Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Those who don't jump, will never fly

3 years later...

Aspen shivered as she stumbled through the frozen cave; having thought that she wouldn't need a coat since she usually traveled in someone's pocket. She had fallen out of Luke's pocket at some point, and was currently trying to find him; so that she could ultimately kill him for abandoning her to the cold like this.

She came to a stop at the sound of a scream, and peaked around the corner just in time to watch someone get torn apart by some sort of creature. She spotted Luke hanging upside down from the ceiling on the other side  of the cavern; his lightsaber lie in the snow a few feet from him, and just out of his reach. Aspen glanced toward the creature before ducking back around the corner, as Obi-wan appeared beside her. " How does one get hung upside down like that?" He questioned and Aspen let out a sigh. " After following this family around for as long as I have, I've learned to go with it." She told him shaking her head before glancing back around the corner to find that Luke had awoken, and was currently trying to summon his lightsaber; which alerted the monster.

Aspen was just reaching for one of hers when Luke's flew into his hand, and he freed himself before slicing off the arm of the monster.

" He's getting better." Obi-Wan told her. " But if he is ever to defeat his father, he will need training; training that only one can provide."

" I know." Aspen muttered before drawing her lightsaber and walking over to finish off the monster as it turned toward her.

When she caught up with Luke, he was lying half buried in the snow; she ran over to check on him and let out a sigh when she found that he was still alive. " Stay with me, Luke." She pleaded before lifting him up and helping him to his feet. His eyes lids lifted and a sigh of relief escaped her lips before she began to him forward. " I will not lose you, not like this." She told him as they trudged through the ankle deep snow.

After several minutes of walking, her legs gave out and they both went tumbling into the snow; she struggled to get back up before her body just couldn't take it anymore, and she fell into unconsciousness.


After several weeks Aspen awoke to find herself no longer on the frozen planet of Hoth. While she had been out of commission, the empire had attacked the planet; forcing the alliance to scatter to the stars. The planet that she, Luke and R2 were on was wild and over grown, it held monstrous creatures and the swamp seemed endless. On this planet they had discovered Yoda, Aspen said nothing to him as they followed him through the swamp, deciding to play along with Yoda's little game of messing with Luke.

Obi-wan appeared not long after they reached his home, and Aspen aided the elderly man in making dinner while Luke seemed to grow more impatient the longer they 'waited'. Yoda began to discuss quietly with Obi-wan, much to the shock of Luke who looked at Aspen in disbelief as she smirked at his expression. " Why didn't you say anything?"

" I wanted to see the look on your face." Aspen shrugged before digging into her meal as Luke and Obi-wan tried to convince Yoda to train him. " Think, what do you?" Yoda asked her. " His guardian's opinion, I wish to know."

" I see a lot of his father in him." Aspen said setting her bowl down. " But I agree with Obi-wan, he should be given the chance."

" Willing to risk it, are you?" Yoda questioned and Aspen nodded. " What's life without a little risk, right?"

Her response made Yoda laugh quietly to himself before he turned to Luke. " Shall see then, we will." 
