Ben before looking back at her. " Then you wouldn't mind speaking with me for a moment."

" Of course." Aspen said before shrinking down.

A few minutes later, Aspen sat on Luke's shoulder while he walked. " What did you wish to speak about?"

" The darkness in my nephew."

" Wh...what do you mean?" She asked hesitantly.

" Please Aspen, I know you can sense it as I do. There's to much of his grandfather in him for you not to."

Aspen didn't respond as Luke came to a stop and he looked at her before reaching over and gently picking her up so that he could set her on broken piece of wall. " I want you to look after him." Luke told her.

" But Luke-"

" Please Aspen,  I know what I'm asking and I know you will no longer be my guardian. He needs your guidance now."

" I understand." She said before climbing down and returning to her normal size. " I just hope that he will."

" Aspen." Luke called out as she started to walk away. " You are not to tell him why."

" Of course." Aspen sighed before she vanished around the corner in search of Ben.
