Chapter 3: The Shocking Discovery

Dazai took a step back and froze in shock. " don't remember me?"

"Sorry, I don't," Kunikida replied, then instantly wished he hadn't, for Dazai looked like he was in the depths of despair. Kunikida began to feel guilty, but it was true, he didn't remember any of these people who apparently knew him.

"Kunikida doesn't remember me...this is all my fault..." Dazai said, almost as if he were talking to himself.

"What is?" Atsushi asked.

"I wasn't helping Kunikida on the mission. If I hadn't wandered off, he wouldn't have had to come looking for me and he wouldn't have gotten attacked by that criminal..." Dazai explained.

"Well in that case, you should've helped him," Ranpo stated bluntly.

"I know..." Dazai replied, dejected.

"Well...other than not remembering anything, Mr. Kunikida seems ok," Atsushi chimed in, trying to look on the bright side.

"All thanks to yours truly," Yosano announced. "Shame I couldn't find a way to cure his amnesia, though."

Meanwhile, Kunikida was staring at his desk with a look of horror on his face.

Dazai noticed. "You ok, Kunikida?"

Kunikida pointed towards the huge stack of paperwork on his desk. "That stuff's evil."

"You said it, Kunikida. Paperwork sucks," Dazai announced. Despite his sadness over the whole situation, he was glad to know that Kunikida had finally seen the light. Paperwork was truly an evil force, and it must be defeated at all costs.

"It really does," Kunikida agreed.

"Whhhhaaaaaatttttttt?! Did Mr. Kunikida and Mr. Dazai just agree on something?!" Atsushi asked in disbelief.

"Truly a shocking turn of events," Kyouka noted.

Kunikida glanced over at Atsushi and Kyouka. "What's so shocking?"

"The fact that not only do you apparently hate paperwork now, but also that you agreed with Dazai of all people. You've never done that before," Yosano pointed out.

"I've never agreed with this guy? Why not? He seems cool," Kunikida asked.

Dazai was rendered speechless. Was he hearing things or did Kunikida just compliment him? He stared at Kunikida in shock.

Kunikida stared back.

Dazai was feeling pretty conflicted now. While it was nice to hear Kunikida compliment him, he was also worried that Kunikida was doing worse than he originally thought. And that made him feel even worse? What if Kunikida was never himself again?

"You ok, Mr. Dazai?" Atsushi asked, interrupting Dazai's depressing and anxious train of thought.

"Uh...yeah...?" Dazai replied unconvincingly.

"You don't look it," Ranpo observed.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm ok! I'm not at all worried that Kunikida might not ever get his memory back," Dazai lied. The truth was though, the more Kunikida acted different, the more worried Dazai got.

"No offense, but you're not exactly fooling anyone," Yosano spoke up.

"I'm sure he'll be ok. This is Kunikida we're talking, remember?" Kenji added.

"Right..." Dazai replied, still visibly worried.

Ranpo had fallen quiet, but now he had an idea. He rummaged through Kunikida's desk until he found his notebook. This had to work...right? Ranpo picked up the notebook and brought it over to Kunikida.

Kunikida looked puzzled but took the notebook and flipped through it. He looked even more confused as he read the endless lists of plans. He glanced up at everyone. "Who is this person who just plans every single little thing out and writes about it in a notebook? They sound like a total killjoy and I'd hate to be that guy."
