
I walked down the stairs and saw Butch sleeping on the couch with the twins drawing on his face. I smiled and saw our oldest Brittany texting and taking pics.

Yes, Butch and I have kids. We had four, but our second oldest died of cancer. We was desvasted but Brittany said Branden wouldnt want us sad. So we still grieved but after two months Branden passed we found I had twins. One boy, Jacob and One girl, Jessica.

Bubbles had a daughter and her best friend is Brittany. All the kids have raven black hair but different styles. Brittany was long and curly like my mom. Branden had short and spiky hair like I did. The twins Jacob and Jessica, had medium hair and always had in a ponytail or Jessica had it in a braid.

Butch jumped up and the twins giggled. I laughed and Butch raised an eyebrow.

"Mirror." Brittany said as he got up and screamed. The twins gasped and started to run. Butch came behind them and scooped them up.

"So yall are artist like Uncle Booms." He said as he started to tickled them.

"P-pops p-pl-please!" Jacob yelled through his giggles. Jessica rolled on the ground and giggled whole gasping for breathe. I laughed and shooked my head. I walked in the kitchen and started to make lunch. I grabbed the sandwitch supplies, and made them. Brittany a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, Jacob cheese, and Jessica just peanut butter. I made Butch a sub.

"Come and get it!" I yelled as the twins came running in, as they giggled. Brittany walked in and smiled at me.

"Thanks Ma!" The kids yelled together. They only are five years difference, Brittany 15, while the twins are 10. They all got along just fine. They are a little hard headed and tough. Brittany does soccer and basketball while, Jacob is doing football and basketball and Jessica is doing soccer and cheerleading.

Butch works at his brothers store. They created a store called 'The Stuff'.

The store has different sections, from sports to food. Butch works and manges the sports section and he loves to bring home balls and bats, hats, and other sports things for the kids. Blossom and Bubbles come over everyday while thebkids are at school and Butch is at work.

I say things changed. I let my hair grow out long. Its to the middle of my back. Its more tamed than it was at high school. Butch cuts his hair, and styles it into a quiff or lets its be shaggy in his face. My lime green eyes are lighter and my skin is a little tan.

I work at a surf shop on the weekends, and be a mom everyday. I love my life, but it hasn't been a sunshine marriage for Butch and I.

We have our fights, where he goes to Bricks or Boomers to crash. We always come running back to each other and say we sorry for hours. We never once thought of dirvorce we always just cuddle and kiss.

I never would leave him. I would always stay by his side. He always stick by my side. I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Butchs, kinda winkled face. Hey we can't stay young forever.

"I love you, Wheels." He whrispered to me.

"I love you too." I whrispered back to him. I kissed him softly on the lips and he tighten his grip on my waist. We pulled apart and I smirked.

"I have something to tell you." I aaid as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"We need that crib again. We having a boy." I said as he smiled and he hugged me tight. Looks like theres another Jojo on his way.

Heyyo guys!

Thats the last chapter and I hope yall like it. How do yall think?? About four kids well five since Branden still counts as their child!

Well I'll be writing more of Windows Down. Its a Buttercup and Butch book. I hope yall like it! I love yall and thanks for supporting this book!
