Truth or Dare

As we were playing truth or dare, i get asked and i said truth.

"Is it true you have a crush on dream" Asked Sapnap, i don't know what's up with him but he obviously up to something.

I denied it as i said before i didn't want my feelings to get in the way of our friend group. I looked over to Dream and he looked hurt, i felt bad. George, Tommy, and Tubbo were shocked and was confused. I didn't know what else to say so i just left.

Dream walks in and said "Did you mean that?"

I, i said no. I confessed and he hugged me. It was still cold in our motel room so hugging him felt great. He felt warm like a marshmallow at the perfect temperature.

I was tired and wasn't up to play games so i went to sleep early. Dream played minecraft for a little bit, he played with the boys and then went to bed. He went closer to me and cuddle me, feeling his arms around felt good. I felt safe.

Again morning came around, i woke up in his arms and he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him so i moved closer and wrapped my arms around him. He smelt good, never realized that before. He smelt like roses mixed with cologne, but the cologne smell was a fresh smell. When he woke up he noticed me hugging him.

"Hey, Y/N. You awake?" He whispered, wondering if i was sleeping or not so he wouldn't accidentally wake me.

I nodded and he proceeded to get up. It was still cold and i didn't pack warm clothes.

"Dream do you have a sweatshirt i could borrow, it's cold and i'm not ready to leave yet." i said with a shiver in my voice. He handed me his sweatshirt he cleaned not to long ago and put a new one on.

I got up and begun packing. A few minutes later we heard a knock at our door, it was sapnap. He was checking up on us and saw that i was wearing Dreams sweatshirt.

"Well looks like you two made up, get ready in 20, we're leaving and going to get breakfast." Sapnap said on his way out the door.

Dream and i looked at each other and giggled, i continued getting ready and packed. Dream was already packed and ready to go.
