Chapter Twenty-Nine: After the Nightmare

Voldemort looks at the bed and walks over to it. The sheets are still messed up from when I got out of it.

"Are you alright Y/N? I know your still in the room." Voldemort's voice sounds kind of concerned, but he is hiding it.

I clear my throat and switch to my other voice. "I'm fine. Just a nightmare."

"Who's voice is that, My Lord?" Asks a man with medium blond hair, who I believe is Draco's father

Voldemort turns around. "She is the guest I told you about Lucius."

"The one who's staying with us for a while?"

"Yes." He looks around. "Come out of the shadows Y/N."

"As much as I want to, My Lord...I don't have my mask's over on the table."

He sighs "Draco...get her mask." Draco doesn't say anything and does as he is told. After I saw him on the Astronomy tower, I knew he was a death eater and it disgusts me to know he joined forces with such a vile man. He walks over to Voldemort and he takes my mask out of his hands.

"Which shadow are you in?"

"The one next to the bed, My Lord." He throws it at the shadow and I catch it. I put it on and change my hair color, eyes, and height  to my normal height (5'7/152cm) so that Draco won't recognize me then I slowly reveal myself from the shadow. I look at all of them as they look at me in shock.

"Are you sure your alright dear?" Asks the only other woman in the room. She has brown and blond hair and she is very pretty. I assume she is Draco's mom.

"I'm fine. I just had a little nightmare is all. Thank you for your concern Mrs."

She smiles and nods her head. "Your welcome dear. And please call me Narcissa." I nod my head at her in response.

"Since you seem to be fine, Y/N. We shall leave you now."

"Sorry about waking you all up..." Everyone left the room, except the woman. I don't pay her any mind and go to the table that had my mask on it. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Are you sure your alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

I turn around and look at her in shock. "No one, but my siblings has ever asked me to talk about my nightmares......Why do you care?"

"I was just asking dear. You seemed upset when The Dark Lord and I asked earlier so I just want to make sure your alright."

I sigh. This woman reminds me of my mother... "I have nightmares all the time... well they are more visions than nightmares because they all eventually come true and there is nothing I can do to stop them from happening."

"Visions? Your nightmares are visions?"

"'s complicated, but yes..."

"Do you want to talk about what you saw?"

"Uh...The visions aren't exactly clear. I can barely make them out. The only thing that I can see clearly is myself if I'm in them."

"Interesting. And what are the visions that you saw tonight about?"

A few seconds pass by as I ignore her question. "It's late. You should go back to your Chambers. We can continue this conversation tomorrow if you want."

"Wait really? You are willing to talk to me?" I nodded then she smiled and left the room. I grab my sketchpad then walk over to the bed. I wasn't tired anymore so I decided to start drawing my siblings because of how much I miss them.

I draw them both on different pages in their human forms and behind them is their demon forms. In Ellie's human form their hair is a light brown color and their eyes are a green-gray color. They are a inch shorter than I in both our forms. In their demonic form they are a dragon demon and their wings are red and grey and are also kind of huge. Their hair is the same color as mine - black - and their eyes are two different colors - Black and Red. Ellies tail drags on the floor a foot behind them and is the same colors as their wings.

Luke is a lot taller than both me and Ellie in both of our forms. While Ellie is a four foot eleven (150cm) and I am five foot (152cm) exactly, he is five foot eleven (180cm) in his human form. He is six four (193cm) in his demonic form. His hair is black - like mine and Ellies - and his eyes are both yellow. His wings are much smaller than mine and Ellies and are black and a light mustard yellow. In his Human form, his hair dark brown like mine and his eyes are gray-green like Ellie's.

I miss my siblings and wish I could see them too a lot over the summer, but I know that will either never happen or barely happen.


Hours later, I look out the window and admire the beautiful sunrise. Once it fully comes up, I decide to get out of bed and get dressed. I look through my luggage and find a black shirt and some grey jeans. I finished changing then sit on the bed.

I had no idea what to do at this point so I decided to call my sword to me from the underworld. Thankfully, my magic is still connected to the underworld or I might just be useless to The Dark Lord. My sword is a six foot (183cm) long sword and the handle is dark gray and blood red. The blade itself is light gray with a garnet in the shape of a skull in middle of it.

I place the sword in my lap then summon a cloth and sword polish in my hand. I began to polish my sword because of the dirk and a little rust on it. I haven't used my sword since I started going to Hogwarts so it definitely needs a touch up. There then came a soft and calm knock at the door.
