Story time!

Like an hour or so into the car ride we stopped at a gas station. We all switched seats and driver as well. We bought snacks and filled up the gas and we were on our way again. This time i was seated with Tubbo and Tommy. For the longest time i had developed a crush on dream, but if i said anything it'll ruin the friend group.

We told stories, and it came across me to tell a story. I told a story on how dream and i met. We basically just met through minecraft nothing much. We were playing bedwars and i almost beat him but at the end he killed me. He added my discord and ever since we talked and talked.

"That was a really boring story Y/N" said tommy

"WELL it was better then yours!" i said, "anyways WHO TALKS ABOUT PANDAS." as i said that i felt bad, but then we all laughed because his story was funny.

"Okay, okay my time to tell a story" Dream said while he was looking at me, i said nothing but blushed while looking at Tommy.

His story went on for about a minute it was just about him ranting about fruit berries and technoblade. Kinda funny.

A few hours in we stopped again at a gas station. I went to the bathroom and Tommy and Tubbo got snacks. When i got out i bumped into dream and he said we needed to go, and that i was driving.

To be honest, i never agreed to drive next.

As we were driving George sat next to me in the passenger seat and dream was all the way in the back. All i thought about was Dream during that ride. Then Tommy broke the silence and said to give him the aux. We all said no, but he got it anyways and played decent music. We were jamming to it.
