Chapter 9

Greetings fellow book addicts. Here's the update as promised! This chapters a little smaller, sorry! Make sure to comment, vote, and share! It means a lot, your feed back is awesome! Follow me on twitter, sometimes I talk about wirting and book:

So I've never dedicated my chapters to anyone - mostly because I had no idea how, and I still have no idea how - but I thought it would be cool to dedicate the last seven to my followers and people who have helped :) This chapters dedicated to dani11589, for being a super awesome fan! Keep on writing! :)

Chapter 9

All weekend I tried to come up with ideas for killing Lynx, sadly none would end with me being victorious so I was stuck and confused about what I was supposed to do.

The stress was getting to me. I could barley concentrate on anything at all. If only I could think -

"Autumn, are you listening to me?" asked Mrs. Heart looking annoyed.

"Hmm? Oh umm...yeah. Of course I am." I say looking up at her.

"Really?" she asked eyebrows rose, obviously not believing it. "What did I just say?"

I give an exasperated sigh. "I don't know."

"I was saying that if you relax your mind and open your conscience, you can communicate with animals in your human from. So close your eyes and try it"

Taking a deep breath I empty my mind - which was pretty hard since I couldn't stop thinking about Lynx.

Hello? I think feeling stupid thinking this won't work.

I wait a couple of seconds listening for anything but all I heard was the sound of the wind blowing in between the leaves.

Is anyone there? I think getting frustrated. I waited a bit longer my patience growing thin from not getting any answers.

I give an angry sigh and open my eyes.

Mrs. Heart looks up abruptly. "What are you doing you're supposed to be practicing."

"I can't do it! It's not working, I'm terrible at this!" I exclaim.

"No you're not you've made so much progress, just try it again."

"I can't just 'make progress' I have to be able to do everything I'm capable of! We don't have time for me to be okay at it. I have to be perfect if I ever want to kill Lynx!" I shout standing up.

"Just calm down Autumn, it takes a lot of practice to master this skill you just need to concentrate," she says in the mothering tone that made me want to smack her.

"I just told you I don't have time for that!" I yell stalking away mumbling under my breath.

"Hey Autumn, Wait up!" called a familiar voice.

I turn and see Ethan running up to me, I found myself instantly smiling and stopping to wait for him.

"Hi, what's new?" I ask.

"Nothing really, just came back from my earth class. Are you okay? You look a little mad," he asked staring at me.

I pause and look at him. "I'm fine."

"No you're not, tell me what's wrong."

I sigh and look at him. Should I tell him what's going on with Lynx? "Okay, but not here."

I grabbed his hand, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach from touching him, and lead him towards the campus library.

We get inside and we walk towards one of the empty desks in the back of the room. I sit down on top of the desk as Ethan sat in the chair in front of me.

"So what has you in such a bad mood?" he asks curiosity in his voice.

I sigh and tell him everything from my sighting at the museum and what the raccoon told me.

He stares at me for a long time, I started to worry that I'd freaked him out and he would get up, walk away and never talk to me again.

"Well looks like you have a very big problem." he said staring at me. "But the good thing is you have a smart good looking friend to help you with this issue."

I stare at him with wide eyes fully taking in his words. "Oh my God! You're going to help me aren't you?"

He smiles and laughs at my reaction. "Of course I'll help you!"

"Thank you!" I squeal jumping down from the desk and hugging him.

"Okay you need to calm down before we get kicked out of the library," he said still laughing.

Still smiling I sit back on the desk. "Okay for starters we need a plan."

He nods and pulls out a notebook from his bag.

"So what do you know about him?" he asks looking up from the notebook.

"Well there's the basics, he super strong and has a greater sense of smell and sight plus he has super speed." I said as Ethan wrote it done in his notebook. "He's extremely smart and resourceful and has a lot of connections. But over the years I've noticed that he spends way too much time giving speeches on how powerful he is then getting down to the point."

"Okay, I think I have an idea."

We sat there for hours pitching ideas, and it seemed we were getting nowhere. It was growing dark outside and I knew Whitney would start to worry.

"Alright, I think I've got it this time," said Ethan, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up at him. "Okay, shoot."

"Well, you could get one of the raccoons to tell you the way he's going and then we could meet up with him by the school and kill him."

I shake my head. "No that won't work he can easily escape to the school and people could get hurt."

Ethan nodded; I could tell he was getting frustrated with me constantly putting down his ideas. But the thing is he doesn't know what Lynx is capable of, he hasn't been with Lynx for 2 years and watched as he killed innocent people. Ethan opened his mouth about to pitch another idea when I cut him off.

"Look I've got to go Whitney must be freaking out wondering where I am. Thanks for your help."

"Okay," he said getting up when I did. "But you need to promise that you won't go find him or do anything stupid okay?"

"Don't worry, like I told Megan I'm not stupid."

He laughs and smiles. We walk towards the library doors.

"See you later" he calls.

I wave and walk slowly back towards the school wanting to put as much space between us so he won't see what I'm about to do.

He turns the corner walking towards the boy's side of the campus. I stop and take out my cell phone, dialing the number that was so familiar to me. I wasn't sure if it would really work, for all I knew the number changed, but I needed to give it a try.

It rings 3 times then that same male voice I heard for the last 2 years fills my ears.

"Hello?" he asks in a drowsy voice, obviously the phone waking him up.

"Asher?" I whisper, tears coming to my eyes.

"Autumn?" he said sounding more alert.

"Hi" I say laughing.

"My God, where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, sort of; at least I'm as fine as I'll ever be at the moment."

"What are you talking about? Did Lynx hurt you?" he demanded.

"Well yeah. What do you expect he's a vampire?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the Myda Academy for Supernaturals. Why?"

"Because I'm going to come help you."

"You don't have to do that Asher, I can handle this myself."

"No I got you into this mess and I'm going to get you out of it. I'll catch the next bus, see you soon" he said with determination in his voice, so I knew there was no stopping him.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning. And thanks."


The line disconnected, leaving me alone in the dark.

* * *

Beep, beep, beep!

I woke up startled and looked at my phone. 2:45 it read. At first I didn't understand why I would set my alarm this early in the morning (I mean don't I have to wake up early enough?) but then last night's phone call filled my mind.

I got up and got dressed as quietly as possible not wanting to wake up Whitney, Tianna, and Jessica.

After I was dressed I took my pocketknife and left.

The bus rounded the corner and stopped at the bus stop sign. As people started to file out I looked around for Asher, when suddenly I felt someone come from behind me and garb my shoulders.

I screamed and turned around, pulling out my pocketknife.

"Whoa! Easy Autumn, it's me Asher!"

I looked up and saw a tall muscular guy with long reddish-brown hair that covered his electric green eyes.

"Asher?" I asked not recognizing the stranger in front of me.

He laughed. "Wow. You haven't changed a bit."

I roll my eyes. "Come on we need to go, it's a long walk back to campus."

"Autumn!" someone shouted.

I mentally kicked myself in the head when I recognized the person shouting was Ethan.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Asher said further ahead of me.

"Um, I know that person," I answered pointing behind me.

Ethan runs up to me. "Where have you been? Everyone's looking for you. I thought you said you wouldn't do anything stupid."

"Autumn, what is this guy talking about?" asked Asher, moving himself between Ethan and me.

"Who the hell are you?" demanded Ethan.

"You didn't tell them did you?" Asher asked turning towards me.

"Not yet," I answer.

"The Head Master wants to see you." Ethan said coldly, glaring at Asher.

I'm in so much trouble, I think sighing to myself.
