
As we got in the car, i was driving and Dream sat next to me. He kept teasing me and poking me. By the time it got to 4pm we had dinner. Early for dinner but we were all hungry and tired.

We had dinner but while talking, everyone kept bugging us about my status with Dream. I got uncomfortable so Dream was answering for me. He could tell i got uncomfortable, that made me happy.

We all got in the car, and i was sat in the back with George. I fell asleep with my head on the window, and George was poking me to make sure i was asleep. Dream was in the passenger seat watching and laughing. I thought nothing of it.

When they stopped i was still asleep, so George and Dream switched places. Dream moved my head to his shoulder then he put his head on mine.

I woke up 3 hours before we arrived and realized i was on Dreams shoulder. His head was on me so i didn't want to move, not to long he woke up and moved his head. i have neck pain.

"How was your nap?" Dream asked in a whisper.

"Fine, you weren't in it though." I said teasing him, for a little we were just talking and play fighting.

Sapnap looks back and says "Jeez your like childeren"

"Like your one to talk" i reluctantly said with a snark at the end.

Since we were three hours away, Dream and i played minecraft with Sapnap and George. We didn't spend long on it, we stopped at a gas station for my gas and i needed the restroom.
