Chapter Twenty-Two: Feelings boiling

I ran all the way out of the castle and saw everyone walking towards Hagrid's hut. I really hope he is not inside. Hagrid is such a amazing professor and I actually enjoy learning about the creatures in the forest from him. The hut then was set on fire by the woman and she began cackling. I hid near a tree that was far enough to where i could hear what is going on, but not close enough to where Severus could sense me.

I looked over and saw Harry shooting spells at Snape. I wasn't sure if I should help him or not...after all...he did kill the headmaster...I stood there and watched as Harry continued to fire spells at him.

"Fight back! Fight back you Coward!" Snape's face lit up with shock and terror at Harrys words. He then tried to fire the spell sectumsempra at him, but he deflect it. He then shot a spell at Harry causing him to fall to the ground and he approached him.

"You dare use my own spells against me Potter?" Harry turned his head towards him and confusion sprung up on my face. "That's right...I am...the Half-Blood Prince." I let out a small gasp and my eyes went wide.

The potions book that I have...belonged to...Severus?!? I couldn't stand being here much longer so I hurried to Snapes office, but I first headed to my dorm to get his advanced potions book. When I get to his office, I place the book onto his table next to his potions that he occasionally works on. I couldn't forgive him for what I saw and I can't use occlomancy on him anymore because I let it slip at Malfoy manor that i look into his mind when he's not paying attention...Maybe I can use the other aocclomancy...I shake the thought away and change into the way i was at the manor and slipped into the shadows to waited for him to come back.


After a hour, he walks into his office. He saw the potions book on his table and opened it. He was surprised to find that it was his old one. He closed it then went to sit at his desk. He sighed then looked over in my direction.

"Why are you watching me Y/N?"

I cleared my throat and switched to my demon voice. "I came to return what belongs to you. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley hid it in the room of requirement."


"The potions book. Is it not yours?"

"How did you know it was mine?"

"I didn't...until....what I saw tonight. You killed the man who trusted you..." I change my outfit to something more casual than my school uniform then step out of the shadows and reveal myself. "Why, if I may ask?"

He glared at me. "That is none of your business!"

"It is my business if we are to work together. You made a demon pact...remember?" He snarled at me. "I could find out myself. Demonic Occlumency is far more stronger than normal Occlumency."

He got out of his chair, walked to me and pinned me to the wall again. "Stay out of my head! Got it!?!?"

I chuckled. "Did you just tell Royalty what to do?" I shot a field out of my body and it knocked him into the shelf behind him. I brushed off my cloak and looked at him. "Don't mess with me Severus. I'm glad we wont see each other for a long while." I looked up as he stood up. "Remember to stick to the pack so you don't end up there in the underworld." and with that I slipped into the shadows behind me and ran out of there.


It has been a few days since the incident and tomorrow is the day the term ends for the summer. I have successfully avoided Snape since I knocked him into his shelf.

Today was the last mail day of the year. I never get mail, but today, I got a letter from home. I knew it was from home because of the demonic symbol seal on it. i opened it and read it to myself.


I cant wait to see you on the platform for the last time for a long while. Ellie and I are going to miss you this summer. A lot has happened since the last time we saw one another. Father found out that you and a teacher have feelings for each other at Hogwarts from his spies there and didn't take the it well once he heard the news.

If you are confused as to why i said i am sad we wont see each other this summer, it is because Father doesn't want you to come home. He has officially kicked you out of the underworld. He is still upset about the betrothal dinner and the fact that you have feelings for a teacher at the school, it just made maters worse.

          -Sincerely your brother, Luke'

The news brought tears to my eyes. I cant believe that father doesn't want me to come home this summer. I don't have anywhere else to go! One of the students looks at me and became concerned.

"Are you alright Emma?" I wipe the tears on my face then stand up, which got the attention of some other students around us.

"I...I'm fine....I just need t-time to myself..." I grabbed the note and stormed off out of the grand hall. I could feel all my emotions coming up from the surface. As I stormed through the halls, the lights flickered and I let the tears run down my face. I speed walk until I hit a dead end. The door to the room of requirement appeared in front of me. I look at the big door then open it and go inside.
