Chapter 6

Sorry guys I was babysitting all weekend. So im going to make it up to you Im going to write 3 chapters!!! So heres yall go the story!!

I stared at Butch, while he smirk at me. I cletch my fist as the girls stared at him with heart shape eyes. I crossed my arms and turned around as Butch started to walks towards me.

"Whats wrong, Wheels?" He asked while I grunted.

"Nothing!" I snapped at him.

"Are you jeulous?" He asked with a smirk and leaned closer to my face.

"No." I said with not knowing I like him or not.

"Its ok to be, I mean I was jeulous when you hanged out with Mitch the Bitch." He said as I turned red.

"Well im not." I know now im lieing.

"Just say you love me you have two days."

"You wish."

"Wheels, I am wishing on all the stars I see." He said with my face red. I blink and smiled.

"Than keep wishing." I said.

"Will do." He said with a wink. As soon he walked away the bell rung. I ran to Blossom and Bubbles. Blossom and I walked to Math 1.

I slammed my books harder than usaul. Blossom wided her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Whats wrong?" Blossom asked.

"I-i-i think im falling in love." I sturred. She wided her eyes and screamed. All the boys looked back and raised an eyebrow.

"With who?" She asked ingoring the stares.

"Butch." I mumbled.

"Buttercup!" She yelled.

"Keep down would cha." I snapped at her.

"Sorry, but why?" She asked.

"I dont know, hes just different from the other guys that wanted to go out with me." I said while I shrug my shoulders.

I looked up and saw Butch smiling directly at me. I nodded and looked down. Blossom put her hand on my shoulder.

"Everything will be fine." She said as Butch walked up to me. He smiled and sat next to me and I looked at Blossom with a red face.

She giggled and turned back to the teacher. I sighed and started to draw skatboards and flaming schools on my notebook paper.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked at him and looked down at a piece of paper. I sighed and grabbed.

Butch: Are you mad at me??

Buttercup: No why??

Butch: Did I do something wrong?

Buttercup: Nope, just tired.

Butch: I know your lieing Wheels

Buttercup: How?

Butch: Cause I care for you

Buttercup: Oh

Butch: Do you care for me?

As I put my pen on the paper the bell rung. I sighed while Butch put his hand on my shoulder.

"Stay." He said more of a command than a question. I looked at Blossom and giggled and waved off. I sighed and sat down. He lucky its my free period.

I turned to looked at him. He looked into my light green eyes while I looked into his forest green eyes.

"Do you care for me or your just leading me on?" Butch asked.

"Butch.............. I really really care for you, but I dont know how to feel these things towards a guy. Thats not my famliy." I said as Butch looked at me with worry/loving eyes.

"Buttercup, I know how you should show them." Butch said.

"How?" I asked as he leaned in. My heart was beating real loud and fast on my chest.

"Say you love me." He said with a smirk. I groaned and pushed him away. He looked at me with stunned face. I laughed and slapped him.

"What the fuck!" He yelled as he held his cheek.

"I told you how I was feeling! All you care about is that stupid bet!" I yelled and stormed off. He started to chase me and I ran to Blossoms locker.

"I need your car keys!" I yelled at her.

"Why?" Bubbles and Blosom said together.

"I need them now!" I yelled as Butch crossed the corner. Blossom nodded and threw me the keys.

"Thanks!" I yelled as I ran out the front doors. They waved and I jumped in Blossoms red car. I sighed and saw Butch looking for me at the front doors.

I drove out of the parking lot and fast. I drove out into highway. I sighed and drove to the clearing. I found when Blossom and Bubbles and I was hiding from Mojo.

I climbed out the door and sat on the ground. I sighed and put my knees to my chest. I let my head fall on my knees.

I let tears fall down my face. I trusted him. I thought he was different. I was wrong all wrong.

"Buttercup, im so sorry." I heard Butch say.

"Why did you follow me!" I yelled.

"I really do care for you, I just was joking."

"Well it wasnt a joke to me."

"I know I should have thought about that."

"Yeah you should have." I said while he laughed. I chuckled and we heard a branch snapped.

We looked and saw...

Hehe cliffhanger. Welp find out in the next chapter.

♥♡♥·Loves Yall·♥♡♥
