Chapter 11

Today is Tuesday. Man why did I think this? Why am I getting nervous? I love Butch, nothing they say will change that.

I felt a hand over mine. I looked up to see Butchs forest green eyes, his smile. I smiled and he hugged me.

"What you thinking about?" Butch asked me.

"Nothing, just staring." I said.

"No you were thinking!" Butch yelled and I shooked my head.

"No I wasnt."  I lied.

"You so was!" He yelled and landed on top of me. I groaned and he chuckled. He let his chin rest on my stomach.

"I bet you was thinking about my abs." Butch joked.

"Ha! Like you got any!" I said as I laughed and Butch mocked being hurt.

"Well that didnt hurt here it hurt it." He said as he pointed to his heart.

"Im sorry." I said as I leaned to kiss him. I stop from a couple inches from his mouth.

"Gotta catch me!" I yelled and jumped up.

"Buttercup!" Butch whinned and started to chase me. We ran alway to school.

"Hey Blossom, Bubbles, Brick, Boomer!" We both yelled as we ran by them. They waved and I ran to my locker. I put my hands on my knees and took deep breaths.

I felt arms around my waist. Before I could turn around, I was off the ground.

"Got you Wheels!" Butch yelled.

"Butch!" I said as we both laughed. He flip me around where we was face to face.

"I think I get that kiss, now." He said as I laughed. I cupped his face and pressed my lips to his. He lifted me up and swung us around.

We laughed and he put me down. He ruffed my hair, I played punch him on the arm.

"Cant wait." Butch said.

"For what?" I asked as my eyebrow raised.

"To meet your parents." He said as he pulled me close. I laughed and shooked my head.

"We'll see." I said.
