Chapter 24

I just want to give a huge shoutout to snowbird87 for making the very first fanart of this story!! Thanks so much! ❤️❤️ I'm literally in tears rn.


(n.) a homesickness for a home you can't return to

"I cannot believe we spent our entire day looking for a treasure that turned out to be this- this thing! Whatever it is." Erland grunted, he's been saying the same thing over and over for the past hour and you grew irritated each time. But thankfully you weren't the type of person to burst out in screams so you just nodded politely every time.

Erland seemed to catch on though. "I thought you'd be more resentful, (Y/N)." He stated and you silently sucked in a breath. "Don't you care that we risked our lived just for that thing?" Erland pressed on.

Of course you trusted Erland, but not to the point where you can tell him about the dragon eye and how this was a very crucial discovery. There was still this lingering worry after what happened with Mariah and the undeniable fret that he might turn out to be like her. A spy. Albeit, the chances of that happening were minimum.

Whether Erland was a really good actor for whining all this time or he was actually this furious, you decided not to take your chances. It was better if he didn't knew anything about the dragon lens.

"Well if the gods had this planned then so be it." You replied with a nonchalant tone and shrugged your shoulders as if finding the this random object wasn't so bothersome.

"Oh come on (Y/N), unleash the anger!" Erland jokingly patted your arm and you chuckled. His mood shifted from being enraged to serious then to giddy in a matter of seconds and it left you marveled how he could have that many mood swings in such short period of time.

"Nope, I'm all good." You replied.

Erland kept talking about something, but you weren't really paying attention. Your mind was too fixated on the dragon lens you had found and what could be on it. Perhaps there would be a new dragon or more useful information's.

Thankfully Erland didn't notice your lack of attentiveness and by the time you finished with your preoccupied thoughts, he was still talking.

It was night by the time you returned from the island, having nothing else to comment, Erland and you bid your goodbyes and went to separate directions.

Upon arriving in your hut, Crystal crooned and went to bed right away. You patted her one last time before going to bed yourself.

You were exhausted, to say the least and you'd think that the moment your head hit the pillow you would be sound asleep, but instead you kept rolling left and right with to trace of sleep coming anytime soon.

After some minutes of laying motionlessly, you pushed away the covers and got up. Just as you were about to open the door and take a midnight stroll, something on the table caught your attention.

You walked over and took ahold of it.
The dragon eye lens, it was just as any other but this one had more meaning since you found it. The lens reflected the moonlight from the window as you twirled it around in your hands and stared at it for a few seconds.

Everything inside of you was screaming to go find the Dragon eye and see the content of the lens, but the rational side of you knew better.
Soon it turned into an internal debate of what would happen if you did and didn't use the Dragon eye.

For example, Erland could stumble on you looking at the lens and that would lead to him never stop asking about what the Dragon eye is.

All the way to your bed, you kept pondering on the pros and cons and in the end concluded to just stay in your hut and hide the lens till Erland's leave.


The following days were spent by exploring with Erland and simply hanging out with him. Of course the gang joined in a couple of times, but they usually avoided the two of you.

That agitated you a bit, but nothing could be done to change their minds so you let it be.

But now the week ended and so did your journey with Erland. Crystal brought you to Rocksmond island and you were currently bidding your farewell with Erland.

"Ugh, I can't believe a week has passed already." You whined. A few memories from the previous days replayed and you smiled warmly.
It was a good week.

"I know right?" Erland said, a broad grin played on his lips. The wavering hoot of an owl filled the silence between both of you, occasionally you would sneak a glance at Erland who was staring at the ground with an emotionless expression.

"I guess this is where we part..." Erland trailed off, a tinge of sadness noticeable in his voice. He finally looked up when you took a step closer to him.

"Aw don't be like that!" You whined and gently punched his arm. "Crystal and I will come whenever we can, but you can always visit us!" You flashed him a reassuring grin and Erland just ignored your gaze.

"I think only you can come to visit." Erland suddenly laughed. "I don't have a boat to sail to your island and plus none of the merchants go that way so..." Erland finished with a shrug and gave you an apologetic smile.

You huffed and rolled your eyes. "Can't you like, steal one?"

"I finished my stealing phase, (Y/N). I don't do that anymore." Curiosity resurfaced again once you remembered that Erland didn't answer your question a week ago. So you decided to ask again.

"How come?" The moment those words left your lips, laughter burst from somewhere nearby, meaning that there were other people roaming closely and worst case scenario they could stumble on the three of you and see Crystal, a dragon.

"I'll tell you next time, you better go now." Erland said, gently pushing you towards Crystal, he kept glancing back and forth between you and the direction the voices were coming from, worried that people might emerge from there.

Erland crouched down next to Crystal and gave her a big hug, in return she smeared his face with a lick. Erland got up with a grimace and wiped away the remaining dragon saliva dripping from his cheek.

Without a moment hesitation you flung yourself at Erland and wrapped him an a hug, Erland was startled by your sudden act and stayed motionless for the first couple of seconds before returning the hug.

A moment later you parted with a wide grin and mounted Crystal.

"And Erland?" You said and watched as the sandy coloured boy rose a brow.

"It's not a goodbye forever, just au revoir." And with that, Crystal flew away.


It was afternoon when you arrived back to the Edge. Having spent a few hours sleeping, you felt very rested and ready to take on whatever the world has to offer.

But that would soon change when the twins barged into the clubhouse.

Before their arrival, the gang and you were all eating and chatting about whatever fell in mind but then the twins came in, with wide grins.

"Hey Hiccup, your father is here." Tuffnut spoke and Hiccup looked up at the mention of his name.

"He looked angry." Ruffnut added, her grin growing wider.

"He looked angry since the day I was born." Hiccup commented and got up with a sigh. Curiosity got the better of you and you decided to join Hiccup as he walked towards the door, he gave you a warm smile and closed the door behind.

Midway to the Dome, where the twins said Stoick is, you ruffled Hiccup's hair.

"Hey-Hey! No!" Hiccup exclaimed with a chuckle and instantly rose his hands to even his now disheveled hair. Giggles spilled past your lips when Hiccup began complaining how he had spent the whole morning trying to make it look fine.

And as you were nearing the Dome, you saw that the twins were in fact right. There standing was the chief himself, hard staring eyes and eyebrows crunched down in agitation. But his face immediately lit up when his gaze landed on us.

"Son!" Stoick boomed and pulled Hiccup in a tight hug, so tight that Hiccup's breath hitched and he couldn't speak properly from having his bones nearly being crushed by this suffocating hug. But thankfully Stoick let go of Hiccup a moment later and left Hiccup to take in a deep breath.

"You never visit us Hiccup!" Stoick said with a voice so high, you could almost say he shouted. "Berk misses you!"

Hiccup sent his dad an apologetic smile. He parted his lips to say something but Stoick interjected before Hiccup could utter a word. "Come by later! Let's have a family dinner tonight!"

To that Hiccup agreed without skipping a beat, but then Stoick turned to you.

"You too lassie, Valka specifically asked you to come." Stoick said and walked over to his dragon while you were left standing with your mouth wide open.

"Me?" You asked incredulously after a moment of processing the offer. Stoick gave you a nod of confirmation and you couldn't help but rise your eyebrows in shock. What's with the sudden request of presence?

But you quickly camouflaged your astonishment with a proud smile.

"Alright then, count me in." You replied with aplomb and waved as Skullcrusher lift off. But the moment they were out of view you clutched your hair and whimpered. "What have I done."

"You just agreed to a dinner with my parents." Hiccup pointed out the obvious, a mischievous smile forming on his lips. You gave him a playful glare before the fret consumed you once more.

"No, but seriously, what will I do?" You asked and bit your lip, imagining all the different scenarios and all the things that could go wrong. And with each one, it made you not want to go to Berk.

"Just act normal. Be yourself." Hiccup said, taking ahold of your hands and intertwining your fingers with his. "Plus you already know them so what's the big deal?"

"Yes I know them, but this is formal, dinner, I have to look presentable. And I have to watch out what I say, I don't want to risk spilling something idiotic. Also what if-" Your frantic brooding was cut off by Hiccup who suddenly pressed a kiss on your lips and shut you up straightaway.

You pulled away with cheesy smiles, but Hiccup only managed to take your mind off just for a moment because now the worry seeped right back. Hiccup must've seen the change on your face because he let go of your hands and cupped your cheeks instead.

"Listen, if it worries you this much we won't go, alright?" You widened your eyes at his atrocious idea.

"No no, it will be impolite to refuse." You said, placing your hands on top of Hiccup's. "I don't want your parents to think bad of me."

"They don't, but okay, whatever floats your boat." Hiccup responded, clearly oblivious how serious this dinner really is. You placed your head on his chest and exhaled deeply. Hiccup enveloped you into a hug after that and it slowly calmed down the anxiety.

You enjoyed the peace and quiet until it was abruptly cut off by Ruffnut screaming for Hiccup. The two of you parted and looked at the direction her voice was coming from. Ruffnut, along with Tuffnut, were frantically running towards you and looked as if they were having a running competition.

You noticed Astrid, Fishlegs and Snotlout were walking behind them and talking amongst their selves. Tuffnut arrived first, heavy breathing with a face as red as a tomato.

"What did the chief say?" Tuffnut asked between breaths and rested his hands on his knees. But then Ruffnut came, even if she was out of breath she still managed to exclaim "Are you in trouble?!"

Hiccup laughed shortly but then replied with a simple 'no'. The others got there in a minute and they all had expecting looks plastered in their fsces.

"So?" Snotlout drawled the word. "Why did Stoick come?"

Hiccup shrugged. "He said I should visit more often so that's why (Y/N) and I are going tonight." Hiccup's arm encircled your waist and he pulled you closer while you flashed him a warm smile.

"Hey we should go too!" Fishlegs suggested excitedly before turning to you and Hiccup. "What are you guys gonna do?"

"Oh, we're just going to have a dinner nothing special." And after Hiccup said those words, Ruffnut gasped loudly and pulled you away from Hiccup.

"Nothing special? Well you're gonna make it special." Ruffnut walked over to Hiccup and placed her index finger on his chest. Ruffnut then walked over to you and rested her arm on your shoulder. "Hiccup's parents don't know you're his girlfriend right?"

You uttered 'correct', already knowing where this was going. Ruffnut's grin grew wider and she shoved you into Hiccup. "Then tell them you morons!"

Ruffnut's unexpected push was too harsh and you ended up stumbling on your feet, nearly falling if it weren't for Hiccup who grabbed you in the last minute.

You shot a glare at Ruffnut who had a guilty look, she mouthed a 'sorry' and you shook your head in disbelief.

"And I don't know Ruff, maybe that's not such a good idea..." You trailed off, glancing at Hiccup who gave you a reassuring smile meaning he was supporting you no matter what.

"Well sooner or later they'll find out, (Y/N). You're just delaying it." Astrid crossed her arms and you shifted from one foot to another.

"Blah blah blah, are you ladies done chit-chatting?" Snotlout sneered, making movements with his hands indicating talking.

"Hey shush! This is important stuff right here!" Tuffnut retorted with a tinge of vexation in his tone. He has been sitting down on the ground ever since he arrived and now turned around to face you. Tuffnut placed his hands under his chin and stared attentively. "So (Y/N), what are you gonna do?"

You couldn't help but laugh because Tuffnut looked so invested into this topic. Even more that anyone else. You moved a loose strand behind your ear and sighed. "Maybe? I guess... I don't know."

"Girls night!" Ruffnut suddenly exclaimed and grabbed you and Astrid by your hands. Both of you stared at her with a befuddled expression while she continued dragging you towards the huts.

"Can I come?" Tuffnut called out with a pleading tone and Ruffnut spun around with a glare.

"This is a girls night. No boys allowed!"

"But it isn't even night!" You heard Fishlegs exclaim from behind and you snorted. Astrid yanked away her hand and Ruffnut turned back to face her.

"What's the point of this?" Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Because we've never done this before and its going to be fun! Please please please!" Ruffnut begged, she jumped up and down with clasped hands. Astrid, perhaps not wanting to hear Ruff's yelling anymore, just sighed in response.

"Okay." She finally agreed and Ruffnut cheered, throwing her fist in air as a triumphant grin spread on her lips. You didn't stop laughing while all of this was happening.

All of you agreed that the 'girls night' will be spent in your hut and that's how the three of you are now splayed on the floor. Astrid was waxing her axe as usual while you and Ruffnut were talking about Erland.

"Why did he have to go!" She whined while a bubbly laugh escaped your lips. But then Astrid huffed and you both turned turned to face her.

"No offence (Y/N), but its good that he left." Astrid said, her voice held uncertainty like she was careful not to hurt your feelings. Ruffnut's shoulders slumped and she drawled the word 'why'.

"Everything about him just screamed danger. And I don't want to risk letting my walls down like I did with Mariah. Gods I was so foolish." Astrid replied, murmuring the last sentence. Your mind raced back to repeat the period with Mariah and you unintentionally responded with something that made Astrid whip her head in your direction.

"Yeah, you were." But then your eyes widen when you realized what you had just said. You quickly tried to male up for it and frantically waved your hands to prove point your point. "I mean no! You weren't foolish!"

Astrid stared at you for a second before smiling and and shaking her head in disbelief.

"Anyways! Let me grab a few things, be right back!" Ruffnut said, getting on her feet and storming off to Thor knows where. As you were thinking about the upcoming dinner, you unintentionally let out a sigh. Astrid's eyes immediately looked up at your anxious state.

"I seriously don't get what are you afraid of." Astrid said and your eyes met her blue ones. You watched as she put down her axe, indicating that all of her attention was now on you.

"Disappointment, Astrid." You bit your lip. "What for some reason they don't like me? And they won't approve us being together."

"You're over thinking this, (Y/N). Everything will go smoothly, I promise you that." Astrid laughed and you smiled, gaze still remaining on the ground.

"If it doesn't then its your fault." You snickered and earned yourself a punch from Astrid, which by the way, was painful so you hissed and jumped away. Astrid apologized immediately, but you just laughed it off.

The door suddenly barged open and Ruffnut waltzed in carrying absolutely nothing. You rose a brow when she sat down.

"I thought you were bringing something?" You asked and Ruffnut shrugged.

"Well I was bringing food, but I got hungry on the way and ate it."

"That was so thoughtful of you Ruff!" Astrid exclaimed happily, sarcasm dripping with every word she said.

"I know right!" Ruffnut replied with an equally sarcastic tone and after that the room was filled with laughter. That is until someone walked passed by the open door.

"We're having so much fun with our boys night! Right guys?" Tuffnut chirped, looking at Ruff with a smug face. But the other boys had different. thoughts.

"For the last time Tuff, I'm not part of your stupid 'boys night'." Snotlout replied with an eye roll and walked past Tuffnut who gasped and uttered 'traitor' incredulously, while glaring daggers at Snotlout's back.

"Looks like your boys night is over! Ha! That's what you get copycat!" Ruffnut mocked her brother who huffed and crossed his arms.

"What are you guys even doing? The three of you are sitting there like lost ducks!" Tuffnut sneered and squinted his eyes. After this Fishlegs walked away, obviously too annoyed to deal with the scene unfolding in front of him.

"We're doing...stuff," Ruffnut responded, seemingly lost for a second, but then her eyes lit up."We're talking!"

"Psh, what's so fun about that? And to think I wanted to join your little club? Atrocious!" Tuffnut spun on his heels.

"Hey! Our club is fun!" Ruffnut retorted and with that they continued their usual bickering.

"Alright I'm done." Astrid said, clearly growing irritated as the bickering only increased. She passed the twins and they didn't even notice her leaving and then as expected Ruffnut threw a punch at Tuffnut and they began fighting.

Soon they were rolling on the ground and Hiccup moved away to clear the path, he warned them to stop but the twins were too preoccupied with their fight.

Hiccup walked over to you with a smile and you returned it. But it fell down to a straight line when Hiccup suggested something. "Why don't we go to Berk now?"

"Now?!" Your eyes widened.

Hiccup bobbed his head, looking at you with a pleading expression. If it wasn't for the sweetest smile plastered on his face or his wide puppydog eyes, then you might've said no. But it was impossible no to give in so with a sigh, you murmured a single 'fine'.


As the vicinity of Berk got closer and closer, your anxiety was beginning to rise even more. You nervously bit your lip and gripped the saddle, Crystal seemed to notice this because she let out a sad croon.

"I'm okay girl." I lied, stroking her feathery head. When you looked up, you saw Hiccup staring forward without a care in the world, while behind him, you were wishing the ground to open and swallow you whole.

Upon landing on the ground, many people greeted Hiccup and you and had a small chat. Though you desperately tried to continue it by asking random questions and telling stories that the villagers probably have no interest in. All the while Hiccup stared at you with a rised brow and it didn't take him long to understand your ploy.

You were stalling.

"Let's go visit Gobber first." Hiccup suddenly suggested after the people you were talking to left.

"Yes!" You exclaimed a little too excitedly and then cleared your throat upon realizing how obvious it might've looked like. "I mean, yeah sure, whatever."

Hiccup let out a chuckle and the two of you headed to the blacksmith. "You think I didn't notice what your plan is?"

"Well I was hoping you wouldn't notice." You responded with a wide smile, but nothing slips under Hiccup's radar.

"Hiccup!" Gobber cheered when both of you entered his shop. The man dropped everything he was doing and walked over, giving Hiccup a bear hug. Which was nothing like Stoick's bone crushing one.

"And (Y/N)." Gobber gave you a brief nod and you returned it immediately.

"So what brings you two here?" Gobber asked, making his way towards the window and giving a villager their sword.

"Well I had some ideas recently." Hiccup responded, exhilaration easily noticeable in his tone. Hiccup proceeded to take out a few papers and you looked over.

While Gobber was too busy taking orders, you sneakily pulled out a paper from and examined the drawings.

"Really? These are your marvelous ideas?" You teased Hiccup, who in one swift move was able to snatch the paper from your hands.

"I'd like to see you do better." Hiccup said with a challenging glint in his green eyes. And with one last wink, he was off to Gobber.

"Yeah well I- I'll invent something even better than your stupid shield!" I protested back and Hiccup turned around, giving me a look at screamed 'really'.

Though even as you were walking to get paper from the satchel in Crystal, you knew nothing can top his shield idea. But being the stubborn person you are, you walked back into the shop, flopped down on the chair and began sketching with an irritated expression.

Hiccup occasionally glanced in your direction and you always stuck out your tongue. You were behaving exactly like a child would, but at the moment your stubbornness was too compelling.

Nearly an hour passed when Gobber and Hiccup finished discussing about the inventions, which in all honesty, were pretty impressive. And when you looked down in your papers, you saw that they held nothing but scribbles.

You hasn't noticed a figure has approached and was standing right next to you while you rummaged through the papers.

"Wow so creative." Hiccup mocked jokingly from above and you quickly trashed around, trying to hide the papers.

"Its not finished yet." You sneered back with squinted eyes and Hiccup hummed in response.

"Oh really? From the looks of it, it isn't even started." Hiccup continued to tease and you got up straight away, nearly dropping some papers.

"Yeah well process is slow!" You hissed as you walked out of the forge with Hiccup running after, still joking around.

But then your gaze landed on chief's house and how you completely forgot about the dinner. Perhaps having spent the time in the shop calmed you down a bit, because now you weren't as anxious as earlier.

And then as if on cue, the door of the house opened and Stoick walked out from it. He looked around for a moment until his eyes landed on Hiccup and you.

Stoick motioned both of you to go over there and you felt a pat on your back. You looked Hiccup who was now a step forward and waiting for you to join.

A silent laugh escaped your lips and you awkwardly rubbed your neck as the two of you made your way to the chief.

"Hiccup! I wasn't expecting you so early!" Stoick's voice boomed. Hiccup didn't had a chance to speak up  because the chief spoke again. "Come. You're just in time for the meeting." Stoick said, pushing Hiccup in the direction of the Great Hall.

The auburn haired boy looked over his shoulder and saw your panicked state. "But dad what- I thought we were going to have some family time?"

"Yes we are, but later. For now, the Great Hall." Stoick gave a simple reply and only propelled Hiccup even more.

You found yourself stumbling forward after them. "Uh, can I come too?" You asked sheepishly, feeling as your cheeks were getting heated from embarrassment. Stoick only gave you a warm smile before speaking again.

"No need for that lass. You should go visit Valka, she'd be more than happy to see you!" Stoick responded with joyous tone and after that Hiccup bombarded him with protests for you to join. But Stoick simply ignored him. and walked ahead, and with that the Haddocks took their leave.

You glanced around left and right to see if anyone has been watching, but everyone was minding their own business.

After taking a few steps back, you were right in front of the chief's house with your arm risen up. A moment of internal debate passed where you were doubting whether to knock on the door or flee somewhere else.

You could just pass the time waiting for them out in the open, but it would be indecent to go against the chief's wishes and not go visit Valka.

So you sucked in a breath, knocked on the door and prayed to all of the gods that this would go well.


I just noticed that my story is rank #14 in the httyd section omg what 😂😂 How was I so oblivious to this wth 😂 And also I want to thank you guys for reading this story omg you're all so amazing! ❤️❤️
