Chapter 2

Chapter 2

You are the master of your own destiny

Aspen sat tossing an apple in the air when Anakin sat across from her looking very upset. " You did nothing wrong, Anakin." Aspen told him just before the apple suddenly stopped falling, causing her to look up in confusion, only to be beamed in the forehead by the red fruit. They both turned as a guy a few years older then them appeared with a smirk and Aspen glared at him, before the fruit suddenly flew across the room; it would have hit him in the face like it had Aspen, if he hadn't raised a hand to catch it.

Aspen began to grumble under her breath as she slid down in her seat with her arms crossed, and Anakin let out a laugh at her attitude toward the older Padawan. Qui-gon appeared a few minutes later, and she frowned as he motioned for her to follow him before disappearing back into the room.

Anakin looked at her in confusion and she shrugged before stepping into the room, where a group of people sat in a circle at the edges of the room.

" Qui-Gon tells us that you've sworn to protect the boy, might we ask why?"

" I think you just did." Aspen stated and he gave her a look causing her to roll her eyes before she explained. " I'm sort of like a gaurdian angel and a conscience, all in one; only I can be seen and heard like a normal person. There isn't really a term for it, to be honest."

" And there are more of you?"

" 100 people for every one of my kind." Aspen respond and silence filled the room before one of them leaned forward with a frown.

" If there are so few of you, why this boy?"

" I wasn't sent for him, specifically. I've been looking after his mother, and her father, and his grandfather, since the very beginning. We don't look for force sensitives, we look for people who might, or might lead, to very important events. It is our duty to not only guide them, but protect them."

" Guaranteed, is his path?" An elderly green alien asked and she shook her head.

" No." Aspen said. " I can guide him, but the choice is his alone."

They all shared a look before dismissing her and Qui-Gon, but as she turned to follow him out, the elderly alien spoke up. " Tied to his your destiny is, but tied to another it will be."

" Like the threads of a never ending tapestry." Aspen whispered.


Having decided to take a nap in Obi-Wan's robe, Aspen awoke to the smell of singed metal and poked her head of the pocket just in time to watch Obi-wan take out a pair of droids with one swing." Nice one." She cried causing him to look down in confusion. 

" Aspen, why are you in my pocket."

" Well, what are you doing in the robes that I was using as napping spot." She countered before ducking as he nearly too off her head with his lightsaber as he deflected an attack back a droid.

" Go find Anakin." She heard Qui-Gon yell. " He's in one of the Starfighters."

She nodded before climbing out of the pocket, returning to normal size, and throwing out her hand with a cry causing all the droids nearby to be thrown through the air. She ducked behind a crate before making her way over to the Starfighter where Anakin was hidden, but she came to a stop when she saw a blaster sitting on the ground next to broken droid. She picked up the blaster before firing a couple of shots at a bunch of droids that got to close.

She threw the blaster when it suddenly stopped firing, knocking the head of a droid backwards.

When she made it to the Starfighter to the left of Anakin, Qui-Gon and the others were on their way out of the hanger. Anakin's Starfighter began to fire at a bunch of droids and Aspen let out a sigh as she watched it fly outside. She began to press a bunch of buttons in the cockpit, before the top slid down and it took off in the same direction that Anakin's had.
