Chapter 31


(adj.) breathtaking, majestic, literally to chop one's breath

Having the Dragon Eye back in your hands was alleviating to say the least. You no longer had to worry about it being used with evil intentions. The Dragon Eye rested undamaged where it previously was, in a safe chest which in reality wasn't so secure after all. If anyone were to rummage in it, they could easily find the Dragon Eye.

But that was the least of your worries since nobody actually comes to this island. And even if they did, it was well protected so no one except the gang and the dragons can bypass.

Crystal soared through the bright orange sky, it was late evening and the sun was just about to set. The rays stretched across the horizon and it was already blue and darkened on the opposite side. Even if it was quite late, it your turn for the daily patrol and you had to check on the island, see if there is anything out of the ordinary or if there's something dangerous. Luckily there wasn't anything worth checking out and everything was seemingly okay.

Right when you wanted to head back to the club house, you spotted something from the corner of your eye. At the sight of a big ship, your heart skipped a giant beat. In a second your mind became a knotted jumble of thoughts. Your first assumption was that this was a Dragon Hunter ship and they have somehow miraculously found your location. But after close inspection, you realized it was actually a familiar ship, a friendly one.

It was Trader Johann's ship which was headed straight to the Edge. And there was no doubt he would be arriving on your shore. So you decided to pay him a visit first.

Crystal carefully came down on the ship that was obviously too small for her and the ship shook wildly underneath your feet. Prior to this Johann had seen the two approaching and waved politely, so this wasn't a surprise visit. Yet that didn't stop him from letting out a frightened breath when Crystal landed just a few feet away from him.

"Lady (Y/N)! What a pleasure to see you again!" Johann greeted enthusiastically as usual. Sometimes you marveled his excitement, wondering how anyone can be so positive and up-beat all the time. "I was just coming in your way with some very valuable information."
Johann's voice went serious towards the end and it added to the suspense of what the information might be.

"Nice to see you too Johann. I'm listening." You urged him on.

"I found a list about a dragon auction that will commence in one week! It is said to be the biggest one so far. And the holder of this spectacular event is Viggo Grimborn, a very famous dragon trapper." At the mention of his name, your face went still. You were just now reminded how the Dragon Eye got taken just because you followed trader Johann's map. And now you were a lot more reluctant to consider his words truthful. "Do you wish to have it?"

"Is that even a question? Of course I do." You let out a short laugh.

"Though, how did you get this paper in the first place?" You asked and carefully watched Johann's face for any change of emotion. "And the short version please." You added just because you didn't have any time or patience to listen to Johann's wonderful tales.

"I risked my life to take it from two gentlemen that happened to be Dragon Hunters sitting in a bar and fortunately I got out fully in tact. I believe that's the most most reliable and secure source." Trader Johann spoke and the expression on his face stayed the same, not a malevolent glimmer in his eye nor a faltering of his smile. Either he was telling the truth or he was an the best pretender out there. Johann must've seen your hesitation because he continued speaking. "I assure you lady (Y/N), this is the absolute truth."

And even if your mind was leaning towards all of this being one big lie, you still chose to follow your heart and believe trader Johann. You've heard tons of stories about him from the gang, and they've all said only good things about him. That he has been the best trader to Berk for years and he wouldn't do anything intentionally bad towards them.

You gave him a nod in response and looked around. As usual, the ship was filled with wooden boxes. All carrying various things, from rare plants to the softest of silky dresses. All gathered from around the world. Trader Johann quite literally had everything anyone ever wanted.

What you found pretty weird was how he came here so late in the day when usually he would arrive in the early morning. A moment later you shrugged off the thought, it was simply unneeded overthinking. He was a businessman and could've been busy with the sales, plus traveling with a ship wasn't always the easiest.

You were about to take it but Johann retracted his hand while the paper still remained in his hand. You rose a brow at his action and watched as an apologetic smile crossed Johann's face.

"I'm sorry lady (Y/N). But you have to offer something as well. What kind of trader would I be if I didn't get anything out of this?" Johann cunningly said and you suppressed the urge to scoff audibly. You took this as a personal offence since he never asked the gang for anything in return. But nonetheless, you still gave in.

"Let me see what I can find." You muttered, your words sounding more like a growl. Despite the fact that you tried to hide the displeasure, it still clearly showed on your face but you didn't particularly care too much. You searched through the satchel to find anything even remotely valuable for a trade and in the end you stumbled on a two silver rings you found a while ago. You were grateful to have had them there and hopefully Johann will accept them.

"Will these do?" You asked and opened your palm, revealing the shiny rings that gleamed under the orange rays. A soft breeze passed making your hair fly, the air was a lot colder on the ship.

Johann took one and inspected it, his expressions changing while he did so. One moment his face was scrunched up with uncertainty and you almost thought he wouldn't accept them since silver wasn't worth a lot. But then a smile completely replaced the doubt. "These are quite nice. You've got yourself a deal."

After exchanging the goods, you bid your farewell with trader Johann and wished him a safe trip. You were a bit bitter about giving him the rings just like that, but in reality you probably wouldn't use them. And they'll end up in some merchant's pocket.


You were exhausted after returning to the clubhouse. And it was rather soul-crushing to find that nobody was in there which is why Crystal stayed to keep you company in this empty room. You helped yourself with some food made earlier from the twins, on today's menu there were mashed potatoes and fish, very very heavily salted fish. You took the plate back to the fireplace and examined the newly acquired map. But after taking just one bite of the fish you immediately grimaced and stopped everything you were doing. You started chugging on the glass of water and it downed the salt that felt permanently attached to your mouth.

You took a few more sips of water since all that salt somewhat dried your mouth. You wiped away the remaining drops of water on the corner of your lips, making a mental note to never eat fish cooked from the twins again. Crystal, on the other hand, didn't seem to have any problems with the level of saltiness because she swallowed the fish in one bite after you threw it at her. You chuckled at her gleeful face and then started reading.

As any other event announcement, the paper showed the date, time and place where the dragon auction will happen. It was also accompanied with a map of where the island was, an island which you've never visited before. It was pretty far away from the Edge and it will probably take a few days to get there.

Moments later you finished eating and then heard the door creak open, someone walking in afterwards. Your head rose up to find Hiccup had arrived and when the two of you locked eyes, a smile graced his features.

"Hey, you're back." Hiccup said warmly and then sat next to you, placing a quick kiss on your lips.

"Yes and I got something. Look." You replied and handed him the paper you were viewing just a second ago. "Trader Johann was going to stop by but I saw him first and he gave me this."

It took him a second to skim through it and his green eyes went wide. "Dragon auction?" He breathed out incredulously.

"Yeah and check the date." You were a bit dissatisfied after seeing it and now you were waiting to see how Hiccup would react. And as expected his face fell.

"Oh...Its the same as on our anniversary." He said, thankfully remembering the occasion. It was your special day and now that you have a big mission, you would be worrying about that instead of just being with Hiccup and enjoying your alone time with him.

"We can't just back away from this you know..." You sighed. Even though you didn't really want to, deep down you knew that saving the dragons was a first priority. Of course the anniversary was more important to you, you had been looking forward to it for a while, making a few plans on the way. But now everything might go down the drains.

"I guess." Hiccup said, voice a slightly lower tone.

"Hey, look at the bright side." You gave him a reassuring smile. "After this is over we have all the free days in the world."

"Yeah, but I had a something planned for you." Hiccup replied disappointedly and your eyebrow quirked up at that.

"Really? What is it?" You asked excitedly. Come to think of it, these past few days Hiccup had been disappearing for a few hours and never told anyone where he's going or what he's doing. You asked around hoping someone might snitch but nobody had any clue. And that only made you wonder what was he really up to.

"Its a surprise." Hiccup winked and your shoulders slumped. There was no way he would break. Even so, that didn't stop you from asking him a dozen times repeatedly and each time you were greeted by the same word, 'no'.

A minute later you threw a light punch on his shoulder and then crossed your arms. Murmuring, "You're no fun." under your breath.

"Like you." Hiccup replied, ruffling your hair. You swatted his hands but it was too late, your hair was a mess. You started fixing it with your hand, maintaining a death glare on the way.

"I hate you." You said with a feigned fury and watched as Hiccup grinned mischievously.

"I love you too." He smugly replied and with that your angry facade disappeared in a second, a smile creeping back on your face instead.

"Okay, lets get the others I guess. We don't want them getting mad again." You said and got up. Both of you went to call the gang for a meeting since you didn't plan to go behind their backs this time. You stopped by everyone's hut and they all agreed instantly, as if they had been waiting for this offer all day. Boredom had completely overcome them.


"No, you two are staying. We can handle this." Astrid retorted. Everything was fine and dandy before you told them that your anniversary falls on the same date as the mission. You had made the perfect plan on how to stop the dragon auction, but after you mistakingly mentioned how it was your and Hiccup's first anniversary, everyone threw a fit.

Hiccup and you protested how it wasn't a big deal and that you have already decided to go. But the others were set on changing your minds.

"Guys, its okay, really." You tried to reassure them, but they weren't having it.

"(Y/N)! Its your big day! You have to celebrate it." Ruffnut argued and you buried your face in your hands, letting out a loud sigh. Even if you stayed back, you still wouldn't be able to relax properly. You would be worrying what happened with the gang, whether the mission was successful or not.

"Nope. Its settled, we're coming." You replied with determination filling your voice. You weren't taking any chances of purposely leaving them and risk them being captured. You had put way too much thought into this plan to just sit back and let the others do all the work.

"The more the merrier then." Hiccup added and everyone rolled their eyes at the two of you. Clearly understanding that there was absolutely no idea to make both of stay.

And for the following five days they didn't stop pestering you with the same complains, but even so, it was too late anyways. You put the anniversary plans aside and focused more on this mission instead. Even if you didn't want to admit it, this mission completely ruined your anniversary.

You were all flying to the island where the auction would be held, everyone on their highest guard.
It would be held mid-day so you didn't have to worry about not being able to see clearly. You all rehearsed the plan just in case anyone forgot about something, but thankfully everyone remembered perfectly fine.

After coming close to the island, all of you went up in the clouds in order not to be seen. You circled around the island, hoping to come from the back. But unlike the last time you were here, the back side of the island was entirely fortified with guards and you had to find another way.

You noticed the big arena in the place where undoubtedly the auction would be held. And behind it there were cages upon cages with dragons all hidden from the crowd's eyes. Countless dragons stuck helplessly inside. You stealthily scanned the area for any other way to get to them the easiest. The right side of the place had only two guards keeping a lookout and you could effortlessly take them out. Which is exactly what you did.

When you were free from any obstacles, you all proceeded to open up the cages and set the dragons free. Viggo had somehow managed to catch very rare dragons, almost to the point of extinct and who knows what will happen when the buyers get ahold of them. Yet, you tried to stay positive and think how many of them will be free by the time the auction starts.

Of course not all dragons were happy and excited to be free. Some were reluctant, not wanting to get out from the fear of what might happen to them. While others were vicious and snarling, you dared not approach those. You simply opened the door and moved away as quick as possible, letting them pass and go out in the wilderness.

"Stop right there!" You heard a shout from a few meters away and instantly your heart sank. Someone must've been caught. Your legs started darting towards the source and after running through the maze of now empty cages, you stumbled on a guard cornering Fishlegs who seemed frozen in his place. He noticed you straight away, but the guard standing right in front of you didn't.

You had the advantage to knock out the man out this instant without him knowing what hit him. But turns out you didn't need to because Meatlug came to the rescue and grabbed the guard by his collar, throwing him a few feet away. Fishlegs hugged his dragon gratefully.

"Are you okay?" You asked Fishlegs who nodded. You talked a bit about how many dragons are left and how many you've freed so far. But then your eyes traveled back to the man who was nowhere to be seen. You gasped after seeing the lack of his presence, he definitely went to warn the others. Fishlegs noticed your distress and after looking in the same direction, he understood what happened.

"I'll go find him. You free the rest." Fishlegs spoke and without skipping a beat, he saddled up and together with Meatlug they went on the hunt to find the missing Dragon Hunter.

You were opening cages as fast as you could while still being cautious of any sudden attack from them. Then the whole island echoed with Hookfang's distress signal, you looked up at the sky to find the remaining ends of Hookfang's fire blast disappearing into air. Crystal must've seen it as well because she popped out of nowhere and picked you up.

Since you finished the last cage in this area, you were free to help. When the two of you arrived there, you gulped at the scene, there were so many Dragon Hunters all surrounding Snotlout and Astird, too many to even count. But everyone knew that one wrong move and they'll be gone.

You had to be certain with your next move because it will be a crucial one in how things will play out. But in the end you decided a warning blast will do the trick. You ordered Crystal to fire and she did as told. Every Dragon Hunter swarmed away from the place she shot at and they looked up to see who was attacking.

Before they could even process what was going on, Snotlout and Astrid took the chance and reacted fast, both flying away while there was panic spreading between the Hunters.

"Shoot them down!" You heard Viggo's commanding voice, but all of you were already too out of reach. A small triumphant smirk crossed your lips after you concluded that this mission was over. Successful for the second time in row. There were no more problems, all its left now is to wait for the others to finish and then leave this place.

While you were all up in air, in a somewhat safe distance away from any danger, the twins, Hiccup and Fishlegs were coming from the left. Blindly unaware of how low they were flying. So low that they could easily get shot by the archers below. Even if you tried to warn them to ascend further into the sky, they didn't understand.

Until it was too late. The archers started firing at them from all sides and the dragon fought to evade them. The twins and Fishlegs were fortunate enough to escape unharmed, but just when you thought Hiccup was going to come through safely, an arrow passed by them, merely missing them by an inch.

And that last arrow was enough to startle poor Toothless who stopped in surprise and the sudden movement made Hiccup tear away from him.

"Hiccup!" His name tore from your mouth in a horrified scream as you watched them plummet down helplessly trying to get to each other in air. Crystal and the other dragons dived straight after them and from the corner of your eye you could see Viggo's army following as well.

No one was certain whether Hiccup and Toothless would manage to unite again which is why Crystal flew full speed towards them. The ground was getting closer and thankfully Toothless got snatched by Barf and Belch.

"Grab my hand!" You yelled at Hiccup who was looking down at the nearing land below, the look on his face was solid fear but when he looked up to your outstretched arm, a glimmer of hope flickered in his green eyes.

He grasped up in the empty air, his fingertips were so close to your hand you could almost feel them, but then suddenly everything around you stopped when Hiccup crashed on the ground with the most loudest thud you've ever heard.

"No!" You shrieked, watching him vigorously rolled on the land exactly like a ragdoll. Your heart had been thrumming like mad and this time it felt like it leaped out of your chest after seeing this. You stared with eyes wide like marbles, breath hitched as you struggled to get air into your lungs.

The instant Crystal set foot on the ground was when you hopped off her and sprinted towards where Hiccup's unconscious body lay. "Oh my gods. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay."

Those words escaped your lips rhythmically and desperately. Everything around you was now a blur, you could barely concentrate on your surroundings due to the tears welling up, but none of that mattered to you right now. All you needed was to get to Hiccup.

You practically collapsed next to him, sobbing uncontrollably. "Don't die on me, please Hiccup, I beg you. Don't leave me." You whispered defeated prayers to Odin himself, pleading with all your soul for him to keep Hiccup alive.

With massive amount of anticipation, you brought your head to his chest and listened for any heartbeat. A sinking feeling overpowered you when in return you were greeted with nothing but silence. Dozens of thoughts flooded your mind, yet at the same time your mind felt blank like a page. Though one thing was for certain. Hiccup was gone. He was actually gone.

A few tears slid down your cheek and you were about to start crying hysterically, but then not a second later, you detected a very vague heartbeat. And to say relief came over you would be an understatement because nothing in the world could explain how comforting and relaxing it was to know that Hiccup was still alive.

"Oh thank Odin..." You cried out and hugged Hiccup tighter than ever. He was bruised and muddy from all the dirt. None of that was of any importance now, you were stuck thinking how you were on the verge of losing the love of your life and how today would've been the last time you were going to see Hiccup alive.

The gang all came rushing towards the two of you along with Crystal and watched you hugging Hiccup's body like you haven't seen him in ages. Everyone was absolutely panicking, confused questions coming from everyone wondering what happened to Hiccup but you were too fixated with putting him on Crystal's back.

"Is he dead?!" Fishlegs loud question broke your trance and you snapped your head in their direction.

"No! No, he's still breathing." You replied out of breath. At the same time, Toothless came to you and restlessly sniffed Hiccup, roaring at him to wake up. The sight was painful to watch but when you heard the crowd of Dragon Hunters marching your way, you knew there was no time to spare.

"Crystal, don't let him slip away." You told your dragon and then looked at the saddened Toothless who had his paw on Hiccup. He couldn't fly on his own so you had to be his rider for the day.

"Lets go bud." You said and Toothless stared at you with such despair you've ever seen in a dragon's eyes before.

This was a mission you would never forget, because what followed after changed your life forever.


All the way to home you kept a watch oh Hiccup who laid on Crystal unmoving. And each time you were filled with layers upon layers of guilt.

"I-I had him." You choked out. "I was about to grab his hand and he..."
The hut went dead silent when you stopped talking, suppressing yet another sob. Crystal was next to you, crooning sadly in response. Even though she was there when it happened, you still needed to vent to someone.

After leaving Viggo's godsforsaken island, you started explained the whole situation to the gang and it left the gang too shocked to say anything really. But you knew if they were in the right state of mind, they would all start blaming you for this. There was no one else to blame.

Everybody grew increasingly worried when Hiccup still didn't wake up by the time you reached the Edge. If it was anything minor, you would've heard from Hiccup half way to home, but his voice never piped up in the conversation, not once and that was what concerned everyone the most. This meant that the damages he endured might be greater than you all thought.

When you finally arrived on the Edge, everyone was sitting around Hiccup's hut after he had been placed there and was now resting on the bed. It was chillingly quiet for a while, nobody had anything to say since on the way here you've discussed everything there is to talk to about this subject.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Fishlegs's question rang in the room and your teeth clenched at the simple thought of that. Your feet started tapping even more anxiously on the ground

"Shut it, Fishface." Snotlout hissed, throwing a punch at Fishlegs's shoulder. Thought the way he spoke it was as if he was warning him in a way about something he had forgotten. And in that moment they were reminded of your presence there. For a while, the tapping of your feet was the only sound in the room.
One by one, everyone's gaze fell on you and even if your eyes were fixated on the floor, you still felt them watching and waiting for you to say anything. But no reaction ever came.

They stopped expecting anything after seeing you wouldn't say a word and after that they silently looked at each other, vast uncertainty written on their face.

Of course you were present and listening to whatever they were saying and saw everything going around, but there was still a part of you still stuck replying Hiccup's fall over and over, seemingly without a stop. It was like a picture painted in front of you, no matter where you glanced, it was always there, reminding you of the biggest mistake in your life. A mistake so grave, you wouldn't stop blaming yourself if Hiccup does actually never wakes up.

"He's going to be alright." You blurted out, making the gang whip their heads in your direction after your sudden answer. Though the words you said weren't a reply to anyone, it was more of a self-assurance or hope at least. You were too preoccupied with thinking the worst outcome of this situation and you wished that by hearing this from yourself might actually calm down your wrecked nerves.

"Yeah, see? Think positive you guys!" Ruffnut tried to lighten up the mood, yet even her own voice was wavering.
The conversation didn't flow so easily afterwards, again nobody said anything and most possibly, they were too lost in their own thoughts.

"Are we going to tell Stoick about this?" Astrid's question popped in the silence and you pursed your lips. If he happens to visit, then boy do you have a story for him. Him and Valka will probably never look at you ever again.

"No. He'll catapult me straight to Valhalla if he finds out." You shuddered while the others let out light chuckles at what you said.

You all stayed by Hiccup's side till night fall, just in case he woke up, but that never happened. One by one the gang all started retreating to their huts. Too tired to stay awake, They left guiltily and you were the last one left there.

But now after being absorbed by the quietness in the room, your thoughts became too loud and overwhelming.

While the others were still present, they kept you distracted from the painstaking truth. Just by talking to them it kept your mind off things, now though there was nobody beside you except the two dragons.

With a sigh, you leaned forward and moved a hair strand away from Hiccup's face. You stared at his beautiful face, inspecting every inch of it as if you hadn't before. All the while having a nagging feeling that his shiny green eyes will never meet yours again. That thought alone caused tears to well up your eyes and in a second you looked like a dam ready to burst.

From the other side of the bed you saw Toothless watching you, but he reverted his gaze to Hiccup again. He had been distant the whole time from Viggo's island to now. And he never let Hiccup out his sight, not once. It was almost as if his eyes were glued to his rider. But that split second when you saw him watching you there was literal fire behind his eyes. If they had any special powers then they'd be burning holes into your soul right now. Toothless was bitter towards you ever since the fall and there was no doubt he was judging you right now. If he could speak, he would undoubtedly say how this was all your fault. And in the end of the day, it was. You were supposed to catch Hiccup and not let him slip away, not end up like this.

You've been holding on strong for too long and the pressure was too much to endure, in the end it all resulted into you having a complete breakdown. You tried to stop it at first, still wanting to keep your feigned composed state, but you couldn't stop the tears from sliding down your face. Your head fell to the bed and you started sobbing uncontrollably into the covers. If it weren't for them stifling your wheezing the most they can, then the whole island would be echoing with your loud crying. You silently hoped your desperate cries might reach Hiccup's ears and he'll stand up right this moment, comforting that things will be okay. But in reality, Hiccup stayed still. And you didn't want to get used to that sight, ever.

It was as if all the weight of the world was on your shoulder, dragging your spirit down. Crystal nudged her head on your side and you sobbed even harder. She kept on trying to make you stop and you only budged when her head slid to your lap. You rose up immediately and found Crystal crooning woefully. You gaped at her with limpid eyes, holding in another round of tears. She was the only support you had right now and she was a reminder that you needed to be tough. You needed to be tough so when Hiccup wakes up he wouldn't see you as a mess like this, instead he'll be greeted with your brightest smile.

You wiped away the remaining tears from your reddish cheeks which were burning hot by now. The more you were thinking negatively about this whole situation, the more you were racked with guilt. So you decided to take a positive aspect of it and not dread that Hiccup won't wake up. He's strong. He's going to make it.

You believe in him.


Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and the hours turned into days. Everything seemed so dull lately, whether it was drawing or simply spending time with the others, it wasn't as fun as when Hiccup was around. Your mind nonstop drifted back to the moment your hands was just inches away from Hiccup's, how if you had reacted faster, you could've caught him and prevented any of this from happening. But now you were forced to wait for Hiccup to wake up, that is, if he wakes up.

The train of negative thoughts were always on the back of your head, but the reassuring words from your friends were enough to somehow keep you hanging. All of you changed turns and stayed by Hiccup's side and you were the one that took the most turns. With the sheer intention of wanting to be the first one he sees when he wakes up.

It has been a two full days and Hiccup still hasn't woken up from his unconscious state which only made your hopes slowly diminish. But just when it seemed like it was over, on the third day you were greeted with a very pleasant surprise.

You were coming back from the clubhouse with a tray of food. Even though you didn't had the appetite to eat anything these days you knew that wouldn't do anything good. You miserably entered Hiccup's hut with the same crestfallen expression as every time. You were spending all your day at Hiccup's place, doing your usual hobbies and occasionally talking to Hiccup as if he was awake.

And when you finally reached the second floor, the tray of food almost fell from your shaky hands.

There Hiccup was, sitting up straight and looking around the place. It was the utmost reliving thing to see him awake and moving, instead of just watching his uneven breathing as he was laying comatose without any signs of waking up. But now when Hiccup's green eyes met yours, to say you felt ecstatic would be an understatement. You were overjoyed beyond words.

"Hiccup!" You cried out, setting the food away and practically throwing yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around Hiccup and pulling him in the tightest bear hug.

For some odd reason, Hiccup didn't return the hug like he usually did, his arms still remained glued to his sides. And after a few seconds you realized just how forceful you had acted and that he was probably just startled by your presence. But just before you pulled back, you could almost feel Hiccup push you away, though you shrugged it off, thinking it was just your imagination.

You smiled warmly, but the smile slowly began fading after seeing the look of absolute bewilderment on Hiccup's features. His eyebrows creased together, eyes darting back and forth between yours. He looked shocked almost.

"How are you? Are you feeling alright?" You questioned, gently placing your hand on Hiccup's cheek. But what you didn't expect was him to remove it a second later, in a failed attempt to make it as discreet as possible.

"Um...Who are you?" Hiccup's voice uttered, voice hoarse.

"I see what you did there." You chuckled, your memory drifting back to the time when you played this trick on him when Alvin attacked Berk. You woke up, pretended to had lost your memory of him and the reaction you got was priceless. You expected Hiccup to do what you did and crack a grin so that both of you to share a good laugh, but his face still remained the same, if anything, it got even more confused.

"Seriously, who are you? And where am I?" Hiccup replied, now looking around the place like it was his first time being here. You ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Haha, very funny. Now drop the act." You said cheerfully, but even through all that happiness, you still felt a tinge of worry somewhere that maybe Hiccup wasn't faking it, that maybe he genuinely doesn't know who you are. Though you dismissed it right away, the chances of that happening are slim, close to zero.

"Am I supposed to know you?" Hiccup asked sceptically and you grinned, his acting skills were remarkable.

"I'm your girlfriend silly." You said and leaned forward to peck his lips. A look of shock crossed Hiccup's features and he backed away before you could reach him. You were left in an awkward position for a second, leant forward with your lips pursed.

"Look, lady, I have absolutely no idea who you are and but what I know for sure that I don't have a girlfriend." Hiccup said and you stared wide eyed, with a hurt expression.

"Hiccup, stop joking please. This isn't funny anymore." You replied, wanting nothing more than him to stop with this play. Hiccup was usually a jokester, but normally he would've stopped by now. Though seeing his serious expression, you were starting to believe that he might actually not know who you are.

"Do you really not know who I am?" You asked worriedly.

"No! That's what I've been trying to tell you! But you keep saying you're my girlfriend when I don't even know your name." Hiccup exclaimed quite frustrated and you were taken aback by how harsh his words were. His eyes didn't held the usual glimmer of happiness they always had when he looked at you, instead they were a jumble of confusion and uncertainty even fear. Your heart sank lower with each passing second as you waited for Hiccup to burst into laughter and say it was all a prank. But that never happened.

Has he seriously forgotten everything about you? Not a single memory from all of your times spent together? Not a single thing that rings into his mind when he sees you?

"(Y/N)...Does that name sound familiar?" You questioned, praying to all the gods that he will smile and nod enthusiastically. Instead Hiccup's face stayed the same and he replied with a certain, exasperated 'no'.

You took in a shaky breath, letting all of the information sink in and placed your hands over your mouth, finally comprehending this whole situation.
Hiccup had lost his memory.

You got up and took a few steps away, your back facing Hiccup so he couldn't see the tears slowly forming in your eyes. It felt like your heart was torn apart, the person you loved the most doesn't remember a thing about you and it was all your fault.
It pained you to even think about it, to think that you were just a stranger to him now.

You heard something stir behind you and after that a soft 'oh' followed. You wondered what caused Hiccup to say that and after spinning your head just the right amount, you saw he had moved the covers and was now examining his prosthetic leg with a saddened look.

"What...What happened to my leg?" He asked, rising his head in your direction, his face ashened.

"Wait, you don't remember that either?" You blurted out, completely dodging his previous question. And Hiccup shook his head in reply.

You were about to tell him when suddenly the door sprung open and you looked down to find the black Night Fury has entered the room. He must've sensed Hiccup's awake because a wide toothy smile plastered was on his face as he started ecstatically running up the stairs to the two of you. But the moment Toothless' head peered on the second floor, an ear-piercing scream came from behind you and you saw the covers tussle as Hiccup struggled to get up.

Hiccup looked utterly mortified, even that wasn't beginning to explain the expression on his face. It was as if death himself was standing in front of him, when in reality it was just Toothless, his best friend. You didn't know what was going on in Hiccup's head, why he's so startled by his own dragon.

The screamed doubled when Toothless took a step inside, now wholly taking all the space in the room. While Toothless and you shared a befuddled look, there was a loud thud from the side and you turned around there to find Hiccup had fallen on the floor and dragged himself away from the bed as fast as possible.

"What are you doing?! There's a dragon next to you! Run!" Hiccup exclaimed in horror, his panicked voice filling your ears.

"Hiccup-" You moved towards him and so did Toothless, but the fear immediately came back on Hiccup's face.

"No! Get away from me!" He shouted and rolled himself in a ball next to the corner as if he was desperately trying to disappear from here. His whole body shook wildly, hair messy from all the pulling. You had never seen him this afraid before, not even when the scariest person was standing in front of him, or the most formidable dragon. Frankly, it was the most heart breaking thing to witness. And to think that the closest things to him was causing this much distress.

"Hiccup, he's your dragon-" You managed to say, but Hiccup cut you off.

"No! Get that monster away from me!" Hiccup shrieked when Toothless moved forward, true fear laced in his voice. You were stunned to find him like this, petrified out of his head and breathing heavily, nearly to the point of hyperventilating.

Toothless next to you let out a soft, sad, croon. His ears dipped down as he worriedly stared Hiccup try to catch a breath.

Then as if this wasn't enough, there were footsteps rapidly coming up the stairs and you all turned to find the gang had come up as well, all looking surprised at the scene they walked into. A panicking Hiccup in the corner, one sad dragon desperately wanting to go to his rider and you in the other corner, still watching in disbelief as this whole situation unfolded.

"Toothless, go." You said, patting the poor dragon's head. The Night Fury whimpered once more but obediently jumped down to the first floor. As much as Toothless wanted to be here, he knew he was causing too much distress to Hiccup who looked like he was going to pass out if Toothless hadn't left. But now he seemingly calmed down a bit when the Night Fury was nowhere in sight.

"What's going on in here?" Astrid asked, looking at both of you while the others were assessing things as well. You were about to explain things but then Hiccup spoke up.

"Astrid?" He breathed out and you snapped your head in his direction. Your heart sinking in the process. How could he remember her instead of you? Hiccup started naming the others and with a muddled tone and with each person he named, your self-confidence decreased. Have you meant so little to him so that he completely forgot about you, yet remembers all of them?

"W-what are all of you doing here?" Hiccup asked incredulously, his voice still trembling. The gang all shared a look before their eyes landed on you, and a soft sigh escaped your lips.

"Hiccup...lost his memory. He doesn't remember me nor Toothless" You said and watched as everyone's eyes widened in shock and a chorus of 'what' followed. For the first time, you saw all of them frown deeply, even Snotlout and the twins looked concerned. You all glanced back at Hiccup who somehow managed to get up and now examined his foot with an undecipherable expression.

"What kind of prank is this?" Hiccup questioned with narrowed eyes, his attention now fully concentrated on all of you. The gang looked at each other once more, growing even more worried.

"Hiccup, there's no prank. We're your friends, we came to check on you." Fishlegs piped in in the conversation and an incredulous laughter sounded in the otherwise quiet room. Hiccup's laughter was bitter and almost matching the look on his face. Doubt written all over it.

"As if." He replied with an eye roll and with that action, it was obvious he dismissed what they said. "I don't have friends."

Everyone watched Hiccup with their jaws dropped, not believing what was coming from his mouth. And he just eyed them, completely oblivious as to why they were staring at him like that. Hiccup uttered a puzzled 'what' and you leaned on the desk for support.

"All you do is torment me everyday. You've never been my friends. So just stop pretending and tell me what happened." Hiccup shot back sharply, his whole face scrunched up with resentfulness. You were just as confused as the others, why would Hiccup say this? Since when have they tormented him.

"Hiccup, we don't do that anymore..." Astrid said and added to your confusion. Anymore? You never knew the gang was this destructive towards him so much so he literally despises them and spat that in their face.

"Wow, what happened to change your all mighty minds?" Hiccup commented, sarcasm dripping with each word.

"I've heard about this. Some people call it amnesia, its rare but it still happens when there's a head damage." Fishlegs told you in a low voice while the others were talking with Hiccup. Your gaze remained on him, how bewildered and nervous he looked being surrounded by his supposed daily tormentors.

"Is it curable? I mean will he remember us again?" You asked, mainly indicating for you and Toothless, but the gang was in this too. It was sad that Hiccup doesn't remember what great friends he had.

"If we try hard enough maybe we could jog his memory." Fishlegs said and your face lit up instantly, that's all you needed to hear. You didn't have to worry about Fishlegs giving you false hope because he was pretty straightforward and honest about everything. So this was definitely not a lie.

"What do we have to do then?" You questioned, barely containing your excitement. You wanted to start with this process as soon as Hiccup starts feeling better.

"Well people have said that reminding him of past experiences and events helps a lot, along with showing him his possessions and what he liked to do." Fishlegs suggested.

"Where's my dad?" Hiccup's frustrated shout made you focus your attention on their conversation instead.

"He's back on Berk, we're on a different island." Ruffnut explained and Hiccup's eyes widened even more.

"What do you mean we're on a different island? Where did you take me?" Hiccup started furiously asking, snapping his head in every direction like a prey being surrounded by predators.

"No, Hiccup we live here." Tuffnut said and it looked like a switch has been pressed in Hiccup's mind because his face suddenly went from angry to serious in a split second.

"Why would I ever want to live with any of you?" Hiccup's question hung in air since nobody knew what to respond to such a thing.

You took a step towards him and tried to calm him down since he was obviously very stressed at the moment. "Hiccup I know you're confused now, but you need to understand that you lost your memory-"

"The only thing I lost is my foot." Hiccup interjected.

Oh gods.

"And was I hallucinating or was there a real, living dragon here just a minute ago." He added, which made all of you stare at each other for the hundredth time. But you knew keeping Hiccup in the dark would bring nothing, and that he had to find out the truth sooner or later. Toothless was absolutely miserable without him.

"You guys go, I'll explain it to him and call you later." You said.

The gang all gave a small nod as they started walking down the stairs except Snotlout who came towards you with a grin.

"Hey, hey, tell him I'm the leader here." He snickered mischievously. You didn't know how he could be so cheerful, but you didn't really care. With an eye roll, you just started pushing him away.

"Leave, Snotface." You commented and heard a barely audible chuckle from the side. You tilted your head and saw a faint smile on Hiccup's lips. This was the first time you managed to make him laugh.

When Snotlout was finally gone, you turned to Hiccup and internally braced yourself for the longest trip down memory lane.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment if you did! ❤️
