Chapter 27: Kunikida Gets His Memory Back

Oh, crap... Chuuya and Akutagawa thought in sync. They'd meant to attack Dazai with their abilities, but the sneaky guy moved out of the way at the last second. As a result, Kunikida had been hit, and now he was unconscious.

"KUNIKIDA!" everyone screamed in unison.

"Welp, time to take him to my office," Yosano announced, looking more thrilled about it than she should. "Someone help me out here."

Ranpo and Yosano began to take Kunikida back to the agency's headquarters, and everyone else followed.

"Don't die, Kunikida!" Dazai begged.

Chuuya and Akutagawa were left standing frozen for a minute, but they soon began to follow Yosano and Ranpo.

"Nice going, guys," Dazai commented.

"You have no room to talk! We were aiming at you, and you moved out of the way so Kunikida got hit instead!" Chuuya snapped.

"...well, I guess I can't argue that," Dazai admitted.

"So really, you're just as much at fault as we are," Akutagawa added.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't rub it in," Dazai said.

But Chuuya proceeded to do just that. "You already failed him once, and ya did it again. How surprising."

Dazai was rendered speechless for a minute. He had failed Kunikida again, Chuuya was right. When would he ever stop doing that? Kunikida didn't deserve this, and yet there Dazai was, being a failure. No wonder Kunikida used to dislike him...

Atsushi interrupted Dazai's sad thoughts. "Are you ok, Mr. Dazai?"

"Uh...yeah! Totally," Dazai lied.

Atsushi looked at him skeptically.

"...ok fine, I'm not," Dazai confessed.

"I'm sure Mr. Kunikida will be ok," Atsushi said, trying to be reassuring.

"But he was hit with two powerful abilities," Dazai pointed out.

"Has that ever stopped him before?" Atsushi asked.

", but-" Dazai began.

"Then I'm sure this time's no different," Atsushi interjected.

"I wish I could believe that as easily as you do..." Dazai sighed.

"As bleak as this may seem, maybe Kunikida will get his memory back now?" Kenji spoke up.

Atsushi looked over at Kenji. "I didn't think of that! Hopefully he will..."

"Either way, though, Kunikida's definitely not dead. It'll take more than that to defeat him," Junichiro chimed in.

"You guys are all so sure he'll be ok. I envy you for that," Dazai sighed.

And he says I'm the jealous one, Chuuya thought.

The group finally made it back to the agency's headquarters. Yosano headed straight to her office with Kunikida.

"Checkup time," she announced with a wicked grin as she ominously closed the door.

"Now we wait," Atsushi said.

"Indeed," Dazai agreed. Please don't die, Kunikida. I don't know what I'd do without you...

After what felt like forever, Yosano opened the door to her office and let everyone know they were allowed to enter.

Dazai rushed over to the bed, and there lay Kunikida, still unconscious. He looked peaceful, and in normal times that would be shocking, but as of late, it had become typical.

"Is he ok?" Dazai asked hesitantly.

"Are you implying that you doubt my almighty doctor powers?" Yosano demanded.

"N-no, not at all!" Dazai stammered.

Yosano laughed. "Relax, I was just kidding. All jokes aside, though, I think he'll be fine. He just needs to sleep it off a bit."

Dazai sighed in relief. He was glad to hear Kunikida was ok, but he wished he knew how long it would be until Kunikida woke up. Would it be soon? Or would it take awhile? Or would it take...forever? No, don't think like that, Dazai. He's not dead, Dazai thought. But despite knowing Kunikida was alive, Dazai couldn't stop himself from worrying. He hadn't been this worried since Kunikida came down with amnesia. Come to think of it, he'd been worried about Kunikida this entire time. Sure, it had been nice to be able to get along with Kunikida for once, and Dazai was enjoying the fact that Kunikida liked him now, but underneath all that, he had a strong sense of fear that wouldn't go away. He'd tried to keep his mind off it, but nothing seemed to work. Deep down he genuinely did worry that Kunikida would never get his memory back and the old Kunikida would never be seen or heard from again. Despite the two of them having their differences, Dazai really did miss the old Kunikida, and honestly, so did everyone else. It just wasn't the same without the agency's mom there to make sure everyone was being responsible. The agency as a whole just felt empty.

"Mr. Dazai, you look like you're worrying again," Atsushi spoke up.

Dazai didn't even bother trying to deny it. "I am..."

"I'd say don't worry, but that advice doesn't seem all that helpful, and I can't really talk since I'm worried about Mr. Kunikida, too," Atsushi continued.

"I miss him, Atsushi. The real him," Dazai admitted.

"I do, too."

"Don't get me wrong, it's been great that he considers me his BFF, but it's just not the same as having the real Kunikida around. It's just...nothing really feels right without him there to boss us around. I'm sure we can all really feel the lack of his presence."

Atsushi nodded in agreement. "I know, Mr. Dazai."

"And I know he's alive, but somehow that doesn't cause my worry to go away."

"That's fair. You're probably thinking of all the what-ifs."


"I know this might be easier said than done, but try not to think about that. What matters is that Mr. Kunikida's safe, even if he hasn't woken up yet."

"I'll try..."

While Dazai and Atsushi were having their conversation, the 3 musketeers (aka Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Q) were standing off in a corner a little ways off from the others.

Though Chuuya would never admit it to Dazai, he couldn't lie, he did feel guilty over what had happened. The last thing he had wanted to do was render Kunikida unconscious or harm him in any way. What if Kunikida doesn't wake up because of me...? Maybe I just shouldn't be anywhere near him, what if something happens again? Don't die, Kunikida... he thought anxiously.

"Chuuya?" Q asked.

Chuuya was snapped out of his worrying thoughts. "Yeah?"

"You look worried," Q pointed out.

Chuuya considered denying it, but in the end he knew it would be no use. Q and Akutagawa were way too perceptive. "I am...what if Kunikida's severely injured cause of me?"

"You didn't mean for this to happen, and it was Dazai that you were aiming for," Q pointed out.

"Maybe, but it still happened..." Chuuya replied.

Akutagawa, on the other hand, looked mildly annoyed. "Why did Dazai have to go and do that? Now Kunikida's unconscious and we're feeling at fault for it."

"Guys...I'm sure he'll be fine," Q said, trying to be reassuring.

"I hope so..." Chuuya replied, still worried.

Meanwhile, Yosano was keeping a close eye on her patient. She'd done all she could, but he still hadn't woken up yet. She was beginning to get as worried as the rest of the people in the room and for a brief moment even began to doubt her abilities.

Dazai was still sitting by the bed, and he never once took his eyes off of Kunikida even for a second. He couldn't remember ever being more worried about anyone. Please be ok, Kunikida...please...

As if Dazai's silent thoughts had somehow communicated with Kunikida, the latter began to slowly open his eyes.

Dazai watched in anticipation. "Kunikida?!"

Kunikida looked around the room. His eyes finally settled on Dazai, and he began to squint a bit. Did he know this guy? And if so, why did he look so familiar? Wait...was that his annoying colleague who was always looking for some way to die? What was his name...?

Dazai just stared back, trying to remain positive but also bracing himself for the worst.

"Dazai, is that you...?" Kunikida asked hesitantly.

Dazai smiled his first genuine smile in what felt like forever, that's how happy he was to have Kunikida back. "The one and only. Welcome back, buddy."

"What happened...?" Kunikida wondered aloud.

Everyone in the room looked at each other like, "who's gonna tell him?"

Seemingly not noticing their expressions, Kunikida continued. "I had the strangest dream. I forgot everyone and everything. Dazai was constantly worried about me, and we were the best of friends-"

"Uh, Mr. Kunikida, that was real," Atsushi informed.

Kunikida looked surprised. "It was?"

"Yep, I was so sad when you forgot me, but it was also kinda great cause we got along," Dazai replied.

"Honestly, Dazai, you're unforgettable, even if I did kind of forget you for awhile," Kunikida remarked.

"Do you mean that in a good or bad way?" Dazai asked.

Kunikida smirked. "That's for me to know and you to decide."

"Aw, come on," Dazai whined.

Kunikida laughed. "Ok, ok. I mean just what I said: for better or worse, you're impossible to forget."

"I'm flattered," Dazai said with a smile.

Kunikida glanced over at the corner and he saw the 3 musketeers. "Chuuya, hi!" He smiled a very uncharacteristic smile, and it was even more uncanny since he had his memory back now.

"Kunikida, you finally remember me?!" Chuuya exclaimed.

"Don't tell me I forgot Chuuya, too," Kunikida said.

"You did," Yosano replied. "Seeing you with amnesia was...quite unsettling, to say the least."

"Yep, alas, you had forgotten me," Chuuya declared.

"Sorry," apologized Kunikida.

"It's all good. I know you didn't cause yourself to get amnesia," Chuuya replied.

"What are Akutagawa and Q doing here?" Kunikida questioned.

"They've just been tagging along with me. That and Akutagawa's declared he's done trying to get Dazai to acknowledge him," Chuuya explained.

Kunikida looked surprised to hear this news.

"Yeah, yeah, I know it's shocking," Akutagawa sighed. "But it's true."

Dazai chose to make no further comment, for he knew that if he did, he'd just be roasted by someone in the room again.

Just then, Kunikida's sight began to blur. He squinted in an attempt to be able to see better...until he remembered he wasn't wearing his glasses. "I can barely see you guys, and that reminds me of something else I dreamed: I decided I didn't need glasses. And speaking of...does anyone know where they are? I really do need them."

"Yep!" Yosano replied, handing Kunikida's glasses to him.

He thanked her and put them on. "Much better."

"That was real, too," Kenji announced.

"Though I will say this, Kunikida, you were right about one thing. You said your glasses make you look uptight and you don't need them," Dazai added.

"I said that?!" Kunikida exclaimed.

"Yep," Dazai and Atsushi replied.

"And let me guess...the part where I forgot my notebook is real too?" Kunikida asked.

"Indeed," Yosano confirmed.

"That really shocked all of us," Junichiro added.

"Know what else happened? You started to hate paperwork," Fukuzawa chimed in. "You wouldn't believe the amount of paperwork that piles up when you don't do it."

Kunikida's eyes widened. "Oh no, Dazai was a bad influence on me. And as a result, I probably now have the largest stack of paperwork in history on my desk. I'm so looking forward to that..."

"For real," Yosano agreed.

"Y"all are mean," Dazai complained.

"One of the most shocking things, though, is that you started liking checkups," Ranpo announced, ignoring Dazai's comment. After all, he'd heard it multiple times at this point.

Kunikida began to turn pale. "I...liked checkups...?"

Yosano grinned. "You sure did, and I had so much fun doing them. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm almost sad you're back to normal cause now you won't let me operate on you. But that's not to say I'm not glad to see you back to normal, it was a thousand times worse to see you agree with everything Dazai said."

Kunikida looked like he was ready to faint.

Sensing this, Kyouka decided to add to the conversation so Kunikida wouldn't faint. "You also said your worst nightmare is Dazai dying."

"I said that?" Kunikida asked, looking shocked.

"You sure did, and I was very shocked to hear it," Kyouka answered.

"Well, I mean..." Kunikida began.

"He said that?!" Chuuya asked in disbelief, cutting Kunikida off before he could finish his sentence.

"Haha, someone sounds jeeeeaaaaalllllllllooooouuuussssss..." Dazai teased.


"Owie," Dazai said.

Kunikida sighed much like a tired parent would. "Ok, you two. Dazai, that wasn't necessary. And Chuuya, I understand Dazai's annoying, believe me, I do, but you don't need to punch him. And please stop deafening us."

"Fine..." Chuuya agreed reluctantly.

"Aww, Kunikida's back to being the agency's mom," Dazai remarked.

"Dazai..." Kunikida warned. He paused and examined himself. "Wait...why am I dressed like you?"

"You said I have a good fashion taste and asked me to teach you my ways," Dazai explained.

"And he constantly said my fashion taste sucks and he bragged about his 'taste', if it can even be called that," Chuuya added, scowling.

Kunikida took a minute to let that sink in. "Wow. Amnesia really made me different."

"It really did..." Chuuya agreed. "And lemme tell ya, it felt pretty high in terms of top ten anime betrayals."

"Sorry, Chuuya," Kunikida apologized. "I didn't mean to forget you."

"No hard feelings. Again, I know you wouldn't have chosen to get amnesia," Chuuya reassured him. "And by the way, I have a lot to tell you. Meet me later?"

Kunikida gave him a thumbs-up, but part of him was a bit worried to hear about what might've happened while he had lost his memory.

Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Q waved and then began to head back to the Mafia's headquarters.

"Kunikida, you were greatly missed, believe me," Yosano announced.

"Agreed. Honestly, it felt so empty here without you to boss us around," Atsushi chimed in.

"I mean, it was nice being BFFs, but I can't lie, I really missed you, too," Dazai admitted.

"Thanks, Dazai. I have to ask though: what caused the amnesia?" Kunikida asked.

At that moment, Dazai went uncharacteristically quiet and looked anywhere but at Kunikida.

Kunikida was confused. "Dazai?"


"Why are you scared?"

"I-I'm not!"

"You're not fooling anyone? You're correct in saying so."

"Very funny."

"All I did was ask a question."

Dazai realized that denial would get him nowhere. "Ok, I'll tell you. We were on a mission and chasing a criminal, but as always I was trying to die instead of helping, so the criminal knocked you out."

This time it was Kunikida's turn to go silent, and that low-key terrified Dazai.

"Uh... Kunikida?" he timidly asked.

Kunikida slowly and ominously turned towards Dazai. Truth be told, he arguably looked angrier than ever before.

Dazai laughed nervously and began to run away as fast as he could.


The End...?
