T.R.A.C.K.S (63)

"Holo table, on."
"Holo table, activate."
Andromeda grinned. Such a shame she wasn't able to record this.
Now, he tried to find a 'on' button. Surprisingly, he found it, and a lot of projections appeared. Stuff from other missions, Stuff he did not even know it existed, but somewhere in the mess... Somewhere in the mess was the thing he needed.
He started to remove some stuff, until the moment he had the right one.
"SHIELD pulled some satellite images-"
Coulson came into the lab. He looked surprised at the holo table.
"Train's gone. They're checking alternate routes. If it's somewhere on earth, we'll find it."
He looked again at the table.
"It's pretty tricky, right? I couldn't even find the on button."
Ward pointed at a certain spot on the table.
"Can you... Zoom in?"
He tried. Nothing. He tried again. Still nothing.
Andromeda bursted into laughter. This was the most funniest thing she had ever seen.
"Ehm... I think Fitzsimmons do something more like-"
Coulson tried. Still nothing.
He tried a again. The holograph changed, but it was definitely not right.
"Let's just upload the specs to HQ."
Ward nodded. "Good idea."
He turned the table off.
"Oh, eh... Sir?"
Coulson turned around.
"This probably isn't the best time, but what May told you I would have preferred it to stay between me and her."
"Well, "it" is happening on my bus, amongst members of my team."
"No, we've never... done - It's never happened on the bus, sir."
Andromeda didn't know where to look. It became better with the second.
"You want to do this now? Okay. What you're doing is against protocol, so if you endanger an operation or if anyone gets hurt, I'll reassign you to Barrow, Alaska, and you'll spend the rest of your years pulling the night shift guarding Blonsky's cryo-cell. Am I clear?"
Ward made a face. Andromeda almost died from laughing.
"I'll take that as a yes. And if it's really just sex, Ward, you should get more comfortable using the word."
Tears were streaming down her face from laughing, but hearing the sound of an appearing car made quickly an end to that.  A man she knew as agent Russo, someone working for the Italian gouverment, left his car, and came up into the bus.
"Agent Coulson! It's gonna be alright. We found your people. The train, it's-"
They would never know what he was going to say, because he fell down to the ground, with a knife from May in his back, with May standing behind him.
Coulson and Ward had no idea from what was happening.
"Weels up in five," she growled.
"You okay?" Ward asked. "You were on the train when it disappeared."
"May, Russo was... Explain yourself, please."
"The train didn't disappear. Russo sold us out. Get the plane ready. I need to shower."
Ward followed her into the lab.
"You're hurt. Let me-"
"I said, get the plane ready!" She yelled.


When May got out of the shower and had dressed, she found a familliar face on her bed.
"Don't kill me. I am coming in peace."
"You're quick."
"Well, I'm not really back yet. You and Coulson will be the only ones able to see me. I still can't come back, because of... Reasons. Give me your arm."
"Why should I?"
Sanchez sighed, and touched her arm. The wound on her shoulder vanished.
"Thank you."
"Well, I was already here, so you know. But whatever, what have I missed so far?"


"Is it common that I'm seeing-"
"Yes, it is," May said. They were at the place were the train had been found.
"Talk later. Ward is coming."
Ward came back from an italian officer.
"It turned up here fiftheen minutes ago. Agents on the ground have no idea why."
"Any sign from Fitzsimmons and Skye?"
Coulson looked at the train again. It took a few seconds, before his eye catched something. A dusty window, but with a visible place in it. Like someone had been watching through the window, and had removed the dust with his hand.
They ran to the end of the wagon, and entered. In the wagon, there was complete silence, but obviously, Fitz and Skye had been there.
"You should count to three," Sanchez murmled.
They had found the equipment from Skye and Fitz. Completely destroyed.
Simmons came out of nowhere and fired some shots with her icer.
"SIMMONS, STOP!" Coulson yelled. Simmons gasped for air, and looked around, full of confusement.
"Under normal circumstances, I would say this would be fun, but-"
"Where are Fitz and Skye?" Simmons asked.
No one answered.
"There's a Cybertech douchebag in one of those boxes. I should ask him," Andromeda said.
The echos of gunshots sounded in her head.
"Sorry. Duty's calling."
May and Coulson weren't able to see her anymore. But Andromeda had turned up somewhere not far from them. In a basement.
"I'm sorry. I have my orders too."
Quinn had layed Skye down on the ground. He had shot her. Andromeda could feel the pain through the poor girl her body. Two bullets in her stummick.
Quinn left the basement, and Skye made sounds like she was chocking in her own oxygen.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Andromeda said. "Truly. I am. But you'll understand, in the end. They all do."
Skye tried to come right, but it hurt to much. Her shirt was soaking in her own blood.
Andromeda wanted to help her. Really, she wanted to. But if she would... It could change the entire timeline. And that wasn't supposed to happen.
Outside, Fitz was making the cars unclear. He moved from beneath the vehicles, when he heard the noise from inside the compound. They were fighting.
The sound of someone behind him. A guard. 
The guard was shot by Ward.
"Where's Skye?" Coulson asked. Simmons embraced her friend, happy he had nothing.
"She... She... She didn't want Quinn to get away."
Coulson, Ward, and May ran to the entrance of the compound.
Ward entered with a bang, shooting everyone in his way.
Coulson pressed a gun to Quinn his head, smashed his head on the table, and pressed the gun against Quinn his throat.
"Where's Skye?"
"You know agent Coulson, it's dangerous to keep sending her in, all alone, when she means so much to you."
He punched him with his gun, and smashed his head back on the table.
"Search the house. Find her! Now!"
Fitzsimmons ran upstairs, whille Ward ran to the rest of the house. May hand cuffed Quinn, while Coulson decided to take the basement.
She was next to the door. Unconcious.
Coulson couldn't see Andromeda this time.
"No! Oh no. Oh no. Oh god. SIMMONS, GET DOWN HERE!"
He tried to look where the blood came from, but it was just everywhere.
"I know you're here... Please, save her. Please, I'm begging you, I know you're watching!"
This almost brought Andromeda to tears.
This young girl was her friend. And she wanted nothing more then helping her.
But she couldn't.
"O god. Hang on. Ssssh. Just hang on. Okay?"
The others ran into the basement, terrified from seeing Skye like this.
"She's been shot."
"Hold her up right," Simmons commanded.
"I got no pulse."
"She lost so much blood, I..."
Then Simmons saw the cabine.
"Put her in there."
"Do you even know what this thing is?"
"It is a hyperbarric chamber, and I said, put her in there. Now."
"Okay, let's go."
They took Skye, and Andromeda didn't even make a move. They would go straight through her. She was in another dimension after all.
"I need to get her temperature down, Fitz!"
"Yeah I got it I got it-"
The others did Skye in the chamber as soon as possible, while Fitz pressed some keys on the controlboard.
"Temperature is dropping-"
"Pressure is stabilising."
Everyone looked at Skye, full of concern, hoping it would work.
"Is it working?"
"Is it working?!" Coulson yelled.
Then, she finally breath some air out.


Since Skye had woken up in her room at the bus, she had ran around, shouting everyone his name for almost an hour. She was alone, for some weird reason. 
She hadn't been able to look outside, and to leave the plane, but something told her there was something not right.
She walked through the lab, again, shouting the names of Fitz and Simmons.
"Hey! Wait!"
She had seen someone going up the stairs.
"Wait! Where have you guys been all the time?"
She ran up the stairs, to the lounge part of the bus, to find....
Sanchez was smoking a cigarette on one of the chairs, in her usual outfit. Jeans, boots, shirt with a weird text, and a jacket. But only this time, she was also wearing sunglasses.
"You're back! And you can't smoke here, you know that."
She went closer to Sanchez, but Sanchez took her sunglasses off.
Her eyes were bright white, without any pupil or eye color. Skye wasn't able to scream.
"I am not who you think I am," Sanchez said. "Or at least, sort of. And yes, I did hear you, all the time, and I know I can't smoke in here. But we're in another dimension, so who cares."
She stood up from her chair.
"Come down with me, if you want."
"Wait, we... What is happening? Why-"
"One thing at the time. I am the one who talks. You... You can shut your mouth."
Downstairs, Skye froze. She was in the lab, sort of, and the others-
"What. Happend?"
"Ever heard of a out of your body experience?"
"Do you-"
"Congratulations. You're in one," Sanchez grinned. But her grin... It made Skye terrified.

