Chapter 3

Hey guys! So I know I dont have that many followers right now, but I still havent gotten that much feed back! So, let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Chapter 3

 I sat there anxiously in the office. My bags were at my feet, and my foot was uncontrollably tapping. I think I was still in shock from everything that had happened in the past 4 hours. Taylor and Nolan, my mom knowing about Supernatral’s. It was just weird. Everything felt so unresolved, if I ever come back, I’m going to be in so much shit. Maybe I shouldn’t come back? A small part of myself whispered. It’d make things easier… but, no, I don’t think I could just let go of the human me. Not yet.

The consistent typing sound the secretary – Mrs. Sims – had been making came to a sudden halt, she glanced up at me, and I met her bright blue eyes. “You can go in now dear.” She told me. “Also, don’t be nervous, I’m sure you’ll fit in fine.”

I smiled at her and walked into the Head Master’s office. It was like any principal’s office, a big wooden desk with a plush leather chair behind it as well as two smaller armchairs in front of the desk. There was a low cabinet on the right wall, and a stone fireplace in the close left corner of the room. Lastly, there were three large windows that overlooked the campus on the far wall behind the desk. Sitting at the main chair behind the desk was the Head Master; he was a skinny man, with very pale chalky white skin, as well as short dark hair, and red eyes.

He stood as I entered the room, “Ah, hello Whitney. Please have a seat, I’m so glad you made it to our school fine.”

I give him a slight smile despite the butterflies in my stomach and nod as I took a seat across from him.

The Head Master sat down and leaned across the desk giving me a wide grin, “so, what do you think of the campus? Beautiful isn’t it?”

“Yeah it’s really nice,” I agreed still feeling really nervous.

“It’s quiet intresting if you think about it, how powerful you are. Is anyone in you’re family a Supernatural?”

“Um, I don’t think so. I know for sure my mom isn’t one, and I never met my dad…”

“Oh! Well, maybe he’s a powerful Supernatural like yourself,” he said oblivious to how uncomfortable I was, “Anyway, why don’t we get down to business!”

I tried to give him a excited smile -- it didn’t really work. However he didn’t seem to notice as he rummaged through his desk. Once he found it he had pulled out 2 papers.

“Here we are! This is a list of you’re classes,” he explained passing me the first sheet of paper, “and this is a list of all the opportunities the school provides along with the school code of conduct.”

“Okay,” I said nodding as he handed me the last sheet of paper.

“Now, I believe Tianna is outside waiting for you, so off you go! I hope you enjoy our school as you will be here for awhile.”

Giving him one last nervous nod I get up and walk out of the office.

As soon as I walked out of the main building I was practically jumped on by Tianna. “How’d it go?” she demanded.

“It was alright. He kind of gives me the creeps though,” I told her as we walked through the campus to go to the girl’s dorm room.

“Yeah, he’s like that to all the new kids.”

“Makes sense…”

By then we had reached the girl’s dorm building, opening the door and walked in. inside was a large foyer with a large staircase to the left, under the staircase was a room that – as Tianna had explained to me – was the mini study hall. To the left of the foyer was a large media room with many couches and bean bag chairs that all sat in front of a large flat screen TV. At the very back of the building were some bathrooms and a large kitchen that had some snack food incase we were late for breakfast or were hungry at night.

We walked up the stairs till we were at the second floor. Tianna paused for a moment, which caused me to wonder if this was our room – on my classes sheet was also who I was rooming with, I happened to be it Tianna, and Jessica. “This is Talia, Ava’s, and Megan’s room,” she explained pointing towards a door by the back of the second floor marked ’54.’ She then pointed towards a door at the front of the building, still on the second floor; “this is Zara and Sophie’s room, you’ll meet them later on this year I’m sure.” Their room was marked ‘67’

After she showed me those rooms she led me up five more flights of stairs until finally we reached the top level – which happened to be the attic. “Is this were they send the bad kids?” I joked.

Tianna laughed, “no, they just ran out of room for all of us, so they made another room up here. It really nice up here actually, way better than the other rooms.”

I could tell she was telling the truth as soon as I walked into our room. The room was huge; it had to be the size of half the building. The walls were painted a light sky blue, and the farthest wall had glitter gold wallpaper. On the right wall – that was closest to the huge windows that covered most of the walls – were small stairs that led up to a large platform that covered the entire right side of the room as well as some of the back wall. On top of the platform were four single beds and a side table by each bed, there were also two doors on the far wall by the beds – one was a bathroom, another was a large walk-in closet that all of us would share. On the left side of the room – the area with no platform – was a large cream coloured couch, a tall pine bookcase that was already filled with books, and two small desks. 

“Wow, this is amazing…” I said to her.

“I know right!” Tianna exclaimed, “well, sorry but I have to go to class. You’re excused from today’s classes so you can unpack; your bags are already on your bed. Have fun!”

“Okay, have fun,” I tell her as I walked up to my bed – it was the closest one to the closet and bathroom. As Tianna left the room I had already started to unpack.

Two hours later I was finally fully unpack, everything was out of my bag – except for my pictures with Taylor, and I don’t really want those anymore. It still made me so upset to think about it, how could she do this to me? Could I trust anyone anymore? I didn’t seem like it. Out of habit, I checked my phone. I had five messages from Taylor – all of them apologizing over and over. I also had two messages from Nolan.

Sighing I ignored them all, I’m not even going to bother with them anymore. None of them. However, just as I decided this, my cell phone started ringing. Looking I saw it was from Nolan. Out of curiosity I answered it.  

“Whitney? Are you there?” he asked sounding upset.

I took a deep breath and calmly said. “Yes, what do you want Nolan?”

“I’m so sorry babe. She didn’t even mean anything to me, I swear! I’ve only ever wanted you! She came on to me when I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing, I’m so, so sorry!”

“How many times have you used that line, huh Nolan?”

“Whitney, this isn’t some type of line. I care about you so much.”

“Now, here’s the thing. That is complete bullshit. You don’t give a damn about me or even Taylor. You want to know why? It’s because guys like you don’t want relationships; they only want something physical. You’re a player Nolan. Why don’t you just go try your games on another girl, I’m done with you and Taylor.”

“That’s not true!” he exclaimed, but I didn’t need to be a mind reader to tell that he was lying through his teeth now.

“No, you know that everything I just said is true. Have a nice life Nolan. Good bye.” Quickly, before he had time to object or make me feel anymore miserable I hung up the phone and let it drop from my hand onto the bed.

I took a shaky breath and willed my eyes to stop tearing up. Trying to distract myself I looked over my classes.

1st Block: Nature Studies (green eyes)

2nd Block: Study Hall

3rd Block: Weathering (yellow eyes) 

 4th Block: History 10

5th Block: English 10

6th Block: Water Studies (blue eyes)

7th Block: Extra Abilities (blue/green/yellow eyes)

Seems intresting… I thought to myself as I reread my schedule. I guess all the classes that say an eye colour are my actual Supernatural classes. This will be quiet the year for me, finally no math! However, I still have English… I wonder how that will go.

I heard the sound of the door opening. Looking up I saw Jessica had entered our room. Smiling I stood and said, “Hey.”

“Hi,” she replied returning my smile. “How was you’re first day?”

“Alright so far, what class did you just come from?”

“Extra Abilities,” she answered setting down her bag on her bed – it was the one closest to the door that led outside our room, which left Tianna’s bed in-between mine and Jessica’s.

“Oh sweet, what do you learn in that class? I have to take it too.” 

“You basically just learn about the other ability you can do, like since you have more than one eye colour you’d be learning how to use all those powers,” she explained.

“That’s sounds cool,” I say thinking about all the things I’ll be learning here.

Jessica moves down to one of the desks that held many different types of potted plants and opens a book. “So, what else do you want to know about the school?”

I paused for a moment thinking about what to ask. “Well, what’s everyone like in the school?”

Jessica turned her head to the side thinking about how she should explain the answer to my question. “Most are friendly people, some can be really big jerks though. We have stuck up girls and cocky jocks, it’s basically like a normal high school, we just learn completely different things. However, there is one big difference in the people,” I gave her a strange look. “In Myda we have two different groups, they’re called the Ashas’ and the Worriers.” 

“Are they like clubs?” I asked.

“In a way, the Worriers is a group of certain people that are from the original families of the Supernaturals.”

“Who’s in the group?”

“Ava, Zara, Sophie, Talia, Tianna, Megan, and I”

 “All of you guys? What do you do in it?”

“We help out the dimension and they school, we’re all in the group because most of us are full blooded Supernaturals not half mortal. Although, even some people that are half mortal – like Tianna and Megan – are still so powerful and their bloodline is still pretty pure they’re just naturally in the group. You’re supposed to be in this group too.”

“Really? I am? That’s sweet!” I exclaim.

She smiled, most likely from my reaction, and continued on in explaining the way the school worked. “Then there's the Ashas’ their a different type of group then the Worriers.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, the Ashas’ have dark magic. They’re exactly like us in a way, but they’re not the nicest people and they get into a lot of trouble.”

“If they get into trouble why would the Head Master allow them to have that group?”

“He doesn’t exactly know that they exist… he knows about dark magic of course, you cant have good magic without bad magic. However, they have to take different types of classes, because their magic works differently for them.”

“Why are they in a group?” I questioned.

“I guess they were mad that we have a group or something, they made up the Ashas’ as basically a anti-Worriers group.”

“That’s… weird,” I state, “Like, that’s really strange. I don’t get it…”

She laughs and turns to her desk pulling out a textbook and some paper; she spoke as soon as she started writing. “No one really does, but whatever they do what they want normally. Anyway, are you excited to be going here? I know it can suck leaving behind your old life.”

Instantly I felt my mood darken a touch, “yeah, it does.” I agreed, “but things weren’t going so well fore be back home. It’s kind of nice to start fresh, you know?”

She nods, I think she could tell it was a touchy subject because she didn’t bother asking me what happened. She didn’t really say anything after that, leaving us in a silence.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay with what happened today. Maybe I’m overreacting? I’m not sure anymore. Sighing I turned towards Jessica, “Where’s the coffee shop?”

“When you walk out of the dorm room walk straight, you’ll see it, it’s right by the library,” she told me without looking up from what she was doing.

“Alright,” I say as I grabbed my black jacket and made my way to the shop.

The bitter taste of coffee on my tongue made me feel almost normal again, the café was a small little shop with only a few tables and chairs inside. It was pretty busy – I guess it would be since it’s the only coffee place on campus – I guess even Supernaturals need caffeine fixes.

 Looking up from my drink I noticed a couple of students staring at me, they all had black eyes. That must be the Ashas’ group, I thought to myself. One girl – who was looking at me to begin with – had noticed me staring, she smirked and walked towards me. She had think; long, straight black hair that must have went down to her hips. She was pale, and was pretty tall – her 5-inch heels must help her out though. Her jet-black eyes gave me a once over as she jutted her hip out to the right.

“Do we have a problem here or something?” she snarled, “didn’t your mama tell you it’s rude to stare?”

I rolled my eyes, what a bitch. “Didn’t think it was that big of a deal considering you were the one looking at me first."

“Oh, sorry my bad. I just couldn’t help myself watch you as you sat there alone.”

“What’s that even have to do with anything? You’re just trying to start something because I’m new here.”

She stared at me in surprise; “you’re new here? Oh my bad again! Here’s a new flash ‘new girl’ I don’t start stuff, I just say what’s on my mind that’s all! What’s your name anyway?”

I stare at her in bewilderment, I think this chick has something wrong with her. “Whitney,” I answer her.

“So you’re the new powerful student! How interesting!”  

Honestly what’s her problem, I haven’t even done anything to her…

Out of curiosity I started to read her mind, just to get a feel on whom this chick really is.

How the hell is she the most powerful supernatural in Clovai? Look at everyone staring at her, like she’s so important, how stupid are they? I’m the best supernatural in this school! They should want me! I can’t believe Drew’s already drooling over her, he’s supposed to be mine!

Are people actually staring at me? 

Looking around I finally notice everyone looking, all the members of the Ashas’ had gathered around us.

“Uh, hey you,” I say the girl, she looks at me. “Do you mind keeping your thoughts down? It’s kind of giving me a headache, and can you keep your jealousy in check? That’d be really nice.”

She stared at me in shock; “You little bitch! You have no right to read my mind!”

“Well it looks like I just did so…” now it’s my turn to smirk, “so if we’re done here I’d like to be on my way now? Alright, thanks.”

Standing up I walked out of the coffee shop, listening to people laugh the whole time.

I think I had only got halfway to the girl’s dorms before I heard somebody’s footsteps behind me. Turning around I saw a boy with sandy brown hair and dark black eyes, they did seem to have a hint of purple behind them. He was reasonably tall – maybe 5’6? It was obvious that he went to the gym. “Wait up!” he called to me. I stood in the middle of the walkway until he caught up.

“I’m sorry what happened back there. Scarlet just likes to start trouble,” he told me.

So, that’s what her name is, I thought to myself. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Are you sure you’re okay? It’s not much welcome, considering its your first day.”

“I’m fine.”

“Alright,” he said sounding relived. “Just so you know we’re not all like that. I’m Drew by the way.”

“Okay Drew, as you know I’m Whitney,” he reached out and shook my hand. Startled by his touch I quickly pulled back. “I should really go. Uh, bye.”

Turning quickly I walked back to my dorm room.

What the hell happened back there? I asked myself. What was that? When he touched my hand I felt something. I don’t really know what though. However it’s clearly something, I’ve never had a feeling like this before, not even with Nolan. With him the only feeling that I really had was lust. This was different, I don’t know how though! All I know is that I cant stop thinking about him, his creamy coloured skin; full lips that were a slight pink; his high cheek bones. How his hand felt in mine. Ah! What’s going on?

“You okay there? You look distressed.” Tianna asked me, looking concerned.

I look up suprised; I didn’t see her enter our dorm. “Hmm? Oh! Yeah I’m fine. I just got really deep in thought.”

“Oh okay!” she said easy smiling at me, “as long as your not upset or something.”

I laugh. “Oh don’t worry I’m not.”

Still smiling – she was always in a good mood – Tianna came and sat down next to me on my bed. Taking my hand in hers she said, “I know it can be really hard leaving you’re old life behind. It’s hard to adapt to such a big change all at once.”

I looked up into her bright pink eyes as I felt my own eyes fill with tears. Before I knew it she had pulled me into a bear hug and I was crying into her shoulder. I didn’t realize how upset I was over everything and how scared I was of being in such a new place. What would happen if it didn’t work out here? I couldn’t go back home. My mom didn’t want me to be here in the beginning.

Just as I thought this there was a knock on the door then the sound of someone opening it. “Is she okay?” I heard Megan ask as she rushed up to Tianna and I.

“Uh, I don’t really know. I think she’s just in shock from being here, it is a lot to take in.” Tianna replied.

Moving back from Tianna I looked up at Megan as I wiped my wet eyes and my nose. “How did you know I was crying” I asked her my voice sounding raw from my tears.

She smiled at me; “I can read minds remember?”

“Oh right,” I responded. 

Megan sat down next to me on my bed, making me in the middle of her and Tianna. “So, what’s really bugging you?” Megan asked brushing my hair away from my face.

Sighing I told them everything that had happened between Nolan, Taylor, and I starting from the party all the way to the argument we had the day I had left the mortal world. I also told them about what my mom had said to me, and how I came here without permission.

Tianna stared at me in shock, “That’s horrible! How could she do that to you?” she was obviously talking about Taylor.

I shrugged.

“That’s really strange, like why would your mom not wanting you to come to Myda? What does she have against us?” Megan wondered out loud.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “I met a couple of the Ashas’ today as well.”

“Oh no…” Tianna muttered.

“How’d that go?” Megan asked sounding concerned.

“Not too well, this girl named Scarlet kept bugging me. She just wanted to start something, I don’t see why it was necessary.”

“That’s Scarlet for you,” Tianna said bitterly.

“Don’t worry about her, she’s not worth your time.” Megan told me. I nodded.

“I have an idea,” Tianna said standing up and moving over to her bed, she opened the drawer to her white wooden nightstand and pulled out a mint green leather notebook. Walking back over to us she handed me the book. “Take this okay, you sure seem like you have a lot on your mind. Maybe if you write it down it will get easier?”

I smiled up at her. “Thank you.”

I may not know what’s going to happen next, or what this school will bring me; but I was sure of one thing. I was sure going to like this place.
