On the road!

It's been a while since i've been on a road trip. Didn't expect it to be with my friends. Tommy, George, Sapnap, Tuboo, and Dream are with me on this road trip. We usually just play minecraft and barley meet up, but this was tommy's idea for a road trip.

"Are you packed and ready Y/N?" said dream "We're leaving in 30 minutes."

With him saying those words woke me up from my dream. I was late for this road trip, something that happens a lot when i'm late.

"Uhh, i'm not ready but i'm packed!" i said reluctantly, I panicked and rushed to the bathroom with all my stuff. I'm not surprised i'm late but i'm just embarrassed.

I was packed and ready, by the time everyone was already loaded and getting into the car. I believe they were gonna leave without me, I was barley ready all i did was shower, change my clothes, and brush my teeth. I thought of brushing my hair in the car and to do my makeup in the car as well, but i was in a car full of boys so that was going to be difficult.

While in the car for the first 30 minutes, i was seated next to Tuboo and Sapnap in the back. The car has seven seats, two in the way back next to the trunk, three in the middle, and two in front. While i was brushing my hair next to these two, i accidentally hit Sapnap in the face because of a speed bump. Let's just say that didn't go well.

At that point i didn't bother to do my makeup, i was to tired. So then Tommy brought up the idea of playing Mad Libs. it was fun while it lasted but then we all got bored and stopped playing.
