Chapter 15

OMG CLIMAX TIME! Let me know what you guys think please, I really need your thoughts!

Chapters dedicated to, ELatimer you guys seriously need to look at her stuff, she's a amazing writer and she's insanley nice. Vote, comment and share. READ AWAY BOOKWORMS

Chapter 15

I woke up that night to howling wind. The old house creaked and the shutters banged. I shook from the cold air coming through the broken windows. I could hear the roar of the rain beating against the room of the old house. The house groaned, I began to worry it would collapse. Surprisingly the storm had an almost calming effect; my mind began to wander back to my old life.

            I had such a normal routine back home, every morning I’d wake up early and follow Clarke to the well to get water for the day; I took over once I got old enough. We’d eat pancakes with fresh syrup and then I’d go off to school. Clarke graduated, in our village school finished when you were sixteen. Everyone was so close in my village, I felt my eyes prick with tears just thinking about it. On the weekends there would be a huge bonfire and all the grandparents would tell us stories about our heritage. I never paid attention before, but god did I wish I had now. My village is destroyed now; everyone is probably dead or scattered everywhere.

            I felt anger build up in my stomach, raising my heartbeat and warming my cheeks. This is all Lynx’s fault. That bastard took away my home, took away my family, I have no one now. I sat up and hugged my knees. I looked at the bite mark on my leg; it had scabbed over and was already healing. My shoulder didn’t hurt anymore at least. I looked towards the mirror and stared at my eyes. Bronzy-silver eyes stared back, I looked away in disgust. “I’m ugly now.”

            “You’re beautiful. You’re exactly how I wanted you to be.” A voice said behind me.

            I tensed up. No, no, no, no. I stood up and turned around. He was face to face with me. I felt myself hardening, like a stone wall slowly being built up.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?” I spat out.

            He tried to smile, although it looked more like a smirk. “I knew from the very beginning you would be the strongest of them all.”

            “I’m not strong.”

            “Yes, you are. Look at what you’ve survived Autumn,” he tried to caress my cheek with the back of his hand. I jerked my head away; he ignored my response and let his hand fall. “You’ve been through so much and have still come out on top. I like that, I need that.”

            “You don’t need me.”

            “But you need me Autumn.”

            “No, no I don’t.” I backed up a step.

            “I’m all you have left Autumn. You’re parents abandoned you, your brother did too. I was told to capture you and you only.”

            My blood went cold. “What are you talking about?”

            He smiled. I had taken the bait; he wanted me to react like this. “You’re parents and everyone in the village sacrificed you to save themselves.”

            I backed up, I felt like I had been slapped. “No.”

            “Yes, if you think I’m lying why don’t you go ask your brother? He lives in New York doesn’t he?”

            “Stop.” My stomach burned with anger.

            “They figured you were the weakest link in the village, your parents made a great sacrifice to save everyone’s life. They thought I was dumb and they thought that they could fool me into taking a weak girl, but they were so wrong about you. Before I accepted their offer I watched you from afar and saw the amount of potential you had, the way you’d walk and talk and your overall presence just seemed so mature. So much more mature than any other thirteen-old children in your village. I knew I could make something out of you, so I accepted.”

            “No,” I choked out, “That doesn’t make sense. Why? Why would they sacrifice me? No one knew you were going to attack. We never knew when there was going to be an attack.”

            He shook his head, “Have they taught you nothing there? Years ago your people made their homes on my land, on my territory. So I brought my men to tear the whole place apart. However, an old man came to me and begged me to let you stay. I had happened to feel kind that day so I made him a deal. Every fifteen years they owed me a sacrifice. They would give me a human, and I would let them live on my land.”

            I felt myself start shaking, “You’re disgusting!”

            His lips curled into a wicked smile. “Your people are the ones who agreed to it; perhaps we’re not so different you and I.”

            “I’m nothing like you!” I screamed.

            His composure stayed in place, he gestured to the mirror. “Take a look at yourself love; you may see that you’re wrong.”

            I looked towards the mirror; I couldn’t hide my gasp of surprise. The bite on my leg had turned pitch black and my eyes were blood red. My teeth looked pointed and my nails were as sharp as razors. I opened my mouth but no words could escape. I couldn’t speak, the shock was too much.

            “You’re amazing.” He said softly, darkly.

            “Oh my god,” I finally managed to spit out.

            “It had all worked according to plan.”

            I snapped my head towards him. “What plan? You knew all this was going to happen?”

            He laughed it was curt and short, sending shivers up my spine. “Of course I didn’t know everything. I never knew Asher would get away, but I had a feeling you would leave. Although I didn’t except you to leave that night.” Heat rose to my cheeks, I felt my stomach drop to my toes. “After you left I made careful plans and decisions, since you have a future teller on your side, I had to be careful. I did plan on that demon attack though. I hoped you would survive it, no one else I’ve tried it on lived. But you’re different, you refuse to give up. You’re just what I need to get rid of all these filthy humans and good Supernaturals. We can have both dimensions to ourselves Autumn.”

            “No, I’m not like you.” My heart was pounding.

            “You were becoming like me. Don’t you remember that night Autumn? Didn’t it feel good? How did you feel Autumn?” –

            Flashes from the past clouded my vision.

             That night had been another bad one. It had been months after Asher’s disappearance and Lynx felt angrier than ever. Everyone was in a bad mood. The thing is, if Lynx is in a bad mood he hurts anyone and everyone. The days he was in a bad mood everyone was more miserable than they already were.

            That day I felt particularly irritable, I was sick of this. I was sick of Lynx and his bad moods, sick of seeing people’s gloomy faces all the time.

            We were all sitting in the large kitchen in the basement. I was sitting in a corner of the room quietly eating whatever goop was on my stone plate when one of the older men walked towards me. Most of the men that Lynx took captive of were vulgar towards everyone except for Lynx – most were worse with woman. Normally I just sat there and make no eye contact with any of them, however tonight I wasn’t feeling myself. I just felt angry.

            “Hello beautiful, do you want to come join us men at our table?” his words seemed slurred; they must have been good today if alcohol was allowed for the night.

            I stood up and walked towards the sink to put my plate away. “Just leave me alone,” I muttered and tried to walk past.

            He grabbed my arm to stop me. “Now listen here miss. You may not have been around here for as long as some other people but if a man invites you to his table, its best you accept his offer.”

            I yanked my arm free and started walking away when one of his friends pushed me against the ruff wall. My plate fell from the impact, shattering into pieces. The other man – this one skinner and younger than the first – put his face close to mine. “Now, now girl. Don’t be rude to my friend, and if you’re interested I’m always here.” He pressed himself against me and brushed his fingers over my hip bone. My stomach churned. “We may not be as good as your boy-toy Asher but he’s long gone now. You might as well find someone else to fool around with.”

            Anger whelmed up inside of me, hot and red. I pushed the skinny guy away. “Don’t touch me.” I said evenly, coldly.

            “Hey she’s got some bite, I like that.” Skinny said to his friend.

            “Problem is she doesn’t know her place.” The first man walked up to me and slapped me with the back of his hand. I fell from the blow onto my hands and knees. My cheek burned, I could taste blood. I spat, and sure enough red pooled out of my mouth.

            “You still going to be rude to me and my friend girl?” skinny asked his voice was full of poison.

            I didn’t move or say anything, this must have angered them more because the next thing I knew I felt another blow to my stomach. Skinny’s boots made impact right in between my ribs. I gasped, winded, and crumpled onto the ground. Skinny bent down to look at me. I felt adrenaline take control me and before I could fully think about what I was doing I ran my fingers through his hair. He smirked at me, thinking I had learnt my lesson. I grabbed a chunk of his greasy hair and pulled his face down so it smacked against the concrete floor. I heard the crack of his skull and saw blood begin to pool around his face.

            The room was silent.

            I took a piece of broken plate and got up from the ground. I stared at the first man who approached me. He looked sickened and terrified. I walked up to him and used all the strength I had to pierce his neck with the broken piece of plate. Blood gushed out onto my hand and he man fell to the ground.

            I walked out of the room without looking back.

–        “It felt good didn’t it Autumn?”

I was having trouble breathing. I had bottled up that day for so long, I had refused to think about that day or even acknowledge it had happened.

            “You enjoyed bleeding the life out of those men. They deserved it didn’t they?”

But that wasn’t all that happened that night. After I left the kitchen I ran to my room and cried. I cried for hours. Soon after I had started to calm down a knock came at the door. I made no move to answer it. I felt numb; my clothes were still covered from the men’s blood. I still couldn’t believe I had killed them. I didn’t even think about it, I just killed them.

My door opened after the person realized I wasn’t getting up. To my surprise, and upset it was Lynx.

I felt my stomach clench just thinking about that night. I was so hurt and upset I had let Lynx hold me. I let him kiss me. He touched me and I did nothing to stop it, I encouraged it.

“We could have been together Autumn.” Lynx had walked closer to me. “I could have made you second in command; no one would’ve touched you if they knew you were mine. After that night –”

“That night meant nothing.” I cut him off.

He took another step closer. “You didn’t want me to leave.”

I looked him in the eye. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“And you know what you’re thinking now? You’re not the good guy Autumn. You killed those men, why? Because you were in a bad mood. You’re not any different from me. We’re exactly alike. I’ve made you into this, now you need to accept it.”

I felt anger and fear crowd inside of me. My stomach rolled and turned into knots. I felt like my chest was caving in. My head spun and my teeth throbbed. I felt fire everywhere. It surrounded me, on the old curtains of the house the roof, the floors, everything was white fiery hot.

Lynx laughed at the destruction I was making. “There’s no other choice Autumn, I picked this for you and you have no other option.”

My breathe was coming out in rigged puffs. “I’m nothing like you!” I screamed and felt my nails and teeth rip and tear away flesh as I charged towards him.
