Chapter 7


Chapter 7

I could tell I was starting to wake up. The dull pain in my neck was getting more noticeable. But that was least of my worries right now.

                I could hear distant voices across the room.

                “She’s waking up, I can tell.” said a girl with a soft, kind voice.

                “Well, Ava get ready to try and heal her again,” said a deep male’s voice.

                “I can’t anymore!” said another girl – I’m guessing Ava – sounding panicked. “She’s too hurt.”

                Hurt? Yes I was hurt, really bad for that matter. Lynx had bitten me with such force he practically ripped my neck out my body (if that’s possible).

                 I groan from the pain all over my body, my neck was on fire, my arms and legs felt numb, and my head was pounding.

                “I can’t believe he did this to her” said a different girl with a voice that sounded like bells.

                “Come on guys we should leave her alone, if I can’t heal her anymore then she needs a lot of rest” said Ava.

                I heard footsteps and more whispers that I couldn’t understand, and then I heard the door open and close.

                I open my eyes. The world spun as I got out of bed, I pulled in deep shaky breathes trying to stop myself from screaming in pain.

                “Shit” I breathe grabbing hold of the bed next to me to stop myself from collapsing.

                Sucking in a deep breath I started walking. Looking around the room I begin taking in my surroundings.

                The room was white – white walls, white floors, and white beds – with medical equipment everywhere. There were no people in the room which made my nerves run wild and that same question I had in my head before when I heard those people talking come into my head. Where am I?

                I couldn’t be in a hospital; there would be people in the room. But where else could I be? 

                Frustrated I pushed those thoughts out of my head; I can’t focus on that, I have to get out of here. I started walking faster when I felt something tug at me. I looked down at my wrist and see an IV in my vein. I shudder and make a face at the needle in my wrist. I pull it out.

                “Gross,” I said as I looked at my wrist, and watched as a little pool of blood formed.

                I walk around noticing there was a bathroom right by the small white couch across from my bed. I walked into the bathroom quickly shut the door behind me and lock it.

                Turning to the mirror I take in my appearance.

                My usual long dark brown hair was matted and full of dry blood. My creamy white skin was chalky white and my bright silver eyes were a dull gray. I had gauze on the left side of my neck where I had been bitten; I had shallow scrapes starting from my shoulders that ended at my elbows. My clothes were ripped and covered in blood. My knees were scarped all up and were starting to swell.

                “Lovely, this is just wonderful!” I say sarcastically.

                I sigh and walk out of the bathroom wondering what I was going to do.

                I stopped dead in my tracks. I see 8 girls that looked about my age and one man who looked like he was in his 40’s.

                “Who are you people?” I ask.

                “We’re wondering the same thing about you,” said a girl with bright red eyes and straight black hair that went down to her shoulders.

                “Shut-up Talia, that’s not a good way to talk to someone” said a girl with bright purple eyes.

                “Yeah look who’s talking” said the red eyed girl (or Talia) in a snaky voice.

                The two girls started bickering at each other, I would have found it amusing but I had better things to deal with.

                “If you two are done wasting my time, it would be nice to know your names. If you are some sort of evil people and I have to kill you, I would at least like to be introduced to you formally” I say getting irritated.

                “Oh there will be no need for that. I’m the Head Master of Myda Academy for Supernaturals and this is Megan the leader of the Warriors” said a tall man with black hair and red eyes, pointing to a girl with straight blond hair and bright blue eyes.

                “Hi, so you know my name, this is Zara” she said pointing to the girl with bright purple eyes. 

                “Sophie” she pointed to the girl with crystal blue eyes.

                “Tianna” she pointed to the girl with pink eyes.

                “Jessica” she pointed to the girl with bright green eyes.

                “Ava” she pointed to the girl with chocolate brown eyes.

                “And Whitney” she pointed to the girl with blue, green, and yellow eyes.

                “What’s your name?” asked Whitney walking towards me; I noticed she had dried blood on her clothes, so she must have been the one to find me.

                “Autumn,” I said looking at her straight in the eye.

                “If you don’t mind me asking what can you do? We’ve never seen someone with your eye colour” said the Head Master.

                “I can shape shift. Besides my brother I’m the last of my kind.”

“What happened to your brother?” asked Tianna.

                “I don’t know. Lynx captured me when I was 13”


                “That vampire guy that nearly killed me”

                Whitney cringed and made a face at hearing his name.

                “What does he want?” asked Jessica.

                “He wants to kill every powerful Supernatural that’s good, so he, and all the other evil people will turn all the other good people into mindless slaves, so he can create an army and rule Clovai then the human world. I’m surprised he didn’t kill me when he had the chance.”

                There was a long awkward silence, when the Head Master cleared his throat.

                “Well, you should stay with us. Until you’re better, than if it comes to it, you and Whitney will set out and go to kill him”  

                “Wait, when did I get dragged into this?”  Whitney shrieked.

                I roll my eyes.

                “You’re the most powerful supernatural Whitney, deal with it” said Megan.

                Whitney sighed. “Fine.”

                “So it’s settled. Autumn you will start attending classes tomorrow morning, and you will stay with Whitney, Tianna, and Jessica” the Head Master said.

                I nod and follow Whitney, Tianna, and Jessica out of the room.

“Wake up” said a cheery voice.

                I made a noise of protest when I felt a soft thump on my head.

                “Hey! I’m not really in the right shape to get a soft object thrown at my face” I exclaimed opening my eyes.   

                 “Whatever” said Tianna in that same cheery voice, rolling her eyes.

                I groan and get out of bed my muscles aching.

                 “Why do we have to get up for school so early?” I complied.

                “I know right?” said Whitney, having the same troubles getting up.

                “Fine then, sleep in, and be late. Just don’t come crying to me when the Head Master is at your throats,” said Tianna.

                “Can we not talk about people being at each other’s throats? I don’t know if you’ve realized but I don’t really like talking about that subject, I’ve had some bad experiences” I say in a joking tone.

                They all started laughing as we got ready.

“Okay, class do you know why we’re outside?” asked the teacher, Mrs. Heart

                 The class was silent, waiting for her to tell us what we had to do or too busying staring at me to notice what the teacher said.

                I met eyes with one guy from the class. He stared for a while then quickly looked away. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Mrs. Heart.

“We’re outside today because today we’re going to the local Colavi Museum” she said answering her own question.

                The class made a sound of protest.

                “Is that negativity I hear?” she questioned, so the class suddenly started cheering.

                “Good. Now let’s go.” 
