FZZT (30)

O god, episode two.... I won't spoil for those of you who haven't seen it, so I will put my thoughts at the end of this Chapter, so, you're warned.  And for now... Here's the next part, I hope you all like it :)


"Fitz, what's the latest reading?"

"Near, eh... Three hundred and twenty four megajoules, and growing stronger. Dangerous electricity, sir."

"There's a house a mile north from you, at the center of the signal. That's got to be it," Skye said.

"Skye, digg up everything you can about whoever lives on that farm," Coulson commanded. "We need to know with who we're dealing with."

In the meanwhile, Sanchez and Ward were sitting in the back of the car. Since... Let's say, since a minute before they had wanted to leave to the centre of where ever the signal came from, Sanchez had decided to join them. She wasn't planning to come close to Simmons anymore.

O yeah, she was sure that Simmons was infected with the chitauri disease. Absolutely.

It would take like... A few hours, before it would be visible to the others? When stuff from metal would start to float when she was around?

She hadn't been allowed to prevent that Simmons would be infected. But she wanted to help Simmons.

There was just 'one' little problem, a problem that made that Sanchez wanted to be as far away from Simmons as possible.

This chitauri disease was for her like cancer for humans. So, that's not very good.

"Uhm... It's gone!" Fitz' voice sounded over the car radio.

"What's gone?" Coulson asked.

"The electro static signal. It seemed to pulse, then disappeared."

"We need a short-cut," Coulson said, while looking at May.

Sanchez sighed. She hated short-cuts.

They drove right through a field with green stuff, and they stopped in front of a shed.

They all came out of the car, guns in their hands, ready to fire a shot if necessary.

While they were heading to the door, Sanchez looked around.

The guns were so 'not' necessary. But she was the only one who knew.

"The door's blocked from the inside," Coulson said, while feeling on the door.

"Any Ideas?" Sanchez asked.

"We could ram it with the truck," Coulson suggested.

May kicked against the door, and it went open.


They all went in. But the only thing they found, was a floating body.


"Skye, what did you find out about the firehouse?"

"It turns out that they send a engine to New York with a thousand volunteers after the Chintauri invasion, including Cross and Waylon," Skye answered over the radio.

Coulson, May, Ward and Sanchez were in the car again, heading to the firehouse of the two victims. That had been the connection whole the time. They knew each other from their firehouse, where they had been volunteers.

The team thought that they were searching for a killer. Sanchez needed to suppress her laugh.

Such the wrong direction.  But she wasn't going to say a simple thing.

"Maybe it had something to do with why they were targeted?" Skye asked.

"Or how they were killed."

"You mean like... An alien weapon?"

Someone in the car was really trying not to make a face.

Damn. She didn't understood where this was coming from. Usually, she was really good in keeping her covers up.

"Let's just make sure that we get to those firefighters before anyone else does," Coulson said.

And again, she knew that they were already too late.


They arrived at the firehouse when dusk started to fall. The great door of the firehouse was still open, and the men were playing a card game. Most of them looked a bit surprised when Coulson came in, followed by the others of the team.

"Evening gentlemen," he said. "Agent Phil Coulson, with SHIELD. We were on the ground with you in New York."

"Shield," one of them replied. "Right. What's this all about?"

"We would like to ask a few questions, take a look around."

When no one was paying attention on them, Ward, May, and Sanchez moved a bit to the background, into the rest of the firehouse, looking for clues... Or just things that weren't supposed to be like they were right now.

"Hey guys."

Another man came into the direction of the table. He seemed a bit pale.

"What's going on?"

Coulson started to explain the situation.

"What do you mean, Franky's dead?" One of the men asked.

"I'm very sorry," Coulson responded.

"How did it happen?" The pale one asked.

"The same way your other friend, Mr. Cross, died the day before."

"Which was how exactly?" The pale one asked again.

To Coulson, the man was a bit to curious.

"I'm sorry, your name is?"

"Tony. Tony Diaz."

"You're okay, Mr. Diaz?" Coulson asked.

"Actually, eh... I'm actually not feeling so well."

He left through the door he had came through. Coulson felt it coming.

"Cover the back door," he said through his earpiece. "Nobody comes in or out."


There was silence in the corridors of the firehouse. But it didn't take long, before May and Sanchez had found something familiar.

"Coulson, we've found it," May told him over her earpiece. "It's a chitauri helmet."

She took her phone and started to film the thing.

"FitzSimmons, are you seeing this?"

It took May a few seconds to realise that Sanchez wasn't standing next to hear anymore. She was standing against the wall, and looked like something really gross was in her way.

"Keep that thing away from me. But don't touch it."

"Sanchez, what's wrong?" May asked.


She rolled with her eyes.

"That... 'thing' is like... How do you call that disease again. O yeah, what cancer is for you humans, that's this thing to me."

"Wait... You say that this thing is a disease?" May asked.

At the same moment, Simmons already gave the answer through her earpiece.

"Sir, he isn't using a weapon, he's infected. I think the helmet was a source of a alien virus."

"You see?" Sanchez said. "It's a virus. It's a freaking virus."

May her face told her that something more would come. But later.

"We will talk about this later," she hissed to her. They went back to the kitchen, were Coulson was heaving a clear shot on Mr. Diaz.

"Mr. Diaz, I'm putting the gun away now, okay?" he asked.

And Diaz... He was realising what was happening.

"Sir, he's in six thousand megajoules and climbing. Sir?"

"Clear everybody out," Coulson ordered. When nobody moved, he repeated the order.

"Clear everybody out, now."

Everyone started to move. Except Sanchez.

"I guess you will have ten minutes. Fiftheen maybe."

Coulson whispered a silent 'thank you,' and closed the door.

"I'm going to end like them, aren't I?"

Coulson sighed.

"Why don't you have a seat."

Diaz sat down on the table.

"Do you have any family?" Coulson asked. "Wife? Kids? Is there anyone you want to talk to?"

Diaz shook his head.

"Anything I can do?"

"Sir, you have to get out of there right now. He's going to-"

He ripped the earpiece out of his ear, and layed it down on the table.

"Listen to me. I've been where you are right now. So please, believe me when I tell you, you don't have to be affraid."

"Where... Where are you talking about?" Diaz asked.

"Your job. Gets pretty dangerous, doesn't it? Mine too. I got hurt once. Pretty bad. And I... I died. Some say it was only for eight seconds, but I... I know it was more then that. I know I wasn't here anymore. I was there."

"What's it like?" Diaz asked.

"It's beautiful."

Little electronic sparks came of Diaz his hands, and a knife came from the table, started to float into the air.

"You may better get going, buddy," he said.

They looked at eachother for a few seconds.


Coulson stood up from the table. He closed the door behind him. When the door of the firehouse had closed behind him, they could see that through the windows, a blue light was appearing.

A flash. And then nothing anymore.


