Chapter 15

I looked at myself in the mirror. The top of the leather dress hugged mt chest as the rest of it follows my curves. I heard a honk and saw Butchs new paint job car. I smiled and ran downstairs with my boots clicking on the ground.

I saw Butch wearing green tight leather jeans with a black tight muscle shirt and black and green leather jacket with motorclyce boots. Yes, you fangirls can stare at my man!

"Hey Princess." Butch said as he smirked. I laughed and walked over to him.

"Wass up son." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.


"Lets go!" I yelled as we jumped in. He drove to the lab with music blaring through the walls and Butch laced his hand into mine.

"Hey, after this you wanna go out to a dinner?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said as he smiled.

"Lets go." He said as we climbed out. We walked inside I saw Bubbles was wearing a long blue icey dress and her blonde hair was braided. Boomer was wearing a blue sweatshirt and short brown pants with his hair spiked up and a staff. Blossom had on a short/long purple dress like in the movie and her long hair was left down with purple flats. Brick had on a white t-shirt and a blue cover up with blue pants and black boots. He left his cap looped though his pants hole.

"Hey guys!" Blossom and Brick yelled together.

"To much candy." Bubbles and Boomer said together.

"Oh." I said as Boomer and Butch did a handshake.

"Lets go to the dancefloor!" Blossom and Brick yelled together and grabbed our hands. They dragged us to the dancefloor and Butch grabbed my hips.

"I see you still have my mark." Butch said as he smirked.

"Remind me to give you one." I said as he smirk wider.

"Hell yeah!" He yelled along with the song. Hell Yeah by Midnight Red played as he picked me and swung me around. I laughed and swayed along with the beat as he break down. I smirk and Bubbles came to my side.

"How are you and him?" She asked.

"Fine, just about to go to the dinner. You and Boom wanna come?" I asked as Blossom and Brick ran to the sweets table.

"Cant sorry. We gotta date after this." Bubbles said as I pouted.

"BC, is that a hickey?" She asked me as I covered it up.

"Dont tell." I whinned as she nodded.

"Promise." She said as she walked away with Boomer. Butch came over and wrapped his sweaty arms around me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Lets go to the park." I said as he nodded. We walked to the car and climbed in. He drove to the park.

"Why are we here?" He asked as I smashed my lips to his. He didnt heainst to kiss me back. Our lips moved in a syinc. I pulled apart and started to suck his neck. He moaned and I pulled apart.

"Thats why." I said as I smirked.
