Repairs (43)

"That's starting good."
When they came into the street of Hannah Hutchins, they could see a crowd in front of one of the houses. Big shot that would be hers.
"She blew up that gas station-"
"Why aren't you arresting her?"
"We knew what she did!"
A police officer and a blond woman were standing on the porch of the house, the woman looking slightly worried. Sanchez did not even need her powers to know what was coming up.
They showed their badges to the police officers who were trying to keep the crowd under control, and while Coulson and Ward went to Hudgins, May and Sanchez stayed by the officers, to keep an eye on the crowd.
"Is there anything you can do to get these people to dispurse?" Coulson asked one of the cops.
"I tried, but... It's a free country."
"Miss Hudgins, I'm agent Coulson. We're specialised in strange occurrenses like the ones you've encountered."
"You've come to lock me up," she replied softly, almost in tears.
"I'm telling you," Sanchez mumbled to May. "She is not a telekinetic."
"You're sure?"
"Something else is going on here. I can sense it."
The crowd started to trow with eggs to the house.
"We don't want you here anymore!"
"Officers, get those people back!" Ward yelled.
One of the police cars started to drive - no one was driving it - , and it seemed like it would drive into the middle of the crowd.
"Move out of the way!"
Coulson pushed someone out of the way. The car stopped abruptly.
"It's her, that freak is trying to kill us!" A woman yelled.
"Hey, calm down!" Skye said to the woman, while coming out of the car.
The officer on the porch pointed a gun at Hutchins. Sanchez rolled her eyes.
This was going well. Really.
"Easy, officer," Ward said. "Put the gun down."
"Miss Hudgins, calm down-"
"It wasn't me!"
"Please, calm down, we're not going to let anybody hurt you-"
A gun shot. May had sedated her.
"Time to go."


"Okay, bring it on your theory."
Coulson, May, and Sanchez were in the briefing room, looking at the screen, what showed the interrogation room, changed in a metal cage.
"To start: She isn't a telekinetic."
"Why that?" Coulson asked.
"First; I would have felt her energy. And I'm for the full one hundred procent sure. She isn't one."
"But I think there's more," Coulson replied.
"True. I want to talk to her."
Ward came into the room, and they quited their conversation.
"Just a mattress, sir?" He asked. "It's a six hour long flight to the fridge."
"Fitz added a magnetic shield to the cage after Simmons had her scare. If miss Hudgins has this power, then this room should keep it from getting out. In there, she is just as dangerous."
"Second time, Coulson. She isn't telekinetic, and I just want to ask her a few questions."
"Fine, but you're not going in yourself. She's going to be scared, waking up in a strange room. To have immediateley three people on her neck, that can be very intimidating. If you're having certain questions for her, you will tell them to May, over an earpiece."
"Wait... You want me in?" May asked.
"We need to win her trust."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" May asked again.
"If she's gonna believe anything we say, she needs to know that we aren't hiding things from her. Which means you, explaining the situation."
"What if that doesn't calm her down?" Ward asked. "What if it makes her more agitated?"
"Then he definitely wants me in there," May said. Sanchez rolled with her eyes.
"Pretty much."
"We'll observe from out of here," Ward said.
"And I'll lose the tie. If she is telekinetic, I don't want to have a noose around my neck."
May sighed, and she and Coulson left the room.
"Am I that bad with people?" Sanchez asked Ward.
"Well, if you ask me-"
She raised an eyebrow.
"What you did to those bodies back in Seville... It doesn't make people believe that you actually like them."
Sanchez sighed.
"Ugh. Fine," she growled.
"Come'on, they're going to start."
On the screen, they could see Hannah waking up, while May and Coulson came in.
"Brought you some water," Coulson said. Slowly, he gave it to her.
"It's okay. I'm Phil. This is Melinda May."
It took a while before she said something back.
"How did I get here?" She asked.
"I sedated you," May replied.
"I apologise, for bringing  you in that way," Coulson said. "Things were escalating. It was for everyone's safety."
"Everyone's safety," she mumbled. "Good. Okay. Oh lord, what have I done..."
"I promise you, miss Hudgins, nobody was hurt back there," Coulson told her.
"Where ever I go, things turn bad."
"Were you angry at those people?" May asked. "Back at the house?"
" No, I know most of them. They were angry. I understand. O god... Frank's wife... The way she was looking at me."
"May, when it is the right time, ask her of one of her family members has died recently," Sanchez asked.
Ward looked at her with a not understanding look.
"Stuff. You would not understand any of it."
"Frank Del aquort?" Coulson asked to Hannah, back in the interrogation room.
"He died in the accident."
"Because of me, they are gone. I killed them."
"Tell her that isn't true," Sanchez said again.
"That isn't true, Miss Hudgins," May said. "We're having another question for you. Has someone in your family recently died?"
May looked at the camera.
"Continue," Sanchez said.
"Tell us something more about what happend before the accident," May asked.
"For weeks, I was getting reports of section two," Hutchins told them. "Complaining that the coupling was coming loose of the balts. Tobias is the... He was the technician down there. We replaced the part, and we triple checked it, for damage. It seems like, I went down there, every few days..."
"Did you find a problem?" Coulson asked.
"No. But clearly, I missed something."
"My team is working to determ what really did happen, and what might have happend to you," Coulson said.
"To me? What do you mean?"
Coulson looked at May.
"Okay, fine," Sanchez sighed. "Tell her what you guys are thinking."
"We believe that some how, as a result of the accident, you required some form of telekinetic ability."
"You think it's me? The police car... The gas station... You think I did that?"
"I warned you," Sanchez grinned. Ward rolled his eyes.
"We are not sure. This can be a hard thing to hear, but all these events have one thing in common."
"Me? But I'm not causing it. It's not me, I wish it were, because maybe I could make it stop-"
"But when it is not you, then what is it?"
"You people won't believe me."
May kneeled before her.
"Try me."
"Here we go," Sanchez said.
A tear streamed down Hanna her face.
"God's punishing me. He abandoned me. He doesn't protect me anymore, that's why this is happening."
"Protect you from what?" Coulson asked.
"Demons, sir. I'm being haunted. By demons."
At the briefing room, Sanchez started to curse loudly.
"Shut up, Ward," she hissed.
"Dammit. I should have known. Dammit dammit dammit. May, ask her if one of the victims was close to her, more than the others."
May ignored Sanchez her question. As a response, Sanchez cursed even more loud.
"For gods sake, why has Fury me placed here on this plane, with those- those idiotic sukkelige stupido's morons! I'm going to get them out of the room. Ward, when Coulson and May return to the briefing room, tell May that she has to get the plane to the ground, as soon as possible."
Even before he could respond, Sanchez left the room, and went to the interogation room. May and Coulson seemed quietly surprised, that she opened the door.
"I'm sorry for interupting, but they would like to speak both of you in the briefing room, There is a special situation going on there."
Through her mind talk, this sentence sounded more like this:
"Get this plane on the ground, and go the briefing room as soon as possible, otherwise I'm going to do some very bad things."
"Of course. Miss Hudgins, let me introduce you agent Sanchez. She is specialised in the gifted people. She will keep you company, and run a few tests on you."
Coulson and May both left the room, and Sanchez closed the door behind them.
"Okay, we're going to do this quick. I'm not going to run stupid tests on you or something, because I know that you aren't a telekinetic. I know that you're being haunted, and I'm going to do anything to help you. So that's why I'm having a few questions for you, and it is very important that you answer them as truthfull as possible. Do you understand that?"
She nodded slowly.


"My office. Now."
The first face she saw after leaving the interrogation room, was the one of Coulson.
"Why aren't we landing?"
"Because we can in two hours. My office. Now."
Sanchez cursed again.
"No, not your office. We need to prepare everything. If the soul-"
"If the what?"
"By the gods, Coulson, have I thaught you nothing?!"
She pushed him against the wall.
"My brother warned me for this. We're dealing here with a lost soul. The poor girl is being haunted by one. Big shot that the soul is here, on the bus. If he gets into the system, then-"
"We're going down," Coulson replied.
"What do you want me to do?"
