Chapter 11

2K reads wow you guys are awesome! Thanks so much! In honor of getting this far here's an early update! Hope you guys enjoy.

This chapters dedicated to all my followers and fans, you guys rock. Vote, share, and comment! I love hearing what you think.

Chapter 11

Soaring high above the trees where no one would find me I experienced a feeling I've never felt before. Freedom. It was exhilarating, having the wind gently caress my wings and face as I flew through the clear blue sky.

I looked down at the trees and continued flying until I saw a clearing. I swooped down and gracefully landed on the ground. I focused on my human form, my long legs, dark chocolate brown hair, and my rather pale skin. My muscles expanded and I felt myself grown taller. I looked down; I was human... and naked.

I held my breath and looked down at my thigh, the one where I had tied my clothes on, and saw that my uniform was still attached. I let out the breath I had been holding and got dressed.

Then I left the clearing.

I walked through the forest, remembering everything. Surprisingly, nothing had changed in the past couple of months. To the right there was the same oddly shaped tree that somewhat resembled a heart, further back was the random patch of bamboo, and a couple of cherry blossom trees scattered around. I walked past them all, my attention focused on the giant oak tree that stood in front of me.

I crouched down and moved a pill of leave away from the tree trunk. Hidden behind the leaves was a small hole in the tree, I reached inside and pulled out my small brown backpack. I opened it and slowly took out what it held.

When I finished I looked over the items that had been in my bag, a water bottle, food, and an extra pair of clothes. I reach down and picked up my plain old ratty navy blue T-shirt, and turned it inside out. On the inside of the shirt was a small white pocket, I reached inside and pulled out a locket.

The locket was bronze and oval-shaped, with an engagement of a forest on it. Carefully, I opened the locket to see my family's smiling faces staring at me. Even after two years of pain and death, I could still remember their features well.

My father's stern but soft face stared up at me, his gray eyes crinkling from his wide grin. Beside him was my mother, though her smile was as wide and bright as my father's she had a much softer face. I looked over at the other picture and saw my brother. Though Clark and I are brother and sister we look nothing alike. Clarks more like my mom with tanner skin, bright bluely-gray eyes, and brown hair with a bit of black in it, while I'm more like my dad with my hard expression and dark brown hair.

Staring down at my family I finally let the tears of weakness fall from my cheeks. Soon I'm crying deep heavy sobs that make my whole body shake.

I don't know how long I stayed there crying by the old oak tree, but soon I could tell it's was getting late. I try to stand up but I'm overtaken by a sudden wave of sleepiness which makes me fall to the ground. My breath comes out in gasps and all I could think is it's happening again. I'm losing control all over again. Please not again, I thought just before I was overtaken by darkness.

* * *

The attack was so sudden no one would have guessed it. One minute everything was fine, Clark and I were on a walk in our village, and the next thing I knew everything was in chaos.

The sirens started to wail; telling everyone an attacker was coming. Clark grabbed my hand and led me towards our old tree house, since it was the closest shelter we had. That was the main rule: if and attack happened go to the nearest shelter, anything that would keep you safe.

We rushed inside and shut the door.

"What type of attack is it?" I asked Clark.

Clark paused from barricading the door for a moment. "Not sure but it's bad, can't you hear the screaming?"

I nodded, and then looked down. Outside you really could hear screaming high-pitched wails of pain piercing through my ears. "Do you think mom and dad are okay?" I asked quietly not meeting Clark's eyes.

He stopped working again. "Autumn," he said his voice soft. "Mom and Dad have been in this village since they were kids, I'm sure they can take care of themselves."

"How do you know?" I demanded.

He sighed. "I don't know Autumn."

It was quiet in the tree house for awhile. Then suddenly Clark jerked his head up and cursed.

"What?" I asked starting to get panicked

Clark moved around the room quickly towards a wooden chest we kept in every shelter. He opened it and pulled out 2 wooden stakes and something in a blue velvet bag. Then he turned towards me, fear written all over his face.

I stood up and walked towards him. "Clark, what's wrong?"

He still didn't respond. He just stared at me with the same sad expression. "Clark," I said with a slight warning in my voice, "tell me what's going on."

"Fine, I'll tell you alright. We're under a vampire attack."

"Well obviously Clark," I said getting annoyed.

"No, you don't get it do you?" Clark said his voice getting loader, "It's a vampire attack, for God's sake! Don't you know what that means?"

"Keep your voice down!" I whispered sharply.

Clark sighed loudly, clearly trying to get control of himself; "We have to split up."


"Basic emergency knowledge, when a vampire attack happens... its everyone for themselves."

"Wait," I said, finally coming to the conclusion, "you're not leaving me are you?"

"I have to! Do you think I want to leave you? You're my little sister; of course I don't want to abandon you. I have to, I have no choice..." Clark's voice became quieter, his eyes shining - but if it was with sorrow or anger, I couldn't tell.

"What do you mean you have no choice? Of course you do! We've broken rules before!"

"It's different this time, bad things will happen if we break the rules, really bad things."

"Clark don't be so over dramatic!"

"I'm not!" He shouted, "Now we have no more time to lose - I've wasted enough already - so take this," he held out the blue bag towards me.

I looked at the silky smooth bag questionably, "Clark, what the hell am I supposed to do with a blue bag?"

"Just take it, please," Clark begged, his eyes pleading.

I sighed and took the bag. Quietly, without looking up at him I try to open the bag, but Clarks hand covered mine, causing me to pause for a minute. "Don't open it here, not now. Save it for later please," he said his voice quiet.

"Alright," I replied.

He looked up at me for a moment and then looked towards the boarded up window. "I should get going; you'll be fine by yourself."

I grab his hand and narrow my eyes at him. "You're not actually leaving me are you?"

He looks back at me, and for a second I really thought he would stay. But his next words crush my one hope for him. "Yes."

He takes his arm from mine and starts to walk away. "You're my brother! You're supposed to care about me!" I shout after him.

Clark turns and tosses a wooden stake at me, "Here you'll need this," and then he continues towards the window. Once he gets there he turns to me one last time, "Good Luck, Autumn. And in case I never see you again I want to remember the good times we had, not the bad times - such as this moment. And I want you to know that I do love you, even if you think I don't."

I turn away from him, not knowing what to say. In my hands sits the blue bag, I stare down at it. Then when curiosity takes over, I open it. In side is a copper coloured locket with trees on the front. On the back my name is engraved, and inside is a picture of my parents and me and my brother. With a grim expression I put the necklace on, thinking I would never see my parents again.

"Oh, and Autumn," I heard a voice from behind me. Turning I see that Clark is still there. "Happy birthday."

I stare at him, and then nod.

Suddenly the door bursts open and guards barge in. I ran towards the window.

"Clarke!" I screamed, panicked. But as soon as the door had opened Clark had disappeared.

"Stop her!" shouted one of the guards.

"No! Wait, leave her be. You know Lynx loves a good chase," said another.

Before I could fully comprehend what the guards were saying and realize that they weren't chasing me anymore, I had climbed out of the window and ran.

* * *

I open my eyes to see I was still in the forest.

I stand up trying to pull myself together to figure out what had just happened. I could never clearly remember what had happened that day - my birthday - till now. And why did I pass out? I thought to myself, I haven't had an episode like that since I was 7.

When I was younger I used to faint a lot. My parents never understood why, I was perfectly healthy. Once I got older it started to become less and less of a problem until I only fainted once a year. It had always been a mystery as to why I did this.

I try to remember back to when I was little, but for some reason I couldn't think of anything other than general information. What the hell's going on? I thought; I used to be able to remember everything so clearly. I had such a vivid memory. But for some reason, I couldn't remember anything from when I was 13 or under... but why can't I? Maybe I just hit my head or something?

But I didn't have time to dwell on it for long, because I heard a snap of a twig. My breath caught in my throat and my heart started pounding. Then I let instinct take over, I thought of a big sleek wolf. And before I knew it I was a large black wolf. Then quickly I pick up the locket, which I had dropped when I passed out, and ran away from the tree towards the school.

Prowling through the forest surrounding the school, I realized that I had transformed so quickly that I didn't have any other clothes to change into. Shit! I thought.

Okay, I thought to myself, here are your options. 1. You can stay as a wolf till nighttime comes. Or 2 bolt through the campus like some wild animal and go to my dorm. I pondered over my options, but soon figured out none of them would work. I looked around campus. To the left of me was the way to the dorms and beyond that was the library, and campus coffee shop. Then to the right was the actual boarding school; behind the school were the football field, and the giant circular dome, which held the water magic classroom.

Students milled through campus, so classes must still be in session. All I had to do was wait until classes ended and then I could get to my dorm as quietly as possible. Yeah, that's exactly what I can do, I told myself calmly. But soon my reassuring plan was ruined when I saw Asher, Drew, and Ethan walk towards the area I just so happened to be in.

I backed up. Oh God, I thought when I saw that Asher had noticed a wolf so close to campus. How am I supposed to get out of this?

Turning, I decided to do what I thought was best under the circumstances. Bolt.

* * *

They must have seen me run, because I could feel them chasing after me, their feet pounding against the hard earth. I take a sharp left, and run my now four legs to their maximum limit, but surprisingly the 3 boys were keeping up pretty well. Two of them had started to fall behind, though one of them was only a couple of steps behind me -- but which one I couldn't tell.

I came to a clearing with magnificent waterfall and bright green trees. The beautiful scenery almost stopped me in my tracks, it was so breathtaking, but I knew that if I stopped I would be caught.

My muscles were burning, but the pure adrenaline coursing through my veins kept me going. Taking another left turn, I saw - out of the corner of my eye - Drew running towards me. The fact that he was getting closer wasn't what scared me, it was the black ball of pure dark magic which came rushing towards me. I had no time to react, the magic was approaching too fast to dodge or outrun. And before I knew it, it hit me and I was on the ground.

The magic seared through my skin causing a loud whimper to come out of my mouth. Drew came closer, Asher and Ethan slowly followed behind.

I think after that I passed out, not for long, but when I did regain conciseness we were still in the middle of the forest. I had turned back into my human form, which was missing its clothes. However - and thank God for it - someone had draped their jacket over top of me. The boys didn't realize I had awakened yet, so they continued their conversation about me.

"Is she going to wake up anytime soon?" Ethan asked Drew sounding worried --- awe, he's worried about me. Too bad he's the traitor that caused this in the first place.

"Yeah, I think so. I didn't hit her that hard," Drew replied.

Ethan looked over at me; I was glad my hair came down and covered my eyes so he couldn't see me watching. "She looks freezing. Can't you wake her up?"

"Well I offered to dress her..." Asher said.

"Not happening!" Ethan snapped, causing me to almost laugh out load. The boys fell quiet after that, so I decided that I should let them know that I was awake.

"Hey boys, done talking about me?" I said my voice still slightly muffled from lying on the ground.

"Autumn!" Ethan said surprised and embarrassed that I was awake and had heard their small conversation. "Are you okay?"

I looked up at him, "Oh yeah, I love being hit by dark magic or whatever the fuck that was and lying on the ground naked in front of a bunch of boys."

"Yeah, she's okay," Asher reassured Ethan.

Ethan jumped up and walked towards me, he held out his hand to help me up. I spat on it. This caused him to recoil. "I don't need your help you traitor!" I shouted.

Asher snickered, "Yup, she's definitely okay."

I stood up, causing everyone to look away from me. I grabbed the jacket - as it had fallen off me when I got up - and quickly put it on, zipping it up. Asher was the first to check if I had some form of clothing on.

We all stood there, staring at each other in an awkward silence. I wasn't sure what to say; I hadn't seen Asher in a year. Ethan betrayed me. I never really talked to Drew; to me he was just Whitney's boyfriend. I looked at all of them. None of us knew what to do next. Then finally, Drew's phone rang, stopping the silence. It was Whitney, you could tell from the sudden smile that crossed Drew's face and the ring tone - he assigned one special for her, and it's so cute it made me nauseous.

"Hey babe," Drew said still smiling. I couldn't tell what Whitney was saying. However, Drew's sudden change in his face told me it wasn't something good. He tried reassuring her, but I don't think it was working. So, he told her we'd be there in 5 minutes and hung up.

"We need to go to the Head Master's office. Right now," Drew announced and started walking towards the school.

"How come?" Ethan questioned as he followed Drew.

"I'm not sure... Whitney won't explain. She just told us to come right now."

He sounded panicked, so quickly we all followed behind him. I looked back, and saw that my backpack had been tossed into a nearby bush. I took it and jogged to catch up to them.

Just as Drew had promised, we reached the office in 5 minutes. We saw Whitney outside the door with Sophie, Zara, Tianna, and Megan. They were all crying except for Sophie, for some reason this didn't surprise me.

Drew rushed up to Whitney, comforting her. I walked up to Sophie, "What happened?" I asked.

She looked at me; her crystal blue eyes seemed darker, almost having that surreal quality to them. "Why don't you go see for yourself?" she questioned back.

I gave her a weird look, from what I could tell Sophie's never like this...

Clearly, whatever happened was really bad. I turned and walked into the office, Sophie trailing behind.

I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

The room was covered in blood. A dark deep red color. The papers that had been stacked on top of the desk were scattered around the room; furniture was throw all over. The windows were smashed. However, even looking at this whole mess, the dead body that was sprawled by the fireplace was what really got my attention. I almost didn't recognize this twisted left over of what was a body; it was the Head Master. His throat was torn wide-open, blood still seeping from it. He had stab wounds all over his abdomen, there had to be at least 50.

I tried to keep my nausea at bay. "Well," I said to Sophie, "at least he wore a red shirt today..."

"His shirt was white this morning," she stated. I gagged.

Sophie looked around; I could still hear the girls crying outside the room. "Autumn, you might want to look at this..." Sophie's voice was strangely clam.

I walked over to where she was standing and look up towards where she was pointing. My breath caught in my throat.

Right above a low cabinet was a message written in blood. 'If you don't face me I will keep killing everyone you're close with. Come back home Autumn.'

"Oh my God," I muttered, right before I felt the ground rush up to meet me.

* * *

When I came to, I was lying down in one of the beds in the medical room. God, I have fainted way too much today...

"Feeling better?" I heard a voice ask looking up I saw Sophie sitting next to my bed reading a book.

I looked at her, remembering her expression when I fainted. It was like she was waiting for me to. "You knew," my tone was plain, flat. I knew I was right.

She nodded. "You knew about everything! That hew as going to die, you knew it all! Why didn't you tell anyone? You just let a man die! How can you live with yourself knowing that?" I yelled.

She gave me a tired look. "Keep your voice down and I'll explain."

I shut my mouth.

"Yes, I knew everything. The problem is, he had to die, Autumn. You don't understand this; you don't have this gift. But if I told you or Whitney you guys would have tried to save him. One of you or both of you would have been dead instead of him. Autumn, Whitney can't die. You can't either. If we lose you guys, all of us are doomed. So, I'm left with the choice of, let one person die and someone get hurt, or watch the whole universe die. It didn't seem like a hard choice to me."

I stared at her in bewilderment. "Wait, someone get hurt... who got hurt?"

"Mrs. Heart. Before you ask she's fine, don't worry. Only a broken leg and some cracked ribs."

I had no reply for her. So I sat back on the bed. "Does Whitney know what you saw?"

"No," she answered simply.

"Have you seen anything else?" my voice sounded flat, dead, like it did when I was stuck with Lynx.

"Yes," I looked over at her with raised eyebrows. "However, I can't tell you what. If I tell you the future then it changes. That's why carnival fortune tellers futures never come true, more than half can actually tell the future, but as soon as you tell someone what's going to happen it changes. I'm not sure why, but that's how it works."

I didn't know what to say to all this new information she had given me. However, I had no time to reply even if I wanted to, because Talia loudly barged into the room.

"How's the patient?" she asked her red eyes playful.

"Doctor, I don't think... I can make it... tell my wife, I love her..." I held my hands over my throat, as I let my body go limp. Slowly and dramatically I closed my eyes.

"Well... I didn't see that one coming," Sophie said seriously, causing Talia and I to burst into hysterical laughter.
