End of the beginning (71)

location: Pensacola, Florida
Time: Somewhere in the afternoon
"I want this primitor sealed!" Coulson said. "Put your men's teams on every exit."
"Yes sir!"
"Fitz, we got a signal?"
They had arrived on Deathlock's location.
"Ninety-four procent, sir," Fitz said. "Deathlock must be inside somewhere."
"Possible civillians inside?" May asked.
"Not doubtfull," Fitz said. "This place has been shut down for months."
"Sir," Andromeda asked. "Permission to go full bright?"
Coulson looked from May to Andromeda.
"Are you sure?"
"Hell I am."
"Good then. Time to bring you out."
Andromeda grinned. "I'll be like honey for a bear to him."
"This isn't a surprise party, people,-" Garrett told his troops.
"I'm sorry, Garrett," Andromeda replied. "But honestly, this really is an surprise party."
When she walked into the direction of the entrance of the location, her entire appereance changed. When her transformation was fully done... Even garrett was surprised.
"What are you looking at, Garrett?" She asked. "Are you staying here to chit-chat, or are we going to knock on the door?"


The door opened wit a bam, literally. The teams stormed in, with Andromeda, Garrett, and Ward in the front.
"Clear!" Someone shouted.
"Fitz, you're up."
"It's time to hunt, boys," Fitz murmled to his tech. "Let's find us a deathlock."
His dwarf tech spreaded out into the building, and Garrett grinned.
"Impressive toy."
"I prefer the tag high-tech hardware," Fitz smiled.
Sanchez knew that Fitz his tech would be looking for Mike now, but that wasn't even necessary for her. She closed her eyes, and a few seconds later she had teleported herself to an abandoned hallway.
"I come in peace."
"Don't make me shoot you."
"I'm on your side, idiot."
He fired a rocket, but before the rocket had even reached her, it had already changed into a nail.
"I am only here to help you, Mike."
"No one can help me."
The others came through the hallway, and Mike took another rocket, ready to fire.
"GET DOWN!" Ward shouted.
Before the rocket had even reached its target, it had changed into a daisy.
"You know, I wanted to help you at first," Andromeda sighed. "Really, I was so planning to do that. Because of the fact I am the only one aware of who is watching..."
She took a little piece of paper out of her pocket, and showed it to Mike. She knew that someone else was reading the piece of paper too.

Let's play.

Deathlock started to run, and the others started to follow him.
"May, he's coming your way," Skye told them in their earpads.
"Got him!" The response sounded. While the other team followed Deathlock downstairs, Coulson came to Andromeda.
"What was on the paper?"
"That the game has started."
"Please, don't tell me that is Asguardian for "I am going to piss you of so bad as possible."
Andromeda grinned.
"Fine. In that case, I won't be telling you."

Hey peeps! GOSH I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. And specially for the short chapter. I barely have time to write, so this is me trying to give you a bit of food, so you won't starve. See you next chapter ;)
