Chapter 19

I opened my eyes, I saw I was in my room. I looked around and saw the note wasnt on the table. I ran downstairs to see Blossom, Bubbles, Butch.

They was frozen, I went to touch Bubbles and she blink. I fell bac and she froze up again. I looked over to Butch who had a sad face. Itouch his arm and a white flash flashed in the room.

I jumped back, I saw I was in Butchs car. He was driving and singing to the song. He pulled up to the mall and saw Avril standing in front of the doors.

He groaned as I felt a smirk crawling across my face. He climbed out and leaned on his car.

"Hey babe." Avril said as Butch shurred.

"That would only happen if pigs fly." Butch stated as I fist pump the air.

"Butch why her?" Avril asked as she came closer.

"Cause I love her." Butch said.

"I dont see why, when you have me." Avril said as she pressed up on Butch. I gasped and she smashed her lips on his. He tried to pry hee off but she only pressed harder. I heard gasp and saw me.

With that I took off, I saw I was back in my room. I saw Butch started to disspear. I ran to him.

"Wait! Dont leave!" I yelled through my tears.

"Butch, I love you too." I whrispered and his body disspeared. I cried in the corner. I just let it out. Man, that song let it go would be good right now.

I got up and wipe my tears, I walked over to Bubbles and Blossom. I set my hand on their arms. I saw she was in my room crying. I looked and saw Blossom was reading the note.

She ran to Bubbles ad hugged her. I heard footsteps and saw Butch. He grabbed the note and read it. He started to slide down the wall with tears falling down his face.

"Why? Why did she go?" Bubbles asked through her sobs.

"I dont know Bubbles." Blossom whrispered.

"Sorry." Butch said.

"It wasnt your fault." Blossom said trying to be strong.

"But it is! I didnt push hard enough! I should have run away, I should have not talk to her!" Butch yelled. I ran to him.

"Butch im sorry! I love you!" I yelled. I felt the whole room shake. I closed my eyes and saw a younger version of me.

"How did you get in here?" I asked younger me.

"You." She said.

"How do we get out?"

"Name things that you love."

"Well I love soccer, food, my famliy, my friends, Butch." I mumbled the last part. The ground started to shake.

"What did you say?" Younger me asked with her lime green eyes widing open.

"I said I love Butch!" I screamed and the ground started to disspear.

We fell down and landed in the tree. I looked around, Im back in the same forest.

"Butch!" Younger me shouted.

"Butters!" Younger Butch yelled. They flew to each other and hugged.

"Buttercup! You gotta get home!" Younger Blossom yelled. She didnt have to tell me twice. I flew back with the cold wind blowing in my face. I landed through my window.

I saw its been a week! I saw Butch sitting on my bed.

"Buttercup?" He asked as I ran over and hugged him.
