Chapter 17: A Kidnapping

Atsushi and Kunikida had finally returned to the agency's headquarters after what seemed like hours. And truth be told, it probably had been hours, for Kunikida had wandered pretty far.

"Long time no see, Kunikida," Yosano joked.

"Has it really been that long?" Kunikida asked.

"Sure feels like it," Ranpo replied.

"Yeah, it feels so empty here without you yelling at me to do paperwork," Dazai added.

"I still find it hard to believe that I'd ever tell you to do that evil thing," Kunikida admitted.

"Oh believe me, you did," Dazai insisted.

"So, what brings you back here?" Kyouka asked. "Dazai had told us you were going to take the day off."

"Cause there's work to be done and I couldn't in good conscience leave you guys to do it all," Kunikida answered simply.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, you really do need to take more days off," Ranpo pointed out.

"So everyone keeps saying," Kunikida replied. "Well, maybe I'll eventually take a day off for real."

"Not maybe, definitely," Yosano insisted.

"Ok, I'll definitely take one off. At some point," Kunikida agreed.

"Oh by the way, we heard you started to remember something. Is it true?" Ranpo asked.

"It is," Kunikida confirmed.

"We also heard it wasn't a good memory?" Kyouka brought up.

"That's also true," Kunikida admitted. And I'm never speaking of it again, he thought.

"At least you're starting to remember something, even if it wasn't good," Ranpo pointed out.

" least there's that," Kunikida agreed, trying to take his mind off the sad memory.

"Sorry...should I have not mentioned it?" Kyouka apologized, noticing Kunikida's expression change.

"No, it's fine," Kunikida assured her. Why did I have to remember THAT memory first though...? Why couldn't it have been literally anything else...?

"Hey guys...where's Kenji?" Atsushi asked.

"I don't know. He just said he was going to take the rest of the day off," Yosano replied.

"We get one back and then the other leaves," Ranpo remarked.

"Right?" Yosano agreed. "Maybe he needed a break from a certain someone in this room."

"Woooooooow Yosano, you're not even subtle about it anymore," Dazai commented.

"Was I ever?" Yosano pointed out.

"Touche," Dazai replied.

"I don't think that's the reason Kenji left," Kyouka spoke up.

"What's this I hear? Is Kyouka finally going to stop shading me?" Dazai asked in anticipation.

"...he would've taken a day off a lot sooner if that was the case," Kyouka continued.

"Dang it, I spoke too soon," Dazai complained. "You girls are so mean."

"We know," Yosano and Kyouka replied.

Dazai sighed. "You act like that's something to be proud of."

"Tch. You're one to talk, Mr. I-Tease-Chuuya-About-His-Height-Even-Though-He-Has-No-Control-Over-It," Yosano shot back.

"Yeah, how does it feel, mummy man?" Kyouka asked.

"Ouch," Dazai said.

"Come on guys, don't be so mean," Kunikida urged.

"This situation only gets more bleak. Normally Kunikida would be agreeing with Kyouka and me," Yosano said.

"Yeah well, he likes me now and that's a good thing. Got it?" Dazai asked.

"It's really not," Yosano protested.

"Dazai, you fight with Yosano as often as you fight with Chuuya," Kunikida pointed out.

"Very true," Dazai agreed.

While all of this was going on, Kenji was relaxing outside. He knew Yosano's advice about taking more days off was aimed towards Kunikida, but it still seemed like good advice for anyone, so he took it. After all, work did get tiring after awhile. He laid back and closed his eyes, basking in the sun.

A few minutes later, Kenji heard someone sit down beside him. He opened his eyes and there sat the mysterious child from the Mafia who was known as Q.

Kenji's eyes widened. What was Q doing here? Had they come to cause trouble? If so, should Kenji call the agency? Or was he overreacting and Q wasn't planning anything? Kenji silently debated on what to do. He glanced at Q.

Q glanced back.

"What brings you here?" Kenji asked. Maybe whatever Q's answer would be would give Kenji an idea of what to do.

"Oh, nothing much. Just needed a break from work," Q replied, assuming their best innocent child expression.

"Same here," Kenji agreed.

The two children just relaxed in companionable silence for a bit. Things were so peaceful that they could almost forget that they were part of dangerous enemy organizations and just feel like normal kids for once. However temporary it was, it was still a nice feeling of calm.

After awhile, Q glanced over at Kenji, who had fallen asleep by now.

Perfect. He's asleep, so this should make things easier, hopefully anyways... Q thought. They stealthily inches closer to Kenji and then snatched him up. Q then ran off with the sleeping Kenji. Success, they thought as they began to make the journey back to the Port Mafia's headquarters.
