Chapter 14

I walked over to Butchs car. He laughed and jumped around it. I raised an eyebrow at him and he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the hood of the truck.

I stop and gasped he had it painted. It said 'I Love My Wheels (Buttercup!)'. I smiled and jumped in his arms. He swung me around and I laughed.

"How did you do that?" I asked as the wind blew in my hair.

"Hello, Im Butch from The Rodwyruff Boys I think I know how to spray paint." He said as he smirked.

"Yeah. Let me see the paint." I said as I held out my hand. He smirked and handed me a black paint. I smiled and ran to the top of the car. I drew skateboards and basketballs.

Then I bit my lip and drew a heart. I wrote Butchs name and mine with a equal sign saying forever. I heard someone breathing behind me. I turned to meet the dark forest green eyes I loved.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me and dragged me down. I screamed and played punch him. He laughed and hug me tight.

"I love you too, Wheels." He said in my neck.

"I love you always." I said in his chest.

"Wanna go out with the new paint job?"

"Would I! Lets go!" I yelled and he laughed. He opened the door for me and I jumped in. He chuckled and climbed in. He started the car and laced my hand into his.

"So you stalking me now?" I asked as Butch laughed.

"First: I was at the mall for food. Second: I wouldnt stalk you I would be watching you from a distance than swept you off your feet." Butch said as I laughed.

"That so stalkish."

"Ehh, call it what you want. I call it love my Juliet."

"Oh Romeo, you can stalk me all you want."

"If you say so."

"Ha! Your so stupid!"

"No, thats Boomer."

"Watch it. Thats my friend."

"Sorry, jeez. So where do you wanna go?"

"Hmm. Park."

"Alright, what are we gonna do?"

"Look at the stars."

"Sounds fun." He said as he park. I smiled and ran out.

"Follow me!" I yelled as I ran into the woods. I ran and stop. I looked behind and saw no one. I gulped and started to walk forward. I felt arns wrapped around my waist.

"I followed you, Wheels." Butch whrispered in my ear. I laughed and turned around to face him.

"Stalking." I joked.

"Nahh son. Nahh son. Let me just say love."


"I love you." He said as he kissed me. I kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled close. I parted my mouth for his tounge in mine. We tackled each others tounges and I pullef apart with our breath hitching.

"Damn, girl. You got a swollen lip." Butch said as he smiled.

"Butch!" I yelled as he smirk and started to kiss my neck. I bit my lip and he suck my neck.

"There now your only mine." Butch said as he smirk.

"Gahh, your lucky I love you." I said as I kissed him. He chuckled in the kiss. I pulled apart.

"Gotta catch me!" I yelled and ran to the car. He laughed and ran after me.

"I got you, Wheels!" He said as he picked me up from behind. I giggled and he swung me around and chuckled.

"I got you, always." Butch said as I smiled.

"I hope." I said as I hugged him.
