Providence & The only light in the darkness (78)

"Pretty cool hm?"
Koenig and Sanchez had dropped the team off into the kitchen/lounge part of the base. Happily, they dropped their bags off.
"I'm sorry, but where are we again exactly?"
"In a secret base, A.C," Sanchez replied. "You aren't deaf."
"And how did you get here?"
"We'll come later to that," Sanchez said.
Koenig started an enthusiasmic talk about lanyards, while Sanchez scanned the room.
They were full of questions. That was... Good.
"What happend to director Fury?" Coulson asked. "Is he alive?"
"Fury... He didn't make it out of D.C," Koenig said. "It's been rough. We're all pretty shaken up, especially since the Fridge has fallen."
Coulson his face changed. Skye immediately grabbed her Phone.
"Who is she calling?!" Koenig asked.
"Someone we can trust," Sanchez replied. "They had a man on the inside, they want to make sure he's okay."
Simmons raised her eyebrows.
"How did you-?"
"I am agent Sanchez. Are you really going to ask me that?"
Koenig took Coulson to another room, while Sanchez staid with the others. Skye was busy calling Ward, May was... Well, she was being all May, but Fitzsimmons came to Sanchez, full of curiousity.
"What happend?"
"How did you end up here?"
"What do you know about-"
"How was your-"
"SSSSSHHHHHT," Sanchez hissed. "Both of you, shut up. What happend is that I made it out alive, I can't talk about the other stuff, I'm okay, and IS IT REALLY TRUE, that you guys have met lady Sif and lady Andromeda? God, please tell me it's true. I'm so jealous. I want to hear everything."
Fitzsimmons looked at eachother, and they started to tell her everything about their encountering with the two asguardian gods.

"This might be a scar."
Ward had arrived at the base, back from his trip to the fridge. He was pretty beaten up, and everyone thought it was from his escape out.
Sanchez knew their game of hide and seek would end soon. Very soon.
"Upside down, you'll look bad-ass," Skye said. "Dangerous."
"He's gonna be fine though. Right?" Fitz asked.
"He will if you back up, and give me some room," Simmons hissed.
"So what then?" Coulson asked.
"By the time we got to the fridge, it was too late. It was overrun. Hydra, everywhere. We couldn't stop them."
"What were they after?" May asked.
"Everything. They took weapons, alien artifacts, anything they could grab."
"I assume the prisoners are no longer prisoners?" Coulson asked.
"So... Ian Quinn..." Skye asked.
"I'm sorry. He's out. They all are," Ward said. 
"And Garrett? Did he get away?" Fitz asked.
 "Couldn't stop him taking The Fridge, but I wasn't gonna let Garrett walk... Not after what he did.""Is he the one who did this to you?" Skye asked.
"He was a tough son of a bitch," he replied.
 "Was? Past tense?" May asked.
 "Soon as I had the upper hand, I put two in the back of his head."
"Good," Fitz said. 
"One from me... One from you," Ward said, while he looked at Tripp.
"I would have emptied the mag," Trip responded.
"You're all set. Well, I mean as set as you can be with two cracked rips and a cappilary fracture."
"For those who don't know what that is-"
"A hairline fracture to the cheekbone," Both Tripp and Fitz said.
"Your body needs time to heal. Please, take some time," Simmons asked Ward.
"Understood. Thanks."
Then he turned to Coulson.
"Ah, one small victory. Hydra didn't get their hands on this," he told them, while he showed them the hard drive.
"The hard drive?" Tripp asked.
"It's all the research our team has ever done," Skye explained. She continued her talk about the hard drive, but Sanchez rolled her eyes. She needed a piano.
Without saying something to the others, she left the bus, and went to the 'let's live normal' part of the base, where they had a piano wing. She moved her lips a bit, and started to play Le danse Macabre, the music piece Andromeda had been humming when she had gone nuts in the Hub. While she was in the middle part of the piece, Simmons came in. She doubted if she would stop or continue by seeing Simmons her face, but she continued anyway. When she was done, Simmons looked if she didn't know to laugh or to cry.
"How... How do you know that song?" She asked.
"Excuse me?"
"That song... Lady Andromeda has hummed this, back in the Hub."
"You mean, when she went coo-coo?" Sanchez asked. "Yeah, I heard about that. Do you know what this piece is, actually?"
For this question about knowledge... Simmons didn't had an answer.
"This is called le danse macabre. Do you know what that is, Simmons? You have two PHD's, so I assume you do."
Simmons left the room, but now it was Tripp who came in.
"Hey, was that you on the piano?" He asked.
"Damn girl, you can play."
"I know," Sanchez grinned. "Wanna hear he's a pirate?"

