Chapter 4

I ran out of class as soon the final bell ring. I ran to my locker and saw my stakeboard.

"Bye Blossom, Bubbles!" I yelled as I ran by them.

"Bye Buttercup!" They yelled back.

I put my skateboard on the ground and skated to the soccerfield. I took a deep breath and jumped off my skateboard. I smiled as I landed in the grass.

I layed in the grass. I started to hum 'Skater Boy'.

"Yeah, Im with the Skater Boy." I sang outloud. Then I heard claps, I jumped up and saw Butch.

I crossed my arms as he smirk. I glared he laughed.

"Your good." He said.

"Well duh, Im Buttercup." I joked as he laughed.

"No your my, Wheels." He stated as I rolled my eyes.

"What you doing here?"

"Lets hang out, like that carnival."

"Why would I go with you?" I said as he leaned in closer to my face.

"Well, the person who loses the most games buys dinner." He said as his nose touch my mine.

"Fine, but how were going to get there?"

"I have a car." He said as he grabbed my arm. He drag me to his car. I saw he had a green sports car with the Number 1 on the side.

I sat on the passager side and saw him driving and humming 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy.

"You will remember me for centuries!" I sang along with his humming. He looked at me and smiled at me. I turned red and he pulled up.

We got out and walked up to the ticket both. He got us 150 tickets for $30. I smiled at him and ran to the bumper cars. I won the first and third game. He won second and fifth and six.

I goaned and fell on the bench and he laughed. I glared at him he smirk and he pulled out his wallet.

"Look ill pay." He said as I shooked my head.

"Naw, I lost." I said glumly.

"Bc, a girl should never pay for dinner, besides I ask you."

"Thanks Mucles." I said as I hug him. I pulled back and he laughed.

"Aw come on!" He joked as he got up and held out his hand. I took and we walked down the dinner. I laced my arm around his, he smiled at me as I turn red.

We walked in and sat down. They gave us the menus.

"What will yall have tonight?" She asked.

"Ill have a Pespi and the burger meal." I said as Butch motion to me.

"Ill have the same." Butch said.

"So why did you want me to come with you?" I asked him as she brought us our drinks.

"Well, I always come here and Brick would only eat sweets and Boomer would only be sacred. You are just plain fun to hang out with to be honest." He said as I took a drink.

"Well yeah I am pretty much fun to hang out with." I joked as she brought us our food.

I took a bite of my cheese burger as Butch looked at me while we ate. I smiled and finshed after him. He paid and we walked out into the cold dark night. I shrivered and Butch looked at me with worry eyes.

He took off his dark green sweatshirt and put it over my shoulders. I felt warm but regret it.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Ha, Im warm, trust me I only want you safe." He said as my heart fluttered.

He went to the ringtoss. He payed and won of course, he won the green teddy bear. He smiled at me and handed it to me.

"Here." He said as he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled and snuggled up to his chest and walked back to his car.

"This day was pretty much fun day." I stated as he smiled at me.

"Really?" He asked with a smile and wided eyes.


"Lets do it again someday, Wheels."

"Yeah, that could be a great day." I said as he pulled up at my house. I started to take off the coat but he shooked his head.

"Keep it, I have tons. And you look good in it." He said as he checked me out. My cheeks turn red.

"Thanks for everything." I said as I leaned to his face. Our faces was close where our green eyes stared into each other.

I smiled and pecked his cheek. He was shooked and I climbed out. I ran upstairs and climbed into bed with Butchs jacket and my new bear named Forest for Butchs forest green eyes.
