Chapter 9: Dazai Continues to Miss Kunikida and Argue with Chuuya

"Dazai, are you ok?" Kunikida asked.

"No," Dazai admitted.

"And why might that be?" Kunikida questioned.

"Because I miss you," Dazai replied.

"But I'm right here," Kunikida pointed out.

"I mean the real you. The one I always messed with," Dazai explained.

"Yeah, Kunikida. Snap out of it so Dazai can go back to annoying you instead...please..." Chuuya requested.

"Oh, Chuuya, you poor fool. I'd just annoy both of you and have double the fun," Dazai announced.

"I hate you so much," Chuuya muttered.

"Don't worry, shortie, the feeling's 100% mutual," Dazai replied.

Chuuya then proceeded to release a wrathful scream that had the potential to deafen the world.

"Yeesh, was that necessary?" Ranpo asked.

"Yes," was Chuuya's angry reply.

"Mr. Dazai, for the sake of us all keeping our hearing, could you PLEASE stop antagonizing Chuuya?" Atsushi begged.

"Fine..." Dazai agreed reluctantly.

About time, Chuuya thought. He didn't say it out loud, though. He thought that if he did, Dazai would go right back to teasing him.

Kunikida glanced at Dazai. "What do you mean 'the one you always messed with'? You've messed with me before?"

Not surprisingly, this made Dazai sad all over again. "You don't even remember all the times I gave you fake news to write about in your notebook?"

"I don't remember anything at all," Kunikida pointed out.

"Yeah, clearly," Dazai said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Dazai. I really am," apologized Kunikida.

"Don't be sorry, it's my fault for not helping you," Dazai replied.

"Again, what's done is done," Kunikida reminded him.

"Yeah but I still regret not helping you," Dazai insisted. "And if I hadn't promised you I wouldn't die then I probably would be dead right now."

"Then it's a good thing you did promise not to die," Kunikida declared.

"Kunikida, we get it. Dazai's your new favorite person," Chuuya commented bitterly.

"Someone's jealllloussssssss....." Dazai said in a singsong voice.

"FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME, I AM NOT!!!!!!!!" Chuuya yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You keep saying that but honestly, anyone can tell you are," Dazai argued.


"Ok...I guess I'll come back later. Have fun arguing, guys. I'm gonna go see if Yosano wants to do another checkup on me," Kunikida spoke up as he turned to leave.

"Nooooooooo Kunikida, come back! Pllleeeeaaaaaaassseeeeee don't undergo another checkup, those are the scariest things ever!" Dazai begged. "Dang it Chuuya, look what you've done, you chased him off."

"Oh yeah, like you had no part in it, you suicidal maniac," was Chuuya's sarcastic comeback.

"Well, you started it by commenting about me being his new favorite person. It's true, but that's besides the point, you're accusing him of favoritism," Dazai argued.

"BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!" Chuuya exclaimed. "He and I were besties until you had to go and cause him to get amnesia and now that that happened, it's like I'm yesterday's news! You just had to go and steal him, didn't you?!"

"You're literally accusing me of stealing him and you're not jealous? Interesting," Dazai noted.

Dazai had a point, and that knowledge angered Chuuya. Truth be told, he couldn't help feeling just a tiny bit jealous that Kunikida was now best buddies with the very person he used to complain about to Chuuya. Top ten anime betrayals indeed. Kunikida was now besties with the most annoying person on earth? Unthinkable!

Presently, a downcast-looking Kunikida returned.

"Everything ok?" Dazai asked.

"No. Yosano won't give me another checkup," Kunikida replied.

"Oh, that's a shame," Dazai managed to say, though he was thinking, good thing too, those things are the absolute worst.

"I know, right?" Kunikida agreed.

"Come to think of it, I'd say Chuuya needs a checkup, for I've diagnosed him with a strong case of jealousy," Dazai declared.

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Since when are you a doctor?"

"I don't need to be a doctor to point out the obvious fact that you're jealous that Kunikida and I are BFFs now," Dazai pointed out.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!" Chuuya shouted.

"Yeah, the more you have to insist you aren't jealous, the more I know you actually are," Dazai replied.

Kunikida sighed. "Do you guys ever stop fighting?"

"I would if your favorite person in the world wasn't so annoying," Chuuya answered.

"Are you sure you're not jealous of me hanging out with Dazai?" Kunikida questioned.

"I. Am. Not," Chuuya said through gritted teeth.

Kunikida shrugged. "If you say so."

"Kunikida, don't let him fool you. He's completely jealous," Dazai chimed in.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't remember asking you," Chuuya scoffed.

"So mean," Dazai replied.

Chuuya sighed. "Anyways, Kunikida, like I said, maybe if your BFF wasn't the worst being in existence, I wouldn't be like this."

"Like what?" Kunikida asked.

"He's always teasing me about my height and just annoying me in general," Chuuya explained.

"And Chuuya hates me, though I can't imagine why," Dazai added.

"I think you both need to try to get along better," Kunikida suggested.

"Even when you have amnesia, you still act as the agency's mom. I'm so proud," Dazai commented.

Kunikida was confused all over again, for he did not recall ever being referred to as the mom of the agency.

"Just take my word for it, Kunikida. Ever since we met, I've always seen you act like the mom to pretty much all of us. For example, you'd always be telling me to do my own paperwork for once," Dazai explained.

Kunikida looked shocked. "I told you to do that evil thing?!"

"You sure did," Dazai confirmed. "Though to be fair, you didn't think it was evil back then."

"There was a time when I didn't think paperwork was bad?" Kunikida somehow managed to look even more bewildered.

"Yep," Dazai replied.

Just then, two other members of the agency, Kenji Miyazawa and Junichiro Tanizaki, walked into the room. Naturally, they stopped short at the sight of Kunikida dressed like Dazai and not wearing his glasses, because who wouldn't be shocked at a sight such as that one?
