Chapter twenty-five: The Memory

I back up as Snape looks at me sad and disappointed. "Sorry..." He doesn't say anything and looks away from me. He then pushes past me, but I grab his arm. I didn't turn to face him, but I can feel his eyes on me. "Are you going to hate me forever? I sorry that I couldn't tell you...I'm not allowed to give myself away..." I felt him jerk his arm away and I heard his footsteps disappear. I don't dare to look back and hold back the tears in my eyes. I still have feelings for him and regret everything, but I still can't forgive him for what he did. He totally hates me now...

After I wipe my tears, a death eater approaches me and walksme to the guest room. It was almost as big as Voldemort's room. I place my owl on a small desk and open the cage. "Don't leave the room ok? I don't want to get into trouble here." He shoots me a hoot then I move out of his way and he began flying around the room. His name is Hedrid and he loves to fly, even when he's not doing anything for me. I was told he has a sister, but someone got to her before I did. I don't mind having a male Owl, as long as I had a familiar at the time, I was fine with it.

While Hedrid was flying around I decided to not unpack my things due to not knowing how long I would be staying here and change into something other than these ridiculous Hogwarts robes. He did say 'For now' which I assume that he going to find me somewhere to stay for the summer.

While I was changing my shirt, I heard the door open. I gasped, cover my chest and turned around. I saw Snape immediately look away and cover his face and Hedrid went back to his cage. "S-Severus! Why didn't you knock?!?"

"Why is the door not locked?!?" He walk forward a little to get away from the door

"I...I forgot sorry..." I chuckled nervously then grab the shirt I was going to change into and put it on. "You can...look now." He put his hand down and moves his head in my direction, but didn't make eye contact with me. "So w-why are you here?"

He scoffed "I am only here to relay a message. The Dark Lord wants you to know that there will be a meeting sometime next week and everyone is expected to be there."

"Ok then. Anything else?" He don't say anything more and turned around. I don't think and just acted. I pulled him towards me with my magic. He turned around and looked at me.


"um...Sorry...I wasn't thinking and just pulled you towards me." He was about to turn around again, but I jumped onto him and hugged him. "I'm sorry...That night in your office..." My voice is breaking and tears are building up in my eyes. "I had to act differently than normal. It the only way to keep you safe..." I say as the tears roll down my face.

He pries me off of him and looks at me. He sighs then wipes the tears off my face. "If that is all true then why did you shatter my heart?"

I didn't answer him. I didn't want him to know the truth. He was about to walk off, then I yelled... "I was telling the truth! I saw you kill him! Why did you do it?!?"

He looks at me. "That is not your business!"

"You made a demonic pact with me! You have no choice. It has something to do with the pact and I know it!"

He scoffs at me and tries to walk off again, but i noticed a small plant on the desk so i waved my hand; making the branches grow and sent them at him. The branches wrapped around his arms, legs, and whole body, causing him to fall onto the floor. I pull him towards me. "Y/N let me go!" I bent down to his level.

"Not until to tell me why you killed Dumbledore." He looked at me. "Fine then." I put my hand on his forehead. "Ill find out myself."

"Do you dare use your demonic Legilimency on me!" I close my eyes and look though his mind for the memories of Dumbledore.

'Drink the rest. It will contain the curse to your hand for the time being...It will spread' He has Dumbledore's hand in his, they are both in the headmasters office. Dumbledore's hand is slightly black.

'How long?' said Dumbledore

'Maybe a year' replied Snape. He then stood up and tried to walk off.

'Don't ignore me Severus.' His words stops Snape in his tracks and he turned to him. 'We both know that Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to kill me, but should he fail...The Dark Lord will turn to you.' There is a pause as Snape made a realization, I too...made one... 'You must be the one to kill me Severus...It is the only way...only then will The Dark Lord trust you completely.' Another pause and Dumbledor walks slightly closer. 'There must come a time when Harry Potter must be told something, but you must wait until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable.'

'Must be told what?'

'On the night Voldemort went to Godrick's Hallow to kill Harry...and Lilly Potter cast herself between them...the curse rebounded...when that happened, part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only, living thing it could find...Harry himself...There's a reason Harry can speak with Snakes...There's a reason he could look into Lord Voldemort's mind...A part of Voldemort lives inside of him.' Snape's face turned to horror and sadness. Mine turned into shock and tears.

'So when the time comes...the boy must die?'

'Yes, yes' Dumbledore said softly. 'he must die'

There was a long pause. 'You've kept him alive so he can die at the proper moment?...You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter!'

'Don't tell me now that you have grown to care for the boy?' For a few seconds it was quite then it looked like Snape wants to say something, but couldn't find the words. He then raised his wand.

'Expecto Patronum' He said in a soft and calm tone and his beautiful doe Patronus ran around the room and out the window. Dumbledore looks at Snape in surprise.

'Lilly?...After all this time?'

silence donned on the both of them for a few seconds. 'Always' replies Snape. 'So when the time comes...the boy must die?'

'Yes. And Voldemort must do it is essential.' (Just described word for word of the movie: Harry Potter and the deadly hallows part 2 so credit to the movies and J.K roweling!!!)

I couldn't take anymore of this memory and shot myself out of his mind. The branches wrapped from around Snape and I back up into the bed out of fear and shock.
