Chapter 10

Chapter 10

It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later 

Aspen let out a sigh as she sat in the pocket of Obi-wan's robes listening as he got into a bar fight with a bunch of thugs. She climbed out of his pocket and Luke stared at her as she picked the guy's arm and threw it at his partner." I believe you dropped something."

She followed them over to table where they started talking to a pilot named Han Solo about taking them to Alderaan; seeing as there was no longer any room at the table, she stood leaning against the wall, and watched to make sure that no one listening. Han pointed out that someone had was starting to take an interest in them, and Obi-wan glanced at Aspen who nodded before disappearing into the crowd.

The next time they saw her, she was boarding the ship, pulling her hood back up to hide her bright her red hair, and tucking something into the sleeve of her cloak. " We won't be followed." Aspen told Obi-wan, who nodded in response before she shrunk back down and slipped back into his pocket to rest.

When she came back out, they were being drawn toward a space station in the distance. " You really get me into some weird situations." Aspen told Obi-wan.

" At least your life isn't boring." He responded before they took cover in a space under the floor. Several footsteps sounded above them and when it was clear that they weren't coming back, they put their plan of rescuing the young girl from Alderaan. While Obi-wan and Aspen went to deactivate the tractor beam, Han Solo, Luke and the Wookie, Chewbacca went to find the young girl, leaving R2 and C3-PO to locate the girl.

" He's here." Aspen said as the left them in the control room and Obi-wan glanced toward her. " Then what ever happens, you must keep them safe."

" It has been a pleasure serving with you, Master Obi-wan." Aspen told him and he smiled at her. " You talk as if this is the last we will ever see each other, are you forgetting what awaits me on the other side."

" If this goes wrong, it might just be the last time." Aspen said glancing around a corner before Obi-wan made his way over to the power unit, while Aspen worked on a second one further down. She had just finished flipping the switches when she felt someone near by and stepped back out into the hallway to find Obi-wan fighting with someone in dark clothing; the man she now knew as Darth Vader. The man she had once sworn to protect.

She noticed a bunch of troopers running toward them, and quickly drew her white sabers to cut them off. " Take one more step, I dare you." She said coldly and the troopers glanced at each other but as they raised their weapons to attack her she spotted Luke and the others a few feet away. She herd something hit the floor and glanced behind her just in time to see Obi-wan's cloak drop to the floor with lightsaber. " May the force with you, my old friend." She said in sorrow before leaping over to block the path of the troopers as they went to attack Luke. Her hood fell off as she landed and Darth Vader stared at her without a word.

'Aspen' He thought just before the doors slid closed, blocking his view of her.

Aspen began to deflect the beams back at the troopers as she made her way over to Luke, who she shoved toward the ship.

A few minutes later, they took off and Aspen let out a sigh of relief as she slid to the floor.
