Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it'll happen...

Something that Aspen would regret doing for next few decades: following Anakin Skywalker out of that hanger; she's still not quit sure what happened, or how she managed to land the Starfighter. The only thing she remembers, was alot of screaming, and button pushing.

When the Starfighter was finally back on the ground, Aspen climbed out and leaned against the side of it while her stomach tried to catch up with the rest of her. " I hate flying." She whispered just before Anakin's Starfighter landed a few feet away.

It wasn't until much later that they heard about Qui-Gon's death. Aspen didn't go to the funeral, choosing to mourn in her own way, she spent her time exploring the hallways of the Jedi temple in silence. She had been told by Obi-wan that the counsel had agreed to let him train Anakin, but only if Aspen were there to watch the boy as well; something that Aspen had no choice but to agree to.

She had been given a set of Padawan learner robes that consisted of a dark brown skirt, white tights, a sleeveless sandy brown shirt that showed off the permanent brace on her arm; a symbol of her people, and who she was. The brace could only be removed under a very special circumstance. She had tied her hair into a braid that went down to between her shoulder blades.

She had agreed to train along side Anakin, but had drawn the line at becoming a Padawan.

Anakin was not the first force user she had been sent to guard, there had been many others a long time ago and though the Jedi were different, their teachings and fighting styles had not differed; the one she favored was known as Jar'kai, which involved using two at at once. Using what resources she had, she crafted a pair of white bladed sabers; both which hung at her hips.

She peaked around a door frame to find Anakin training with Obi-wan. " Never let your opponent get the better of you." Obi wan told him before glancing her way as she entered the room. " You cannot rely on Aspen to watch you all times."

" I have never lost a charge, but there is always a first time for everything." Aspen added and Anakin nodded in understanding before raising his training saber. A smile crossed Aspen's face as she watched the two before she turned and left the room; he didn't need her, not now, but soon enough she would be the only one for him to turn to.

Several years later...

Aspen let out a yawn as she peaked out of Anakin's pocket, and Anakin glanced down at her with a frown. He grown in the passed 10 years, enough to where Aspen had been forced to make herself age with him, but to her he would always be the little boy from the sand. Aspen now appeared to be in her early 20s, instead of teens. Her kind did not age as humans did since they had no natural forms; she could appear at any age she pleased at any moment.

" You were up all night again, weren't you?"

She gave him a look before looking over as the elevator doors opened and Anakin began to follow Obi-wan and Jar Jar into the next room where they greeted Senator Amidala. Anakin began to stuttered out a greeting, and Aspen rolled her eyes before climbing out of his pocket.

As she landed, she grew to her normal size causing the Senator to look over with a grin. " I never understood how you do that."

" And you never will." Aspen said before bowing in respect." Senator."

The senator explained her concern, and that she wished to know who had tried to kill her. Obi-wan tried to explain that they were only there to protect her; a statement which was then interrupted by Anakin who promised to protect her. Obi-wan reminded him of his place, and Aspen frowned at Anakin in confusion; what was with him?
