Chapter nineteen: Hospital Wing, Part 1


it was a few weeks later and I had been avoiding Severus. Me and Hazal served our detentions and I haven't been back to the forest since then. I know everyone misses me and I honestly miss them.

I was walking down a hallway when someone came crashing into me. We both stumbled backwards onto the floor. I dropped all of my stuff onto the floor. "Oi! watch it!" the other person said. I look up and saw Draco. When he notices me, he scoffs and I return it to him. "Of course I had to bump into the Slytherin disappointment! Next time get out of my way!"

"You a-are such a j-jerk Malfoy! One o-of t-these days your going to r-regret teasing m-me!"

He laughed at me as he sat up on his knees. "Like the poor stuttering disappointment would do anything to me. Don't you know who my father is?"

"I d-don't care who he h-his Malfoy!" i started picking up my stuff when he saw my open sketchpad and picks it up.

"Are these drawings yours? They are awful!"

"G-Give t-that back!"

"Come and get it stuttering loser!" He stood up and held the pad in the air. I stood up and tried to get it. He was a bit taller than me and that wasn't really fair. I jumped into the air, but couldn't reach it.

"I fucking h-hate you Malfoy!" I continued to jump, but I am unable to reach it. He backs up, but I didn't follow him. I pull out my wand and point it at Malfoy, he did the same, but before he could say any spells I said something.

"Expelliarmus!" i yell and his wand goes flying out his hand. he drops my sketchpad and i quickly grab it and back up. After he grabs his wand from off the floor, he points his wand at me

"Expelliarmus Maximua!" he sent me flying and i dropped my sketchpad again. I hit a pillar and fall to the ground and I was pretty sure one or more of my bones was broken. i squeeze my eyes shut and tears built up in my eyes at the pain. My human form heals like any other humans and its so annoying! If I switch to my demon form then I would be healed by now. i felt a presance over me and when i open my eyes, Severus was there. He bent down

"Are you alright...Harrington?" i nodded then he looked at Draco. "Detention Malfoy!" Malfoy then stormed off and Severus looks at me again. "Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere!" the tears in my eyes rolled down my face. He pickes me up. "Tell me the whole story later. I need to get you to the nurse to see what's wrong,"

"w-what about my s-s-stuff Professor?"

"ill get all of that when i get you to the nurse. Now save your energy." I don't remember what happened next because everything went black.


I open my eyes and notice i was laying on something kind of soft and I felt a soft blanket over me. I slowly sat up and put my hand on my head because it was pounding. Nurse Pamfry saw me and rushed over to me. "You need to rest dearie."


"Do you not remember?" I shake my head. "Severus told me that something happened between you and Malfoy. He found you lying on the ground in pain then carried you all the way here."

"My memory i-is a little f-fuzzy"

"You have a small concussion, but if you rest then you wont have one by tomorrow."

"How long h-have I-I been o-out?"

"Two days"

"T-Two days?!? I h-have s-so much school w-work t-to catch up on!"

"Don't worry about school now dearie. Rest up and when you get out tomorrow then you can worry about academics." I nod then lay back down in the bed. I feel myself doze off in no time and soon fell asleep.


I open my eyes again and look around. I saw Dumbledore and Snape talking. "Do you know where it came from?" I quickly close my eyes again.

"No, I don't know any creatures that have those type of feathers. Where did you find it?"

"It fell off her robes. Maybe some creature they both bumped into has these kinds of feathers." It was quiet for a bit. Why are they talking about a feather that fell off my robes? Is there something off about the feather? "Maybe her sketchpad will tell us something. She did say she draws them whenever she use to sneak out." Dumbledore walks next to the bed and grabs something off it. I hear his footsteps fade as he walks off. I can hear the noises of pages being flipped. I slightly open one of my eyes to see if I could see them and so i would not be noticed. "She is a really good artist, though, I don't see any creatures that have any feathers like this one."

'We should probably should ask her when she wakes up. She has some experience with some magical creatures."

They stood there talking for a bit. I hear someone's footsteps walking towards me. I look over and see the nurse "She's still not awake?"

"Afraid not."

"Well when she wakes up. She needs to take this medicine then she can go." She places a glass of water and a pill next to me on a small table then left.


I let a few minutes go by be before I shot up from the bed; panting like i just woke up from a nightmare. i made my whole body shake to sell it. Dumbledore rushes over to me while Snape tried not to look concerned for me. 'You alright dear?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah. Where..." i looked around 'puzzled'.

"Your in the hospital wing." said Dumbledore

"Malfoy told me you hit him with a spell so in defense he did the same. He hit you too hard so I had to carry you to the hospital wing." Snape said. He was still trying to act like he wasn't concerned for me.

My memory was still foggy, but I know that is not what happened at all. Malfoy always bullies me so there is not way id hit him first......did I?
