The magical place (57)

Where the fack had they brought Coulson to?
Skye had arrived in the middle of the desert, into a sort of village.
"God, creepy..."
The place was filled with mannequins. This was definitely on her "Most creepy places I've ever been to" list.
The houses were made of wood, and she decided to get a closer look. But it made her only more affraid of what she would find. Every house was filled with mannequins. Mannequins dressed like a family, with father, mother, and children, and lots more.
"You shouldn't be here."
Quickly, she turned around, to see one of the centipede soldiers, and she started to run, back to her car.
The soldier got smashed by a car. Their car. The others.
"Coulson's got to be here somewhere. We need to split up."
"Permission to kick some ass?" Sanchez asked. There was something in her eyes... Skye did not know exactly what it was. But she knew that Sanchez and Coulson had a past, so propably she was out of her mind right now.
"Granted," May replied.
"Oh run."
A soldier was coming their way.
"I'll take care of him," Ward said.
"Are you sure?"
Ward grabbed the special gadget he got from Fitzsimmons.
"I got this."
He ran to the centipede soldier, while Sanchez saw another one coming up at them.
"He's mine!" She yelled. She went off the group, and started her attack with a head-bump.
"Come'on, let's move!" May shouted. They started to look into some houses, only to find more soldiers.
"Next!" Sanchez shouted. She needed to get rid of some anger. But her anger faded away when she heard a scream of pure pain.
Coulson. And she knew that he had found out the truth, after all this time. And god, it did hurt.
Everyone ran into the direction where the scream came from, and Sanchez was close to Skye, when they ran into one of the houses.
"It is for his own good."
The first thing Skye did, was punching Raina in the face.
"Please let me die please let me die please let me die please-"
Coulson was with his head in a sort of machine, and god, it really hurt Sanchez to see him like this. But he knew now. He knew.
"Sanchez, help me to put this thing of," Skye said. Sanchez ran to the wall, to unplug the machine, but May was quicker.
"Coulson. Coulson. Come back come back come back please."
Skye took his hand, but he was still in his "where ever I am" world. Sanchez took his other hand, and closed her eyes, feeling his pain fading away.
Slowly, he came back to the real world. Skye started to cry. No one could blame her.


"Nice jacket."
Everyone was back on the bus now. Raina was being handed over to agent Hand, and some of her people.
Sanchez ran out of the lab, toward Hand. She whispered something in her ear, and Hand nodded.
Without a warning, Sanchez punched Raina in the face.
"Damn! That felt good."
She came back into the bus, where Fitzsimmons, Ward, May, and Skye were into the lab.
"Bet there aren't any flowerdresses where she's going," Simmons said.
"Amen to that, sister," Fitz replied.
None of them could see the silent conversation between Coulson and Raina, with the first one standing on the balcony of the cargohold. When Raina was taken away, he came downstairs, and went to agent Hand.
"Just got of the phone with headquarters. Director Fury was very reliefd."
"I understand you have been busy. Heard you put some miles on my plane."
"We've had some impressive results. Centipede operatons have been taken down around the globe."
"Any word of the clairvoyant?"
"Nothing yet. But it is going to be really hard to stay hidden, now that the clairvoyant is on SHIELD's radar."
"Good. Because Raina knew things about me... Personal things. I wanna know how."
"My man and I are taking her stright to headquarters for questioning. We'll be in touch."
She turned around to leave, but Coulson hold her back.
"Agent Hand?"
He shook her hand.
"Thank you. For everything."
"Good to have you back. Honestly, this bus, it isn't really my style."
Coulson smiled, when Hand went to her car. That was also the moment, the others came out of the lab.
"I just wanna say... Thank you."
All of them were silent for a while.
"Now, get back to work."
They all gave him a hand, and went back to their working spots, leaving Skye behind with Coulson.
"I heard what you did for me. I think it is time, we remove this."
He took her arm with the bracelet, and said a few words.
"Disengage bracelet."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Thought you'd like that."
She made a face, while kneading her wrist.
"Back in that room, did you learn anything?"
"I heard what you were saying."
"It wasn't real," he said. "They were just messing with my head. But I appreciate your concern."
Sky sniffed.


It was late in the evening, when doctor Streiten went to his car. But the moment he opened the door of the drivers seat, he knew he wasn't alone.
"Hello doc," a familliar voice behind him said. "Do you know who I am?"
"Yes. I do."
"Good. That means you know what happends if you turn around."
"What is it you want?"
"You, and a couple of other medics, have broken the rules of the deathman pact. So has Fury, by the way."
"The what?"
"O, shut up," the voice said. "You know exactly where I'm talking about. Every SHIELD medic is briefed about the pact. And let me be clear. My brother doesn't like it if someone is messing with his work. You'll pay your debt soon enough."
"Or you're going to listen to what I have to say."
Now, Dr. Streiten turned around. There was no female to be seen in the back of his car. Only a man. And he knew exactly who it was.
"Good, evening, doctor."
"Agent Coulson."
"You weren't operating on my heart."
The doctor was silent for a while.
"I know about Tahiti."
 "I was affraid this day would come," the doctor said.
"Because of what I do?"
"Because of what I've done," the doctor replied. "After New York, you weren't dead for eight seconds, or fourty seconds, or whatever they've put in your file. You were dead for days."
"That's impossible."
"It should be, without your special friend. But direcor Fury moved heaven and earth. He had a team of scientists working around the clock, using proceidures no good doctor would ever allow."
"You were there."
"Fury brought me in during the seventh operation. We kept you concious, to monitor brain activity. But you were in extreme pain. The neurological damage... It was catastrophic."
"I wanted to die."
"And we should have let you," the doctor said. "But the trauma you went trough... It was ungodly."
"Why was that machine, messing with my brain?"
"After what you've been through... We wanted to restore the man you've once been. So we gave you a pleasant memory. Of a beautiful island. We didn't want you to be... That thing."
"What did I become, doctor?" Coulson asked. "Tell me."
"You'd loss your will to live. We'd tried to give it back. I'm sorry, agent Coulson. Truely, I am. If you only knew..."
The sound of a door. Coulson was gone.
