Chapter 6

Chapter 6

If you love someone, you must be prepared to set them free

Things seemed to be going well until a bunch of droids rolled out, and Aspen let out annoyed huff before turning with a grin when she saw Windu holding a lightsaber to the throat of the white haired man, Dooku as she had heard him be called. A could of large droids appeared and began to fire at Windu who deflected one of the blasts so that it hit the glass around Aspen, freeing her. She threw her hands out as she landed and launched the droids off the balcony, and into the fray below. Windu tossed her a pair of lightsabers before they leaped off the balcony to aid the other Jedi below.

After taking out several droids, she found herself next to Anakin, Padme and several of the other remaining Jedi, and surrounded by droids who then lowered their weapons as Dooku offered to spare their lives if they surrendered. When they refused, the droids then armed themselves to kill, only to be stopped as a bunch of ships appeared over head; each filled with a bunch of warriors in white.

Aspen and the remaining Jedi climbed on board several of the ships but as they took to the air, they found themselves under heavy fire and Aspen grinned before calling out at the same time that Anakin did. " Aim right above the fuel cells."

Explosions went off as droids were crushed under the weight of the falling structures, and Aspen grinned before turning to look at Anakin. " Try not to do anything stupid while I'm gone." She told him before leaping backwards out of the ship.

She flipped so that she would land on her feet, drew her lightsabers and drove them into back of a large droid before rushing off to take out as many droids as she could.


" I told you not to do anything stupid." Aspen sighed watching as Anakin flexed the fingers of his new metal arm before he met her gaze. " I thought you knew me by now, Aspen." He said and she rolled her eyes before leaning against the railing with her arms crossed, watching as the water sparkled in the sunlight of Naboo. They stood in silence for several minutes before Aspen broke the silence. " Why would you even ask me to do this, knowing that I wouldn't have choice either way?"

" You may be my guardian, but your also my oldest friend Aspen, I wanted to make sure that you were alright with this."

" Of course I'm not alright with this." She said turning on him. " You could be thrown out of Jedi order, you could lose everything you've worked for, and.." She trailed off and Anakin frowned at her.

" And what?" He asked and she let out a sigh. " At the same time, I want you to be happy."

" Then you'll do it?"

" Yes, I'll kep your marriage to Padme a secret, you have my word, not as your guardian, but also as your oldest friend." She said and he grinned before pulling her into a dug; completely unaware of the sorrowful look in her eyes.
