Chapter fourteen: The dark forest part 2

i walked up to Firenze and hugged him. "Sorry that it has been a while. Since i have gotten back from break, I have been swamped with...stuff."

"Your mission?" I looked at him then gestured behind me. "Oh! you brought someone with you this time?"

I turned to Hazal who looked frightened of him, I walked up to her. "Don't worry, He's f-friendly." I giggled a little. "Don't b-be fooled by a-a centaurs appearance. I-If you d-don't disturb them or be r-rude to them t-then you should be fine o-ok?" She nodded so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards Firenze. "T-This is Hazal and s-she is really interested in m-magical creatures so I d-decided t-to help her out and c-come let her m-meet some magical creatures."

"Interested in magical creatures? You sound like young Hagrid. He would sometimes sneak out too and come to the forest to learn about magical creatures. That's how he knows so much already."

"Hagrid use to sneak out in his younger years too?" she was puzzled

"I k-know he doesn't s-seem like he would, b-but he actually d-did. I actually a-asked him and h-he said he did."

"Wow really? Well it kind of makes sense on how he know so much about so many different creatures now."

"Yeah. He is a really go friend of ours. Would you like to meet the pack?"

"The pack?"

"Yeah, c-centaur's like to h-hunt in packs so t-they are a-always counting on e-each other. T-The only time y-you see them a-alone is i-if t-they did s-something t-to get k-kicked o-out of their p-pack or t-they have a good r-reason t-to be alone."

Hazal looked at Firenze "Did you get kicked out or to do you have a reason to be here alone?"

"I have a reason. I smelled y/-...I mean...Emma's scent so i told the pack that I would be right back. Lets go meet them shall we?" we both nodded at him then followed him. We arrived at a whole bunch of other centaur's chatting and some were even eating. "Everyone. Look who I found in the forest again and this time, She brought a friend with her." All the other centaur's walked over to us. I introduced Hazal who was clinging to my arm because she is scared. The centaur's greeted her kindly and I had to ensure her many times that they are all friendly and won't hurt her. we sat down on a nearby log and chatted with some centaur's. Soon Hazal grew fond of being around the centaur's and became more interactive around them. I looked over at a group of centaur's then saw Firenze walk off on his own.

i got up from off the log then turned to Hazal. "I'll b-be r-right back ok?" She nodded and I turned around and left. I found Firenze standing by a tree looking into the darkness. "Are you ok Firenze? You just walked off from the group. That is unlike you." He looked at me.

"I'm fine. Its just that...lately i have been feeling like something is missing or something bad is going to happen to the school of Hogwarts and i cant shake the feeling."

"Really? I dont know if anything will happen or not. The furture is not set in stone after all."

"Yeah. Still cant shake the feeling. Maybe it will go away soon or not."

"try not to worry about it ok? Lets have fun tonight with the others and Hazal ok?" He nodded.

"what's with you stuttering so much around that girl?"

"Its part of my cover. No one would suspect that the shy stuttering girl is doing anything secretive right?"

"Guess your right. Just a warning though. Don't take her near Aragog. You wouldn't want to get in trouble for accidently killing another student now would you?"

"Yeah. ill try my best not to run into his family too."

"Good. Now if you want to introduce her to more of the creatures then I suggest that you best be going now. We can catch up some other time."

"One last thing before I go." I turned to face him. "I tried something. I took her into the shadows with me. Of course she had her eyes closed so I wouldn't reveal myself, but while in the shadows, my energy got drained really fast and now...well..."

"You need blood?" i nodded. "Alright fine. You may take some blood from me, but not too much like you did last time. I could barley stand" I chuckled nervously while Firenze extended his arm. I took his wrist into my hands and took out some blood. I didn't take too much so he could at least stand, but he might be a his mind might be a little foggy.

I pulled away and looked up at him. "Thanks. That should kick in soon, though, I suggest you get some rest when me and Hazal leave."

"I will. Now let us go back to the others." We headed back and I saw Hazal laughing with the other centaurs.

i walked over to her and sat down. "A-Are y-you ready to g-go?" She looked at me sad. "If y-you want to see m-more creatures then le-lets go. Don't w-worry, some day w-we will come b-back here, I promise." she looked at me and smiled. I turned to the centaurs on the way out and waved. "Bye e-everyone. H-Hope to see you all a-again soon."

"Bye everyone!" we continued walking until she stopped. she turned to me and smiled; trying not to giggle. "Want to see something cool?" she let out a small giggle that was kinda adorable.

i sighed. "Ok ill bite. What is it?"

she let out another giggle then touched my shoulder and ran off. "Tag! your it. Come and get me!"

i let out and sigh then smiled and giggled; running after her. "Come h-here you!" I chased her into the darkness while giggling. we were tunning until I realized what direction she was running too. "Hazal! Hazal Stop!" she was too far ahead to hear me.
