Chapter 7: Chuuya Learns the News

"I HEARD THAT, YOU JERK!!!!!!!!" Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai's arch nemesis and former partner shouted, appearing out of nowhere and tackling Dazai.

"Awww look, the child is mad," Dazai taunted, because apparently he had a death wish (who would've guessed it? :P)

"I'M NOT A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chuuya shouted, punching Dazai in the face and pinning him to the ground.

Kunikida had temporarily been frozen in shock due to Chuuya's sudden appearance, but now he had recovered somewhat and looked curiously at Dazai and Chuuya. "What's up with you two?"

Chuuya got off Dazai and then he briefly glanced up at Kunikida. Something didn't seem right, so he took a second look and...did his eyes deceive him? Did Kunikida actually look relaxed for once? "More importantly, what happened to you?" This was truly a strange sight to behold. Since when was Kunikida this calm?

"He currently has amnesia," Kyouka spoke up.

"Lucky him. I wish I could just forget Dazai," Chuuya complained.

"Ouch, you didn't have to do me like that," Dazai said.

"Yeah, I did," Chuuya argued.

"Come on guys, stop fighting," Atsushi urged.

"Sorry, Atsushi, no can do," Dazai replied.

"Honestly, Atsushi, it's no use. Those two fight like cats and dogs," Yosano pointed out.

"Once upon a time, so did Dazai and Kunikida. Or rather, Dazai would constantly annoy Kunikida and Kunikida would always question why his life has come to this," Kyouka noted.

"That never happened," Kunikida argued.

"It did, it really did," Yosano insisted.

"So I'm assuming Kunikida doesn't remember me, either?" Chuuya asked.

"I doubt he remembered you in the first place since I've always been his favorite person," Dazai interjected.

"Well either way, he's better off because he has the good fortune of having forgotten about you. And you were never his favorite person. And I bet this was your fault in the first place," Chuuya shot back.

Dazai's downcast expression returned. "You're right, he is better off..."

Chuuya smirked. "I'm glad you realize it."

Dazai didn't answer. Chuuya had hit right at the heart of his worst feelings about the situation.

Satisfied that he had won this particular argument, Chuuya went back to observing Kunikida. "Wait, why's Kunikida not wearing his glasses?"

"He apparently has no need for them and thinks they make him look uptight," Yosano answered.

"Eh, I could see why he might think that, but I don't think they looked that bad," Chuuya remarked.

"Yeah, they really didn't," Atsushi agreed.

The next thing Chuuya noticed made his jaw drop. "WHY IS KUNIKIDA DRESSED LIKE DAZAI?!"

"Well you see, Kunikida's decided that he likes Dazai's fashion taste," Ranpo declared.


Dazai had gotten out of his funk, at least for now. "Ok, first of all, rude. And second, I'll have you know I have great taste. You on the other hand do not."

"YOU WANNA DIE?!" Chuuya screamed.

"Do you know who you're talking to?! Yes, I wanna die!" Dazai retorted.

"Well, too bad. You won't be doing that," Chuuya replied.

Dazai sighed in defeat. "Darn."

Kunikida stepped in between Dazai and Chuuya. "First of all, the guy in the hat is right, you can't die yet, Dazai. Second, Chuuya, was it? Why do you sound like an angry maniac? And finally, what's with you two?"

"Yeesh, my eyes. I can't even look at you, Kunikida. You looked so much better before you started dressing like the suicidal maniac who has zero taste in fashion," Chuuya complained.

"Rude," Kunikida and Dazai replied in unison.


Everyone covered their ears, for Chuuya was quite possibly the loudest person on the planet.

"Chuuya, I think you meant to say 'it's better than I thought', cause you're right, it is," Dazai said.

"No, you waste of bandages, I meant exactly what I said," Chuuya argued.

"Did you, though?" Dazai asked.

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Yes. Duh."

"What a shame. I think you're just jealous that Kunikida and I are BFFs now since you used to bond with him over how annoying you think I am," Dazai announced.

"I. AM. NOT. JEALOUS!" Chuuya shrieked.

Dazai smirked. "Keep telling yourself that. No harm in admitting you're jealous, though. We all know you are."

"I will, cause it's true!" Chuuya retorted. "I'm. Not. Jealous. You. Got. It?!"

"Do you guys always argue this much?" Kunikida asked.

"Yes, yes we do," Dazai and Chuuya answered together.

"No, no, no, no! I did not just speak at the same time as the suicidal maniac!" Chuuya exclaimed in frustration.

Dazai cracked up laughing. "Yes, you did!"

"SHUT UP!" Chuuya screamed, punching Dazai.

"All right. Break it up, you two," Ranpo directed, separating Dazai and Chuuya.

"Aw, come on, detective. I wasn't done punching that waste of bandages yet," Chuuya complained.

"Too bad," Ranpo replied.

"Hmph. Listen, Dazai, we'll continue this later. You can count on that," Chuuya announced.

"Oh, yes, we shall," Dazai agreed.

Ranpo sighed. "Give it a rest, you two."

"Sorry detective, no can do. You see, I need to make Dazai pay for calling me short for the billionth time," Chuuya declared.

"Aw, someone can't handle the truth," Dazai taunted.

"Mr. Dazai..." Atsushi warned.

And just like that, the last frail thread of whatever tiny bit of patience Chuuya might've had left met its end. "THAT'S IT! THAT. IS. IT. YOU'RE COMING WITH ME RIGHT NOW! TIME TO DIE!" Chuuya began to drag Dazai outside.
