Back on the Road

In the car George was driving Tommy was in the passenger seat, Dream and Tubbo were in the way back and Sapnap and I were in the middle. I got aux this time and played minecraft music. That was a bad idea on everyone's part besides Tommy's.

While Tommy was jamming to the music, Dream, Sapnap, Tubbo and i played minecraft. We played until we stopped mid afternoon. We went to the gas station and got snacks until dinner. We switched again and i was with Tommy in the back and Dream and Sapnap were in front. Dream was driving and every now and then he would glance to see if i was okay. Dealing with Tommy and stuff.

Tommy was cool to sit next to, minus his screaming. Tommy and i played eye spy like little kids we are, he got bored of hit and started to play on his phone. I got bored as well and stared out the window. It was quite and i was tired but not to tired to go to sleep.

It was silent till dinner, we had Burger king. It was good and it satisfied my hunger. It was night again, i was next to Dream in the middle, Tommy and Tubbo up front and George and Sapnap in the back. Dream and i held hands through out the way. I fell asleep, my hand still holding his. He didn't fall asleep, instead he was watching me sleep.

He thought i was cute sleeping, weird but okay. George looks back and whispers something to Dream. I didn't hear what they were saying to each other but George was making Dream laugh and smile. I didn't get jealous but i was curious on what they were talking about.

When i woke up, i asked what they were whispering about and they said someone special to Dream. I was confused and just thought they were talking about George so i shrugged it off. Our last pit stop before we arrived to our destination i asked Dream again, alone so i didn't have george's input. He said they were talking about. I realized that the special person to Dream was me, i blushed and walked away.

He giggled and walked towards me, the way towards the car. We sat together again the back of the car. It was morning and we had one more day of driving till our destination. I believe we're going to a campsite, an old one Tommy and Tubbo use to go together.
