Chapter four: Classes

He was going on about some potions that he had prepared for us when he got interrupted by two people who barged in. It was Harry Potter and that gingered hair boy from yesterday, Ron Weasley.

Professor Slughorn greeted the two and asked them to get a spare book. He then asked if anyone knew what potions he made and hermione raised her hand then stepped forward. She explains that one of them was a truth serum called Veritaserum and one of them was a love potion called Amortentia. She then gave a example of what she smelled from it. I was curious and wanted to smell it myself, but I knew I couldn't right now. Hermoine stepped back to where she was and Slughorn said that it was the most powerful potion in the room

A student looked at Slughorn. "Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one" her head went to the small vile.

He explained that it's a potion called Felix Felicis (Liquid Luck). He then told us that whoever made a Draught of Living Death within the hour would get the tiny vile of Liquid Luck. Everyone turned to page ten in their books and then I went to a cauldron at a table.

The potion was difficult to make, even I struggled with it. I looked around the room and saw that I was not the only struggling student. One kid melted his stirring spoon and another's exploded in his face because he had his head over it like a idiot. Out of one students cauldron came a weird green blob. I looked over to see Hermoine struggling. If she was struggling then that means this definitely is a difficult potion to make. When I looked over at Harry Potter though, he didn't seem to be struggling at all and was making the potion perfectly.

Once the hour was over, Slughorn checked everyone's progress. When he got to Harry's, it was a perfect potion and even Slughorn said so. Harry got the Liquid Luck potion!

Honestly, I don't need luck so I really don't care about it. The class was dismissed and everyone went on their way. I checked my schedule and saw that I have defensive against the dark arts later with...Professor Snape.


I got to DAD and sat down. I was actually one of the last people to get there. He talked a lot about what we will be doing in this class and then he then gave us a assignment on Chimeras. I have read about them and have even ran into one. They are creatures that are part lion, goat, and dragon. They are also very aggressive and really hard to tame or make friends with.

The class was finally over and everyone packed their things. I was one of the last ones to pack up and leave, but before I could take one step from my desk, a student bumped into and knocked me over while rushing out of the class. I fell onto the floor and let out a small yelp, dropping my stuff and scattered it everywhere onto the floor around me. I got off my face and sat on my knees. I was the only student left in the class...

As I was grabbing my stuff from off the ground, I heard footsteps in front of me. I looked at the shoes and they were black toed shoes. I slowly lifted my head to see Professor Snape looking at me.

He sighed heavily, but disappointedly. "Are you alright Harrington?"

I held a book close to my chest and looked at the ground next to me. "I-I'm fine Professor" He sighed again then bent down to help me pick up my stuff. "Y-you don't h-ave to help me s-sir..." he didn't say anything and just continued to pick up my stuff

As I was grabbing my books, he held up a open book. "Did you draw this?"

I looked up and saw him holding my sketchpad. It was the halfly done picture of the moon I drew last night. "I-I...y-yeah I d-did."

"Why do you have it with you?"

"Um...D-drawing helps me f-focus. I would p-probably be f-failing I-if it wasn't for me d-drawing in c-classes"

He gave me a 'Hm' then handed me my sketchpad. I got my last book then grabbed the sketchpad and we both stood up. I looked at the ground next to Snape. "T-thank you P-Professor."

"I suggest you leave. Don't want your friends to worry about you

I looked up at him. "I have no f-friends, but I d-do need to g-go do s-something." I pushed passed him and went onto my next class


Today was Quidditch tryouts for all the houses. I honestly didn't care for the sport, but I wanted to draw the stadium and since today was the only day it was open for the tryouts, I decided to go so I could sketch it.

When I got there, Hazel was sitting down. She gestured next to her. I did not want to, but did it anyways to be polite

"Are you interested in Quidditch?"

"Um...not a-actually. I'm merely h-here to s-sketch the s-stadium."

"Oh! Well I love Quidditch. Someday I'm going to try out for the team!"

"Hope y-you make it!" I give a weak and fake smile.

I opened my sketchpad and began to sketch everything in my vision.

"Are you going to leave the stadium like this or are you going to add the banners and colors on it?"

"I-I don't color my d-drawings, but y-yes I will add the b-banners."

She looked at me for a moment while I continued to work.

"Why do you stutter a lot?"

"I-I was diagnosed with stuttering dis-disorder at a y-young a-age."

"It must be weird and annoying to be stuttering all the time."

I nodded. "It-it can b-be some-sometimes."


It was almost curfew, but I was curious about something. How was Harry Potter doing so well in potions class? I wanted to know so that I could ensure that I continue to get good grades. My father cares about two things while I'm here at hogwarts. Keeping a eye on him and my grades.
