Chapter 14

Update time :) this chapters dedicated to two girls from Annieville Elemtary ! I visited their school to talk about Supernaturals and they were the first girls to get an autograph by me ;) I wish I knew your names, sorry! But the chapters dedicated to you girls!

Let me know what all of you think! The books nearly over, what do you thinks going to happen? Vote, comment, and share :)

Chapter 14

The next morning I walked out of the room Talia and I shared and went down to the kitchen. Flashes of last night were still running through my mind making me feel giddy. I couldn't stop thinking about Asher and everything he said about me.

I sat down and picked up a homemade blueberry muffin. "Where'd you go last night?" Whitney asked as she walked into the room.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Like you don't already know."

She shrugged and took an apple from the fruit bowl. "I like to hear the story from the person instead of going through their mind."

"Well Asher came to see me as you saw through the window."

"Did he finally tell you how he felt?"

"How did you know?" I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

"You don't have to be able to read minds to tell that he's in love with you, everyone knows that. Even Ethan knew; and speaking of Ethan, are you going to tell him what happened with Asher?" Whitney's eyebrows rose.

Shit I almost forgot about Ethan. "I don't know yet. There's not much to tell him, Asher and I kissed, but we're not an item."

She nodded. "Well I suggest you figure out what you're going to do about that."

I sighed. "I will later."

Ava rushed into the room, "Guys you have to see this!"

We got up and followed Ava into the living room. Everyone was gathered around the small TV, the news was on.

"A local teen from the small town Eude has gone missing. Taylor Woodward was last seen leaving Eude's local diner, Waffle Stack. She has long dirty blonde hair, which was recently dyed red; her eyes are a dark brown. She is a white female about, 5'6 and weighs between 120-130 pounds. If anyone has seen Taylor or has any information on where she was going please call our tip line..."

I stared at the screen in shock and then looked over at Whitney. Her eyes filled with tears and she ran out of the room, Drew followed after her. The whole living room filled with nervous chatter. "Who do you think did it?" Zara asked Talia.

"Don't know and don't care," she replied and went back to painting her toes.

Whitney rushed back into the room with Drew holding a package. "Autumn it says it's for you,"

I jumped up excitedly hoping it was something from Asher. Taking the package from Whitney I ripped open the top of the large envelope. I reached inside and felt a wallet and a piece of paper. I read the note. 'If you want the girl back safe get away from the powerful child's house and fight me. You won't win Autumn, come back home, and bring you're lover Asher with you.'

I pulled the wallet out of the package and opened it; sure enough Taylor's student card stared up at me. I dropped the wallet on the coffee table. "Lynx has her."

Everyone stared up at me in surprise, "how do you know?" Drew demanded.

"He just sent me this note." I threw it on the table as well. Everyone crowded around to read it. Whitney gasped when she opened the wallet.

"We need to leave then, so he doesn't hurt Eden or Grandma Sharewood." Ava said staring at the note.

"No that's just what he wants. He wants us to be alone and then he can easily take us. He's watching us, he was watching Asher and I last night in the woods." Talia smirked at the mention of Asher, "We need to make a plan and do something he wouldn't expect us to do."

"Like what?" Zara questioned.

I sat down and thought for a moment. "We need to do something he won't expect us to do; he thinks we're weak because we originally came from humans. He'll expect us to, I don't know, stay with someone we know or go somewhere abandoned, but if we do something completely different then he won't know what to think."

"What are we going to do then?" Whitney asked.

"We're going camping."

* * *

"That's the last of it," Drew says as he puts down the last box holding our camping gear. He straightens out and stretches and then wipes the sweat off his brow.

"Why are we out here?" Talia complained once again.

Zara sighed, "He expects us to stay in a building. He won't think we're out here so we have a better chance of leaving tomorrow morning."

"Why can't we just fight him? What's the point in running away when he will find us in a week or a month?"

"We're not ready to fight; look at all of us," Ava spoke up. "Autumn still has a chuck of her neck missing, Whitney isn't thinking clearly since her old friend went missing, and you and Zara can't go five minutes without wanting to rip each others eyes out."

"Fine whatever," Talia snorted and walked away.

A couple hours later our tents along with a small shelter that acted like the kitchen were built. I was nervous, I couldn't help it. Although I had felt so confident with my plan before I couldn't help but second-guess myself now that the plan was in motion. I didn't even know what our next move would be. I felt the weight of everybody's life on my shoulders, if something was to happen to anyone tonight, it would be my fault.

"Hey Whitney, can you come here?" Whitney jumped up from her card game with Ava and walked over to me.

"What do you need?" she asked.

"I think we need something more to protect us tonight, just in case Lynx figures out that we're in the forest and he tries to come after us or something."

"Okay yeah good idea, but what would we use?"

"I was thinking, maybe you could put up a shield over the camp site tonight so nothing comes after us while we're sleeping."

"Oh, okay I'll see if I can do it." Whitney said suddenly sounding unsure.

"Babe you okay?" Drew called over.

"Yep I'm okay!" Whitney smiled at him. I felt a pang of envy from looking at the two of them; I missed Asher.

Whitney then smiled towards me. "Let's see if I can do this."

She closed her eyes and slowly raised her hands. Everyone fell silent, not wanting to break her concentration. Sweat poured down Whitney's forehead, she was shaking. Around us you could see a glimmer of yellow rising up and around our small little space in the woods; it rose and closed up in a dome-like shape; as soon as the sides met in the middle the yellow tint of the magic faded leaving it completely clear.

Whitney whooped in success. "I didn't think I could do that," she told me and then ran towards Drew who embraced her warmly. I felt that same pang in my stomach.

"Do you really think it's going to stay up all night?" a voice, said from behind me.

I whirled around feeling like my heart was going to burst in my chest. However as soon as I saw the same red eyes and black hair I felt ridiculous. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" I told her with a slight edge to my voice.

"Jesus Autumn calm down, do you really think Lynx would come now? No he'd wait till we're all sleeping." Talia said and pushed past me.

I sighed and sat on a log close by. "How are we going to do this?" I muttered to myself. Why did I ever think I could beat him? I put my head in my hands. He was this huge and powerful vampire and I was just some shape shifter, one of the last shape shifters. We were never meant to fight, only to trick.

"You okay?" Zara asked as she sat down on the log with me.

I looked up and whiped my nose, "oh yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You've been out here for at least two hours."

"Really?" I smiled sheepishly, "I didn't realize it had been that long."

She smiled back, "oh don't worry about it I just wanted to make sure you were okay!"

I opened my mouth to reply when I heard a twig snap in the distance. I stood up.

"What? What is it?" Zara asked sounding anxious.

"I heard something from over there." I pointed towards the distance.

A breeze blew by; I sniffed the air to check for a scent. My blood went cold.

"Autumn? Autumn! What's wrong? Who's over there?" Zara was practically screaming. I heard everyone get up from where they were sitting and walk towards where I stood.

"Run." I could barely make out the word. No, no not them. Anything but them.

"What? Autumn what is it?" Whitney asked sounding worried.

"Spit it out already!" Talia exclaimed.

"Run!" I screamed as I heard their footsteps get closer. "They're demons! RUN!"

Twigs snapped around us as everyone split up into different directions to get away. I could hear their snarls from behind me. My breath came in short, shallow gasps. Demons had to be the worst creatures to deal with, maybe worse than vampires. Their bite could instantly kill, and their claws could cut a tree down. Fire balls shot out from behind me. "Fire demons, great." I muttered to myself out of breath. My muscles screamed to stop but I pushed on further, I looked behind me and saw a group of demons getting closer. Quickly I pulled my oversized shirt off and threw it off to the side. I felt the same familiar tightening of muscles as my joints shifted and bent, I jumped up and landed on the ground on four paws that belonged to a cheetah, the worlds fastest land animal. Try and catch me now demons.

Running turned out to be much easier as an animal, I looked behind me again and saw the group way back in the distance. I wondered if everyone else was okay, I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to any of them. Although they did have Drew, since he was a dark supernatural he could probably stand a chance against the demons, and Talia is a fire user as well. I heard a twig snap by my left, which snapped me out of my concerns. I quickened my pace, pushing my muscles to their limit even in my new form. However it was too late, the demon's arms gripped my side. I tried to shake to get it off, but it dug its claws into my shoulder. I let out a yelp. My shoulder felt like fire, yet I continued to run I knew I could survive with a few scratches, but I can't get bit. I turned towards a tree and threw the demon off my side, but he took out my back leg as he fell. I tripped and hit the hard forest ground. I tried to get up and run again however my shoulder had become almost impossible to put any pressure on. The demon jumped on top of me. He resembled a little goblin, his skin was tinted red and his eyes were an unnatural yellow, he was short and had claws on his toes and fingers. The demon also had a large mouth with many pointed teeth - teeth that were making their way towards my leg. I kicked and tried to jump up in a desperate attempt to get away, however the demon was too strong. He bit down on my leg and I let out a howl, which soon turned into a scream as my body turned back into human form.

My leg filled with white fire, I couldn't feel anything other than the searing pain. I looked down and saw the skin around my thigh burning off. I almost threw up. My breathing felt weak and shallow, I couldn't stop screaming as I felt the fire go through my whole system. The demon stared down at me and smiled. I felt my eyes close as everything went from blurry to a blinding white.

* * *

I gasped and shot open my eyes. Staring up I saw the bright blue sky. Am I dead? I wondered. I felt down my body, I felt alive. I checked my pulse it was beating quickly. I sat up feeling stiffness in my back from sleeping on roots and dirt. Reaching up I touched my right shoulder which had been scratched, I felt bumps of skin where they had been, but no pain. That's strange... after a demon scratches you you're supposed to be sick or feel extreme pain for weeks. "Although you're supposed to be dead after a demon bite and for some reason I'm still alive." I said out loud.

I looked down at my leg and felt my stomach drop, the wound was gone. In it's place were small little black bumps that formed the shape of a large mouth, all around the bumps was burnt skin and dried blood. I reached down and touched the marks; I screamed and pulled my hand away. My leg filled with the same white fire then slowly faded after my hand had been removed.

Where was everyone else? I looked around and realized I had run to another part of the forest that was much clearer than the part we camped in. I wasn't sure how far I had run however, or which way I had come from, so I didn't know how to get back. Standing up I tried to put some weight on my bad leg, a pain shot up threw my body. "Okay not such a good idea," I gasped to myself. My stomach began to churn, I looked around trying to see if there was any sign that someone had been nearby. The cool breeze nipped at my skin, I needed to find some clothes.

In the distance I saw a large shadow; it almost looked like a house. My chest filled with hope. As quick as I could I limped over towards the building. Turns out I was correct, behind the old trees stood an old abandoned Victorian house. I walked up the decaying stairs, careful not to step on the wood that looked like it was going to break. I tried to open the door but it was nailed shut. I sighed, "Of course nothing is this easy."

I walked back down and wandered around the large building, looking for some way in. At the back of the house by another porch was a broken window. I climbed up on to the old railing around the porch, clearing my mind of all thoughts I imagined a proud raven. I started to feel the same tingling sensation of the transformation, until I almost doubled over in pain. I gasped in air as quickly as possible, the pain in my leg burned; why wouldn't it let me turn? I puffed out my cheeks in exasperation and slowly let the air out, not having any other options I then knocked out the extra glass that stuck out of the windowpane. I took and deep breathe and carefully stepped on to the windowsill, grabbing on to the top part of the window I swung myself into the room.

The air rushed out of my chest as I landed on my back on top of a mountain of glass. I groaned and rolled on to my side. I felt my back become sticky from the small trickle of blood that I was sure was making its way down my back. I sat up but quickly fell back down from dizziness. I looked behind me and saw a mirror, I screamed once I saw my reflection. My back was covered in blood and there was glass shards stuck in my muscles; however that wasn't what scared me, the leg that had been bitten had now turned black; my right shoulder had done the same. The skin underneath was hot and seemed to be moving.

"What's happening to me?" I shouted. I rolled back over away from the mirror. My leg burned and my shoulder felt like it was numb. I felt myself start to hyperventilate as I somehow screamed and cried at the same time. Eventually my screams turned into quiet wails and my cries turned into hiccups. I watched the sky turn from light to dark as I finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

* * *

"Autumn, Autumn wake up."A familiar voice called me.

My eyes fluttered open; as soon as my vision cleared I saw Asher's copper hair above me. "Asher?" my voice sounded hoarse.

He smiled at me, "how are you feeling Fall?"

I groaned in response, he laughed at me. Asher put his hand in my hair. "You'll be okay Fall. You're lucky to survive that demon attack, most wouldn't."

I sat up, "how do you know about that?"

"Sophie saw what happened. She said I could come find you here. I didn't believe her when she said that you'd survive this, I tried to come save all of you before it happened but she said I couldn't. She told me it would mess up Lynx's plan and you guys would have a harder time beating him if they didn't come."

After hearing that I really looked at Asher, he had purple bags under his eyes. He mustn't have slept since Sophie saw the demon attack. I reached up and caressed his cheek. Asher gazed at me lovingly. He brought his face close to mine so our foreheads were touching. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Are the others okay?" I whispered.

He nodded, "the demons barley chased after them. They wanted you."


He shrugged, 'I guess because they thought they could take you down? Lynx ordered them to attack you but Sophie couldn't see what his motive was, maybe he thought he could win if you were gone."

I looked around at my shoulder, the skin around the scar had turned red; it almost looked like flames were moving underneath my skin. "Asher, what happened to me?"

"You're turning into one of them."

"What?" I gaped at him.

"Come here," Asher helped me to my feet and turned me so my back was facing the mirror. "Now look behind you at your back."

I did as he told me and looked at my back; my pale skin stared back at me. The only flaw was the fiery scar that the demon left behind. "How?" I asked, "I had cuts all over my back yesterday."

"You healed yourself," he faced me. "Autumn you're a half demon, I read up on them after Sophie told me you would become one. You survived the bite but their blood still runs threw your system."

My heart sped up and my throat started to burn from tears that were coming on. "No Asher that's not possible, I should be dead. I can't become one of them, that doesn't happen. It's just delayed; I'll be dead in two days at the most. It probably hasn't poisoned my heart yet or something."

"Autumn it would've reached your heart already. You've been sleeping for two days." I stared at him in shock, "your bodies trying to go through the transition, that's why you've been in such pain. You're not dying, you're becoming something else."

My eyes pooled over with tears, "no Asher that can't happen I can't become like that. I'm not going to be like them! I'm just dying!"

"Autumn look at your eyes!" Asher shouted. He looked pained.

I turned away and walked towards the mirror, getting ready to prove him wrong. My eyes were the same silver colour I knew they were.

I looked at my eyes and felt my heart drop. My eyes used to be as silver as the moon in the clear blue sky. Now however, the once beautiful unusual colour my eyes had been was now replaced with a rich copper colour; the only hint of silver left was surrounding my pupil.

Asher walked up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay Fall, you're still as beautiful as you were before."

"I don't want to be one of them Asher," I whispered still staring at my eyes.

He turned me to face him. "That's the thing, you won't be one hundred percent one of them. You'll still have all your old powers."

I felt my mood begin to brighten, "I can still shape shift? I'll still be me? I won't turn into some hideous monster?"

He laughed, "You could never be a monster Fall, and you'll be able to do whatever you could before. Promise me one thing though, you have to watch your temper, or at least until you know how to control your demon strength and power."

I nodded, "okay I promise."

He gave me a wide smile then. "God Autumn I missed you."

Asher then wrapped his arms around me and pressed me against his body. We stayed like that for awhile, holding each other. I felt my heart warm and my stress fade away. Asher was here. He was here and I was going to be okay. I looked up into his gorgeous green eyes; they twinkled in the light of the sun, almost making him resemble something even more unworldly than he already was.

I went up onto my tippy toes and kissed Asher. He held me tighter as we kissed for what seemed like hours. Asher bent down and lifted me up like how you would carry your bride to the bedroom on your honeymoon. I pulled back finally realizing something, my cheeks were bright red. "Um Asher, I don't have any clothes on."

He gave me a goofy smile, "oh trust me I noticed. You look great by the way." He traced his finger up from my belly button to my chin.

I jumped out of his arms, "go to hell." I muttered still feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay Fall, here I brought you clothes." He handed me a bag that had been in the corner of the room. I opened it up and threw on some fabric shorts and an oversized T-shirt. It had the same smell of Asher - pine trees and fresh dirt.

I sighed, "Asher I don't know how I'm going to do this."

He walked up to me and rested his hands on my upper arm. "You can Autumn, I know you can. Look at you, you've gotten away from him once and survived. Hell, you survived a demon bite Autumn. No one else would be able to do that!" Asher smiled at me, "but you could, you can do anything Autumn. You're so strong-willed and you overcome everything. Look at yourself," he turned me to the mirror so I was staring at my reflection. "You see those copper eyes of yours? They're eyes of a fighter Autumn."

"I liked my silver eyes better," I muttered under my breath.

Asher laughed and hugged me from behind. "Maybe they'll go back to normal?"

"That's doubtful."

"It's okay Autumn! You're still the same beautiful girl I love; you just have some extra abilities now."

I turned to him; I had to tilt my head up a bit because of his height advantage on me. "You're wrong though Asher, I'm not a fighter. Shape shifters aren't fighters, we never have been."

"Really?" he said with a goofy grin. "What about werewolves? They fight."

I rolled my eyes, "werewolves are different from shape shifters."

"You have demon blood in you now, and that's going to change how you fight Autumn."

"I doubt it. You can help me kill Lynx right?" Asher's face dropped. "You're going to stay aren't you?"

He shook his head; I felt my stomach drop from disappointment. "I'm not allowed. I would if I could."

I stared at the floor, embarrassed about how let down I felt. "It's fine."

"Hey," Asher leaned down and tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes. "Just because I can't stay now doesn't mean we're never going to see each other soon. I wish I could stay here, it'd be a lot better than back at home, and getting to be here with you would be the best part of it all; but Sophie and the school board won't allow it. You need to do this alone."

My eyes filled with tears. "I don't want to do this alone." I choked out.

Asher hugged me, resting his chin on top of my head. "I'll come back tomorrow okay?"

I wiped my eyes, "okay."

He turned me once again to face him. "I love you. See you tomorrow."

Asher bent down and kissed me. He pulled back and walked out of the house.

"I love you too," I whispered after him. My lips were still warm from his.

I went and sat down in the corner or the room, alone once again. Alone, like usual.
