Night Fall

As night came, Our last stop and switch for the night came. The switch placed Dream and me in the way back, Tommy and Tubbo in the middle, and George in the passenger seat and Sapnap driving.

Tommy and Tubbo passed out with their heads on the windows. George passed out with his head back and his mouth open, I wasn't getting sleepy for a while and Dream and Sapnap were still awake.

Dream and i were playing minecraft PE and sapnap was listening to music to keep his mind awake for the drive. I start to get sleepy and tell Dream that so we stopped playing minecraft for a little so i could nap. I accidentally sleep on dreams shoulder so he moves closer for me to rest easily. He decides to go to sleep once i do so he rests his head on mine.

From the mirror Sapnap sees and smiles a little then continues driving. When dawn creaks, Tommy is the new driver, Sapnap and George are in front of Dream and I, and Tubbo is in the passenger seat. Dream is awake and looking out the window, my head still on dreams shoulder. I wake up and realize where my head is and i blush a little and go back to sleep.

At our next stop we got breakfast at Mcdonald's and went to the closest gas station to fuel on gas. We all went to the bathroom and i over hear there conversation.

"So you and Y/N" said Sapnap.

"It's not like that okay, she fell asleep and coincidentally i did to, on her head." Dream said with a stutter in his voice.

"Okay but this switch your driving, and Y/N is taking passenger, Tommy and me will sit in back and George and Tubbo will sit in middle" Sapnap said with a confident voice.

Dream didn't say anything, but before i knew it, Dream and Sapnap come out of the bathroom. I didn't know what to do because if i stayed it obviously looked like i was listening in on there convo. But what i didn't know was that tubbo was behind me also listening in, He was asking me about Dream and before a question i didn't want to answer, Dream and Sapnap came out of the bathroom laughing.

I blushed, Dreams laugh is so cute. We all got in the car and on our way back to the road.
