Chapter 21: Ranpo's Bull Troubles

Ranpo was currently alone at the agency's headquarters, for everyone else had set off to rescue Kenji from the clutches of the evil Mafia.

"Welp, I guess my job is to take care of Kenji's bull. I can't let the president down," he said to himself. He walked towards Kenji's locker and opened it.

Sure enough, the bull was just chilling in the locker. But he looked...sad? Well, that made sense given how Kenji had been abducted. Of course the bull was going to miss his beloved owner.

"Hey, bull. You alive?" Ranpo asked. He then noticed the name tag the bull had; it read: "Yamanashi." I didn't know the bull actually had a name, Ranpo thought.

Yamanashi didn't acknowledge Ranpo in any way.

"Hello?" Ranpo said.

But the bull remained in his unenergized state.

"Bull?" Ranpo asked.

No answer.

Ranpo sighed. He really hoped this wasn't going to turn into one of those frustratingly complicated situations.

Yamanashi opened his eyes and glanced at Ranpo for a minute, and then turned to face the other way.

"Wow, rude," Ranpo commented. "You dare treat the top detective at the agency this way?"

Yamanashi made no reply of any kind.

"Welp, this is gonna suck," Ranpo complained. "What did I ever even do to you? I know I'm not Kenji, but I'm not a bad guy. So why do you think I am?"

Yamanashi went back to looking sad.

"Hey...are you ok?" Ranpo asked, starting to get concerned.

Yamanashi still looked down.

"Do you miss Kenji?" Ranpo questioned.

Maybe Ranpo had imagined it, but he could've sworn he saw Yamanashi nod.

"I know, I do too," Ranpo agreed. "Hopefully he'll be back soon. Everyone else is trying to get him back. But in the meantime, I've been asked to look after you."

Yamanashi gave Ranpo a disappointed look, almost like it was saying Why you, of all people?

President, why did you make me be the one to look after the bull? Ranpo thought. "Let it be known that I don't like this any more than you do and I can't wait for Kenji to come back."

Yamanashi went back to lying down.

Ranpo sighed. Unless things improved, this didn't look like it was going to be an easy situation. He had no idea why he'd been the one requested to take care of Yamanashi. Clearly the bull didn't like him, so why? No, I shouldn't be thinking this way. I'm sure the president entrusted me with taking care of the bull for a reason. If I do well, then he'll continue to trust me, and maybe he'll even praise me for doing so well, Ranpo thought. He felt pretty conflicted. On one hand he was flattered that the president trusted him enough to look after Kenji's bull, but at the same time, the bull didn't like him.

Welp, if I've been tasked with pet-sitting, I might as well do my best, Ranpo thought. "Ok, Yamanashi. Want to take a walk?"

Yamanashi slightly perked up at the question.

"Huh, I didn't expect that to actually work," Ranpo muttered. He put a leash on Yamanashi and led him outside.

For a short while, Yamanashi walked alongside Ranpo in agreeable silence, but then he began to run wild.

"'re going toooooo faaaaaaast..." Ranpo complained, trying with all his might to rein in the bull.

But Yamanashi paid no attention whatsoever and continued to sprint.

"Argh..." Ranpo grumbled. "Why oh why have you done this to me, Mr. President? This is without a doubt a harder task than any case I've ever solved."

Yamanashi continued to rampage and showed no signs of stopping, or even slowing down.

"YAMANASHI, QUIT IT!" Ranpo yelled, slowly beginning to get fed up.

But the bull paid no attention and just continued to run.

Ranpo was even more annoyed now. This animal was, for lack of a better phrase, stubborn as a bull. He began to wonder why someone else hasn't been asked to watch the bull. Why oh why did it have to be him? Why? Just why? No, calm down, Ranpo. If the president entrusted you with this job, then surely he has a reason for doing so. Those were the things Ranpo tried to remind himself so he could have even a slight chance at keeping a small sliver of his sanity. And so far it was...not working too well. Maybe if I let Yamanashi run and get it out of his system he'll behave better later.

For a little while longer, Yamanashi sprinted around, and after what felt like ages, he began to slow down.

"Thank goodness," Ranpo panted. Suffice to say pet-sitting was now officially the most exhausting thing he'd ever done.

Likewise being exhausted, Yamanashi laid down on the grass.

Ranpo stared down at the bull. "You, sir, are something else."

Yamanashi looked satisfied with himself.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're happy. At least one of us is," Ranpo remarked. He flopped onto the ground next to Yamanashi, too exhausted to do anything.

Yamanashi, on the other hand, looked as content as he could be as he munched on some grass.

Now that he wasn't trying to calm a wild bull, Ranpo went back to thinking. He hoped that the rest of the agency had gotten Kenji back, or was at least close to it. Please be ok, Kenji...we all miss you...

As if he had read Ranpo's mind, Yamanashi began to look sad and worried, too.

Ranpo glanced over at Yamanashi. "I know, boy. I miss him, too," he admitted, stroking Yamanashi's head.

Yamanashi appeared to be a lot calmer now, if only because he was sad that Kenji had been kidnapped.

After awhile, Ranpo decided to head back to the agency's headquarters. "Ok, Yamanashi, come on. We're heading back."

No answer.

"Erm...Yamanashi?" Ranpo asked.


"Yamanashi...?" Ranpo said.

Still nothing.

"Ya-ma-na-shi?" Ranpo repeated.

Surprise surprise, there was still no reply.

Ranpo glanced at Yamanashi, who appeared to have fallen asleep.

Ranpo sighed. "Great. How am I going to get a sleeping bull back to Kenji's locker?"

Yamanashi was peacefully napping and didn't show any signs of waking up anytime soon.

"Guess I'm stuck here until he wakes up," Ranpo said. He laid back down. If Yamanashi was resting, then he might as well also try to. But not even a minute later, Yamanashi woke up and started nudging Ranpo.

"Just my luck," Ranpo muttered, getting up. He took hold of the leash and began to walk Yamanashi back to the agency's headquarters.

Once they had returned, Yamanashi went back to relaxing in Kenji's locker. As for Ranpo, he sat at his desk, hoping that everything was going well and that Kenji would soon be returned safely.
