Chapter 16


(n.) loving the moon and finding it soothingly captivating

The morning sun peeked brightly through your window and landed directly on the face, it was partly the reason you astir, the main one though, was your churned up stomach. You doubled over and grit your teeth in order not to shout, the pain being so extreme that it felt like a shark biting you in half. 

You dallied towards the chest in the corner of the room in hope to find some cure, once you opened it, you were unpleasantly reminded that you forgot to find the ingredients in the first place and then to actually make the medicine. With a single loud gruff, you fell back onto the floor and waited, waited for the pain to be gone but even an hour later it was still present. 

You had spent the time flipping through your old journals and notebooks, often grimacing and squinting your eyes at the terrible drawings you used to make, though in that time you had adored them with all your heart. With all the might, you forced yourself to get up and somehow managed to reach your comfortable bed, stumbling a few times before you got there. 

While laying there in a fetal position, you recalled yesterdays events and came into a conclusion that going underwater and then up in the cold weather was the probably the reason you became sick, it didn't cross your mind the day before but now you were certain. The bed was definitely a lot better than being on the floor, it was like laying on clouds and slowly drifting away.

Suddenly, the door swung open and a distressed Hiccup waltzed in. 

"(Y/N)! Get up, we have to go now!" You barely processed his words and when you looked at his direction everything seemed so fuzzy. After squinting your eyes a little bit, you were able to gain back your vision and saw Hiccup coming over, before you could even move you were hefted up by him and carried to your dragon.

"Whats going on?" You asked, feeling utterly perplexed by this whole situation. Hiccup placed you atop of Crystal and was now blatting away towards the door, he stopped after you called out and jerked his head backwards to face you.

There's no time to explain, we have to go!" Those were his last words before he exited the hut. Without any warning, Crystal took off and was flying in such an incredible speed that it made the surroundings look extremely blurry. Suddenly she stopped and was now flying behind other dragons, which you failed to notice before because of how petrified you were. You had never experienced flying this fast and for once it seemed like you were going to slip and fall down.

"Guys!" You yelled after the others, but it only came out as a whisper. After your attempts to call them louder didn't work, you proceeded to tell Crystal to fly faster, even though your voice was normal now she still didn't budge. Your dragon was always obedient and never in the last few years has she ever ignored any of your order and that was why you were fretting now, what was wrong? 

"Can you please get us close to the others?" You asked nicely, the tone of your voice matching the one of beggar. Crystal still didn't obey. Not even the petting helped so you slid your hand under her chin to scratch the place where she enjoyed, but then something happened and you didn't expect it at all.

A loud, thunderous growl emitted from your dragon.

This was immensely worrying. So shocking that it caused you to black out.

When you awoke, everyone was standing around you and what was more scary was their serious expressions. 

"Good, you're awake, we need to go now." Astrid gripped your arm and yanked you up on your feet. In a second she turned around along with the others and they all walked away to a specific path, they didn't even bother to ask if you were okay or not, which angered you the most. You dashed forward and stepped in front of them, ready to confront them about their unacceptable actions.

"Why are you all acting this way?! Where are we? What's going on?!" You snapped, demanding an instant answer. None of them replied anything as you glanced back and forth at all of them, hoping that someone might speak up, but eventually they did, telling the same thing over and over again.

"We have to hurry, we are late!" Fishlegs squeaked and hurriedly ran past you. The gang proceeded to run now and you just snapped your head back at them, not believing what was happening, was this some sort of a joke? Deciding that you might find answers when you arrive at the thing they are late for, you jogged after them not wanting to be left out.

As you ran, you examined the place you were running in. It was a forest of trees with no leaves and the sky was foggy, not even the sun was visible from the thick mist above. There was something weird about this place, as if you've been here, it was a very strange feeling so vague and unknown but at the same time so familiar.

The cycle of thoughts stopped when you reached the navel of the village and only then did it click that you were in a place you didn't thought you would ever come back.

Outcast island.

The gang that was here just a minute ago was now nowhere to be seen, like they magically disappeared in plain sight. You scoured around in every direction, hoping to find at least one of them, but with no luck. Suddenly, Toothless' roar echoed around and the people around you instantly ran towards the center of the village, you found yourself following them because where Toothless is, Hiccup is certainly there too.

You arrived and found Hiccup, found the gang and found their dragons as well, everyone was there being perfectly still, because all of them... all of them were brutally massacred. Cut off limbs, bleeding bodies, thick crimson river of blood surrounding all of them. 

It was a sight of horror, something you didn't want to ever experience, but here you are, looking at the horrifying scene in front. Everybody was watching, nobody was speaking. And when all of this finally sunk in, you dropped on your knees and screamed. Screamed till tears brimmed your eyes, screamed till you could feel your vocal cords breaking down, screamed till there was no sound coming from your mouth. 

Your friends were gone. 

The love of your life was gone.

Everything you once cherished and cared about was gone. 

You were racked with misery, you couldn't move or speak, even when somebody began dragging you, all of your muscles were numb. The tears never stopped rolling down your cheeks and they got more intense as you were taken further away, but when something was tightened to your wrist you were brought back to reality.

You were chained on a stone or such and the people carrying you stepped in the front to reveal themselves, and they were none other than (F/N)(L/N) and (M/N)(L/N), your parents. They still looked the same, nothing has changed, even after all these years has passed they still looked young like you always remembered them. 

"And now for the grand finale." Your mother said with a sinister grin, her eyes that were once filled with happiness now had only a glimmer of malice. As if cue, your dragon emerged from somewhere in the bushes and was slowly making her way towards you, when she came near enough you saw that her eyes didn't have the familiar orbs, they were turned into slits.

Your dragon stopped right in front of you.

"C-C-Cryst-tal?" You choked out, feeling as if the soul had been taken away from you. 

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" A voice beamed from your side and you turned around only to see Mariah standing next to your parents, looking all innocent with her wide eyes and big smile. Your dad patted her and Mariah closed her eyes in delight while you furrowed your eyebrows.

"You are the best daughter anyone could ask for." Were your father's words that broke you.

Your attention snapped back to Crystal who opened her mouth, you watched her with your face scrunching up with perplexity. What was she doing? The answer to your question came soon when you sew the sparks of her white fire forming at the pit of her mouth, Crystal was going to execute you.

"No..." Your last tear rolled down, you saw the fire growing bigger and bigger, it was only milliseconds away. It was over. Your life is over.

"No!" You yelled as the Crystal's blast shot you down.

Everything was black while you felt your body trash around, moving vigorously forward and backwards. There were tinted voices coming from every direction and you moved after them just to hear what they are saying, all of the sudden there was a flash of light, everything was too bright and it was burning your eyes. But then it began to soften and shades of different colours began to appear.

"(Y/N)?!" The voice you never thought you would hear again was right here saying your name, you finally had a clear vision on what was in front of you and it made your heart warm up, it was like a golden ball of happiness exploded inside and a sudden euphoria swept over you.

There in front of you was Hiccup, unharmed and completely alright. His emerald green eyes looking full of worry as he watched you slowly getting up and not braking the eye-contact. 

"Hiccup..." You whispered softly, biting your lips and keeping the tears at bay. You blinked a couple of times, thinking that you're only imagining but you weren't, he was here. "Hiccup." You cupped his cheeks and hugged him like it was the end of the world. Only when you opened your eyes did you see the gang standing behind.

You pulled away shortly after that and wiped the tears. 

"What happened?" Your voice was wobbly, it sounded like you haven't spoken in years. 

"We heard you screaming and though there was an intruder or something, but you were just tossing in your bed wildly." Hiccup briefly explained. And when you put everything together you realized that everything that has happened was just a morbid nightmare, which was extremely vivid.

"What were you dreaming about?" Astrid questioned and when you glanced at her, you found her staring at you with furrowed eyebrows and concerned expression, unlike the expressionless Astrid in your dreams. You heaved a sigh, debating whether to tell them or not.

But in the end you decided it would be best if they knew. "We were in Outcast island and all of you were murdered, massacred." You look down at your lap, anxiously folding your hands back and forth. After looking up, you saw everyone's worried faces were replaced with a look of horror. You searched around hoping to find a certain dragon and then your eyes landed on her. 

"In the end, Crystal killed me." 

The last sentence made tears brim your eyes and you grit your teeth, not wanting to cry. Suddenly, Crystal jumped and ran to your bed, she didn't care if she knocked the others and she just ignored their yells. She had one person in her mind and that was you, the rest didn't matter.

And because of that, you were showered with dragon slobber, when you shrieked in disgust Crystal just gurgled and ran in circles in your enormous hut. You gazed at her and then at everyone, they were all here in front of you, alive and okay and that made you happy.


The next day you awoke wondering what the world has to offer today so you got up and went straight towards the clubhouse. Strangely, it was empty. Usually there was at least two people, but now there was none. It was a little before noon, but you decided not to knock on everyone's doors asking where they are because they might be still sleeping.

Making your way to the basket in the corner, you saw that it was running out of fish so instead of sitting around doing nothing, you figured you go fishing. Crystal who was accompanying you was waiting outside and you hopped on the saddle.

"Let's go to the shore to get some fish, alright?" Crystal bobbed her head and in an instant you were up in air. The pleasantly cold wind was pushing the hair in your face and no matter how much you tried to push it away, it still came back in the same place. Crystal began descending and you took a deep breath, readying yourself for the impact.

In an instant you were absorbed in the liquid, but Crystal went out in the same speed she had entered the water, with a couple dozen fish in her mouth. While flying back, the air that was pleasant just some minutes ago was now excruciatingly cold because of your wet clothes, you broke into shivers in a matter of seconds. You didn't have any problems doing this some months ago because the weather was way warmer than today and even by just flying some minutes your clothes would've dried completely from the sun's heat.

Some minutes passed by with you trying to dry yourself up. By then someone yelled your name so close to your ear that your heart skipped a beat, but that wasn't enough because Hiccup's face appeared only inches away and you jumped backwards from the saddle, yelping in the process. Hiccup just chuckled while Toothless spun them both around and now the dragons were flying side-by-side. He knew you hated when people scare you, yet here he is almost giving you an heart attack, but sure enough you quickly dismissed everything and joined his laughter along with the dragons who were gurgling as well.

"I hate you!" You giggled loudly. When you pried open your eyes, Hiccup was just staring at you, not smiling nor laughing. Now processing your words, you blanched when you recalled what you had said and in an instant you moved your hands vigorously, "No! Not literally! I didn't mean it like that, I-"

"No, no its not that." Hiccup cut you off and left you bewildered.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked, to that the familiar grin formed on his lips and he replied with a 'no' once again. "Then what is it?"

"Its just...I never realized how adorable you are when you giggle." Hiccup smiled and instantly your cheeks got warmer. Even if you've been together with him for a long time you still couldn't help but blush whenever he flatters you even the slightest, and now since you were apart for a bit it felt like you were experiencing things like the first time you realized you love Hiccup.

Your face must've looked like a tomato when you finally snapped back to reality and you finally managed to choke out a stuttering replay, "I-I, uh, t-thank you!"

For a moment you were captivated by his sly grin, but then your attention was moved to Crystal who randomly decided to move closer to Toothless and you were debating if she was doing this for herself or for you. In the end she just flung you towards Hiccup and you barely landed on Toothless' saddle, when you regained your composure you glared at Crystal while she gave you a gummy smile.

"Guess I'm stuck here now." You joked and wrapped your arms around Hiccup from the back. When you placed your head on his back, the smell of cherry blossom scent immediately relaxed you and you made a mental note to thank Crystal for doing this generous act, she is such a nice dragon, there's no denying that.


The whole flight back to the Edge was filled with laughs and kisses, all in all it was probably the best thing so far, you saw the familiar island and thought that Toothless would descend down, but instead he kept flying. Now that you were flying above the forest with no stopping realized that it wasn't just a simple blunder.

"Where are we going?" You asked with curiosity laced in your voice, Crystal looked just as befuddled as you were and both of you just stared at each other wondering where were all of you going.

"It's a surprise." Hiccup beamed enthusiastically and now you realized that you have to be patient till you arrive to Thor know's where. But even after knowing that you still pushed on the subject asking about what the thing is, though Hiccup didn't say a single word. If it was a question about anything else he would talk for hours but as soon as you even just briefly mention the surprise he would shut up instantly.

Sure it was annoying as hell, but in the end when you finally landed, everything payed off.

It didn't take you long to realize both of you were on Cherry Blossom Island, but that's not the best part. Instead a blanket laid on the abloomed ground, on it there was a basket and a few candles slowly burning down. Here the weather was perfectly fine and the wind wasn't strong enough to turn around the candles and cause any damage.

A grin spread on your lips as you looked back to Hiccup, "And what's the special occasion?" You asked moving towards the picnic place and enjoying the scenic surroundings. Hiccup next to you just shrugged his shoulders.

"It was a lovely day so I figured we could have some alone time." Hiccup replied with a charming smile, though deep inside you know that wasn't the real case, this was some sort of an apology act and it was generous enough to be forgiven. You didn't say anything back just pinched his cheeks and watched how Hiccup scowled at the slight pain and pushed your hand away.

After sitting down there was a moment of silence between the two of you, it was a time of enjoying the peace and beauty of the place, but it was far from quiet because of the two dragons chasing behind you and it made the ground shake a bit. You hadn't realized that time passed that quickly because the sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, making everything have a tinge of orange. It was a perfect view of the sunset and you wanted to know what Hiccup thought so when you glanced at him, you were surprised to find him gazing at you. It wasn't weird or anything, he seemed lost in thought.

"Isn't the sunset pretty?" You questioned and looked back at it, concentrating more on the shimmering water below the cliff and the small dragons around it.

"Yeah, but it isn't as pretty as you." You couldn't believe these words were coming out of Hiccup's mouth and you couldn't help but snap your head and watch him incredulously. His eyes were gleaming with cheerfulness and it matched his bright grin.

"I have no idea what's going on right now." You chuckled, "This is so strange to me because you're not always showering me with compliments everyday and I'm just trying to figure out why you're doing this."

Hiccup turned around, seemingly uncertain of what to replay, but then he spoke and your heard everything that you wanted him to say.

"When you were away it was like a part of me was gone and I didn't knew what I had until you left. So now, since you're back, I will cherish every moment we have together because you are something I can't live without." Hiccup barely had the time to finish because you tackled him on the ground, smothering him with kisses while a few chuckles escaped his lips. Placing one last peck on his lips you layed down onto his torso, listening to his heart beat as his chest ascended and descended.

"You're a real sweetheart, Hiccup."


Some minutes later you got up and eagerly opened the basket to look at its containings, surprised to find that inside there were bread, chicken stew, yak milk and most importantly, yak butter parfait. You took all of them out and smirked when you grabbed the dessert.

"Snotlout would sell his soul to get a taste from this." After that amusing statement both of you burst into laughter. A few seconds later you still couldn't stop chuckling and were now clutching your stomach because it hurt from laughing too much. In the end you decided it would be a nice surprise if you left some of the dessert for Snotlout, maybe get a little bribing done.

The moment the stew touched your taste buds you widened your eyes with astonishment, the food was extremely good and you glanced at Hiccup wondering if he had made these or just bough them or something.

"Did you buy these?"

"No, I made them myself."

"No help at all?

"Nope, just me. Thoughts?"

You couldn't help but rise a brow at this, "You're ,undoubtedly, the best cook ever."

Hiccup just smiled and looked away, not meeting your gaze, and when you examined his face a little closer you saw his cheeks were suffused with blush. You felt a little warmer inside knowing that you weren't the only one feeling this way, though you couldn't help but notice the goosebumps on your arms and how cold you actually were on the outside, even if you the fire was very close to you.

You brushed it off and continued eating the robust food. The dinner passed with telling jokes and funny stories, many times you almost choked because of the sudden urge to chuckle while eating and that made Hiccup laugh more at your reactions rather than the story he was telling. Albeit, the feeling of exhaustion took over you bit by bit and the slight headache didn't help at all.

Hiccup thought it would be a great idea to have a drawing competition and as much as you wanted to tell him no and go home, that was easier said than done because when you saw the glimmer of eagerness in his eyes you simply agreed and tried to look as enthusiastic as possible.

As always, the contest began with each of you telling a specific dragon and whoever drew it first is the victor, but it had to be clear and not smudgy, otherwise it wouldn't count. Usually you were the the winner most of the time, though today you absolutely couldn't concentrate at all and everything looked grotesque.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup's concerned voice snapped you out of your effort to try and draw a solid slitherwing dragon. He must've noticed your bad mood no matter how much you wanted to conceal it and you didn't want him to worry, you didn't want to ruin this perfect day because it doesn't happen everyday.

"Mhm." You hummed, not looking up. Though from your peripheral vision you saw Hiccup put down his notebook and walk up to you, when he was about to sit down you forced a smile and hid your book.

"Hey no peeking! Go back and finish the drawing!" You jested, but Hiccup sat down anyway. When you met his gaze he didn't even care about the joking tone in your voice because all that his face held was seriousness.

"No, we're done, I win. But something is wrong." His eyes looked so icy that it send a shiver through your body and you sucked in a breath. "No offence, but your drawings today are terrible, what's wrong?"

You let out a sigh of defeat, there was no point of lying to him anymore. "I'm just very tired."

Hiccup's face instantly softened and a lopsided smile grew upon his lips, a second later you felt his hand ruffling your hair. "Well why didn't you tell me, you dummy?"

"Because you looked so happy and I didn't wanted to ruin the mood." You admitted shamefully, fixing your stare on the ground.

"Your happiness matters too, if you're not feeling good then what's the point?" Hiccup was right, but it was a lot of effort to even shift your gaze to look at him so you just shrugged, without saying anything. Another pat on your head and Hiccup was on his feet again, he began packing up the leftovers and while his back was facing you, the shivering accelerated and you hugged yourself, gritting your teeth. It was better if no one saw you like this, twitching like a madman.

A moment later you somehow managed to convince yourself to get up and go to Crystal who was sleeping along with Toothless. You petted her head slightly, to wake her up and not to startle her while saddling up. When you suddenly sneezed, Toothless bolted up and fluttered his scruffy ears, he cocked his head to one side when he saw the apologetic look on your face, but then his rider got the attention.

Hiccup decided to tinker around Toothless' tail and your impatience grew stronger almost to the point of snapping at him to hurry up, which you could've said if he didn't get up in the same time and say that they're all set. With a shook of your head, you laid forward and let your eyelids drop.

The whole way to home was darkness and the sound of wind passing through, it was calm and serene, just the way you liked it. The travel seemed extremely short because you felt Crystal land down, even if you knew you had arrived, none of the muscles wanted to move, you just wanted to stay on Crystal and fly with her forever. Your dragon didn't move at all, but then all of the sudden you felt two arms wrap around you and you were lifted up, after that you were transferred to the realm of dreams.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Vote and comment if you did! ❤️
